My symptoms have made me suicidal and propecia caused this

I’m really pleased that you’ve felt able to share this with the guys on the forum. As I see it what you have said are positives as the things that you have identified are things that you can work on and I am sure that losing some weight and working on friendships will help a lot with both your mental and physical well being. Although still difficult in their own way, these are things that you do in many ways have control over and hopefully you will have access to health professionals that can help you with this. Although time in and of itself has the capacity to reveal untold improvements, you are in a position where you still have a lot of power to look at other factors to work towards a more optimum health status, so it is absolutely not the time to think of throwing in the towel, and I am so pleased that you are chosing to hold on to the towel as it were for just now :slightly_smiling_face:. As I’ve said, I feel that what you have said are positives and that your life holds so much untapped potential.


Yes. Thanks. I need to try.

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Great advice, it’s yours to take back and improve upon. Exercise alone will help with your weght confidence and t levels. Give it time and be patient. Think and feel yourself better, believe it and it will trickle in to your mindset. Not over night though it will take perserverance. Fight the food craving that antidepressants throw your way. Drink a glass of water as an alternative. This will become the norm after a while. Sorry I hope I’m not stating the obvious. Good luck


Try to look at life through the lens of making overcoming this your purpose in life. It might be hard to see but you could very easily have a more purposeful life now which is inheritably more enjoyable in the long run. make this adversity define you in a positive way, you will come out better the other side.


Yes, it actually does.

Will it be exactly as same as my prefinas time?


Yes, you can recover 100%

Read this if you’re feeling down:

Also check out Swole source’s PFS recovery section. I myself am doing cdnuts protocol and it’s definitely an improvement, especially after a fast. I would recommend doing a fast right now actually, if you’ve never done one before. Just don’t eat for the next 2-3 days, it personally makes me feel like I’m a child again due to the inflammation clearing.

It will get better man. If you need to message me I am pretty knowledgable on environmental xenoestrogens (hint: it’s why most men are sexually unattractive nowadays) and PFS.


I struggle with suicidal thoughts and parasuicidal behaviour too. I have been having these thoughts for years now, even before PFS (though PFS has made them worse). Please don’t go ahead with it and try got reach out to someone if you feel the need to.
I am still struggling but I always tell myself that suicide isn’t guaranteed and a failed attempt could make my situation in life a whole lot worse. It’s absolutely not worth it, a permanent solution for a temporary problem.

As for recovering, our situations are seem similar (mainly sexual sides) and generally things are going better for me. I’m about 8 months in, I have days where I still feel like shit but I also have days where I am fully functional and feel like my old self again. I am going for 100% recovery no matter what too, focus on recovery and remember that it is possible, doubting recovery will only hinder it.

Anecdotally, there are things you can do too to promote recovery, for now I can recommend a paleo-like diet which I am doing rn. Avoid vices like alcohol and tobacco, both of those set me back a lot.

Hang in there bud, and feel free to message me if you want a chat or want some advice about PFS in general.

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Hey, I know how you feel. It can feel desperate sometimes, but PFS is actually something many people recover from.

Remember that all the people who recover disappear from this website very quickly, because they stop posting. The people who stay generally still need help (and we’re happy to give it). But this can create the impression that everyone here is doing really badly when actually that’s not true. All you can see is the people sitting in the hole with you and you can’t see the many more people who’ve climbed out - but they exist.

Loads of people have slowly recovered over time and go on to lead normal lives - don’t lose sight of that. Many things can change in a few short years.


Dear friend, I have been in PFS for a long time, and I am still. I had/have(I am definitely better now) a really bad PFS, with gyno(as I have also high prolactine, you won’t believe that but fucking milk got out of my nipples when everything started LOL), ED, and practically all the side effects you can read on the leaflet. But you know what, I have much more sex now than before Finasteride, and with beautiful girls. I probably had more girls in my life now than most guys out there will ever see. And I am not the good looking guy. PFS is not an excuse to not have sex. It’s the exact opposite. PFS is an excuse to have more sex.
What you are saying, that you will never have sex, is false, unless you surrender. What propecia does is terrible, but it has one positive aspect, it is an excuse to get stronger than anyone else. And girls love that. They don’t love guys crying down. Life is about being tough my friend, with or without PFS, but PFS will make you stronger.

