My Sleep Study Results

That’s good to hear someone getting better even if it’s not all the way. Have you had noticeable improvements in cognitive problems/brain fog since getting pfs?

i understand perfectly your battle with sleep.

can you get 8 hours straignt now?

i am working on it and made some progress. i have managed to rest 8 horus, but they are not straight. i take alprazolam+oxazepam. the oxazepam pharmokinetics made all the difference for me. i mix it with melatonin to avoid tolerance and seems to be working OK for the moment. Also very important are earplugs in my case, I bought some special ones which made all the difference.

My biggest issue now is that I need a way to improve this in order to get 8hours straight otherwise my circadian rythm is all broken and i wake up too lat ein the day, which is iincompatible with a job. So i will try a few more meds but Im getting there it seems.

Withouth proper sleep its impossible to recover.

Since starting seroquel I can get hours hours. Its the depth and quality of my sleep that needs work.

Hi Jamie, how is your insomnia now? Hope you had some improvement the last 9 months.

Yes slow improvements in quality.

I have added in namenda/memantine for help with sleep quality/anxiety:

I also throw in some phenibut every now and then (especially on weekends when I can get extra sleep).

Starting growth hormone again tomorrow.

Still maintain that seroquel was my big break through- 50 mg a night will suffice if you are still struggling with sleep.


I have similar sleep disorder. I used the drug for 5-6 years and having heavy sleeping problems. I wanna ask about your treatment. I think i have to think to make something to improve otherwise it makes hard the life during the day. I doubt that how many years it will take to recover.

Is that the seroquel cured the problem temprorarily ?

I used olanzapine for a few days and it made me sleep way deeper. Unfortunately sleep onset was a problem and tolerance also developed fast. I think if you are not using a z drug already you should add it to Seroquel.this will stabilize sleep spindles. And maybe replace Seroquel with olanzapine as this increases deep sleep much more

Wondering how your insomnia is going. My sleep seems to fluctuate. I only get about 2 hours at a time and then wake up. As of now I can go back to “sleep” but its totally unrefreshing. I’m concerned that it will degrade. Also, where do you guys get access to all these drugs? It seems like every post is a new pharmaceutical that people are trying. Are you in Europe? Seems like I could never get any of this stuff in the US.

To bring some hope here a good news story:
After being unable to sleep longer than 5 hours for 2 months in 2017, I naturally recovered in the 3rd month :grinning:

Guess my sleep problems (or more accurately early wake up problems) were after all just caused by stress after stopping finasteride and discovering my ED was permanent. Probably bad habits like checking the clock when I woke up worsened things. I had sleep therapy which helps a little bit. (Mainly preventative; surely no wonders!)

Hope this might reassure people a bit. Unfortunately this does not apply to everyone but in some cases insomnia is just caused by… worrying about insomnia.

Now erectile dysfunction is again the nr 1 problem in my life :partying_face: !!!

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