Girls did never come knocking at my door, and still they don’t. But now it’s a tad different, I have many problems, from health to economical ones, almost everyone in this life does.
Despite this, girls now love me. Because I got stronger, and they feel that.

I know it’s not easy, but man the earlier you act the better it is for you. In many movies a girl would hear you are suffering and then make you a happy guy. That won’t most probably happen. You need to start having sex and make it a normal condition.

Remember in this phase you can use PDE inhibitors. I know it’s really not cool, but you will not have to worry your dick getting soft. Get used to them, it’s just a way to stop worrying about it and to focus on the girl.
It is important for your health to have sex. You are young and your body is going to heal.
So start doing it. You have to possibilities in my opinion. Or you start getting good at picking up girls, and there are plenty of books to do that (I can suggest one), or start by prostitutes. Don’t give a shit about it. Do it. Do it as a man.
Focus on getting your life good, make money, make friends, exercise, make sex, and all your life will go well and you will heal. Even if you don’t heal and your sexuality stays down, you still have the pills to help you out. No need to worry. Enjoy life my friend.

Furthermore, many research has been done and a research aiming at a cure is now ongoing. So don’t despair, these days even 80 YO guys do sex. You have plenty of time to heal and to have more sex than you would like.

You can write me in private. I am pretty older than you now and I can give you a few hints on getting your life straight if you feel like.

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Hope he’s still with us. PFS is no reason to kill yourself. Not when you can take conscious steps against it.

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Please start by getting in shape, go to a nutritionist and follow his indications religiously.
About the fact that you are alone, I really know the feeling. Change that too: the best thing I can suggest is theater lessons. Become an actor in your spare time. That will really help you out. Remember that you become what you act like. It’s neurology, not fiction. Life is a stage my friend. Look at those people that you would like to be like and start acting like them, it will become natural. You will have to learn a lot of things but you will really get a good life. Follow other live courses too. You will learn to make friends.


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Do you have good sexual sensation and do you have difficulty with orgasm? Just curious.

It really depends on the day. Sometimes I need a help from the pill, sometimes I feel almost normal. PDE inhibitors can cause penis “numbness” and it can take some more time to have an orgasm, but honestly when you see that you can make your girl come more times in a row, that makes your day.

I know I have often thought of killing myself when I was younger, I had this plan to jump off Merck’s headquarters building but I would make sure reporters were there so they would know what propecia does to people. I was 21 and a virgin when I first got my side effects but it will get better with time you just have to find other things in this life to enjoy and have a different outlook and attitude toward sex. Travel really helped me out of my depression slump that and finding supportive friends.

Wait 5 years dude, you could improve.

Hey mate. Listen to me. What you are experiencing now, this is temporary. You will get better and you will recover. Trust me, I too was on the verge of suicide when I first crashed, what I experienced I would not wish on my worst enemy. But I am here now, on the other side, I have improved so much and would never consider suicide now. I know how difficult it is when you are in that dark hole, but you just need to understand that this is temporary and you will get through this. Many people have been in your shoes before and pulled through to the other side. Please do not hesitate to reach out for guidance from the community here. We are here and we want to help. Suicide is never the answer.

Please do not compare yourself to other people. This is a time for you to be strong. This is an opportunity for you to develop and grow. You will become a much more stronger person after this experience. They say that women hit the wall and men need to climb the wall. Just think, once you get through this you are going to be so much more ahead in life. You are only 20, even if it takes you a couple years to recover, you still have your whole life ahead of you to make up for it. This is an opportunity for growth and development. Always chose to think positive.

Watch this video man. Understand how much worse of a situation you could be in. Do not compare yourself to other people, but instead be grateful. Just realise how much worse your life could have been, and be grateful for the things that you do have. You could have been born a kid and killed from cancer, born in Syria and beheaded by ISIS, born in Africa and starved to death at 3 years old. Always choose to be grateful and positive for everything in your life.

Just do good things every day, be kind and patient with yourself, and you will improve and recover with time.

Suicide is never the answer man, you will get through this.


Did u improve ? Actually I’ve completed 4 yrs with PFS so little worried and ur rply gives me a hope again .