My skin video showing how messed up it is

Disheartening but I had to break carnivore. I felt my penis going colder and felt very sick. Last night I ate some cheese woke up at 5 am with an erection. I have a tiny semblance of a libido today although my bloating came.back 10 fold. Almost instantly . I just ate about 1/4 a can of beans and very tired. I’m going to fast rhe rest kf the day and see what happens . Maybe I’ll try on and off again carnivore idk

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Is cheese not allowed in carnivore diet?

It is yes but the black beans are not

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I’m currently carnivore, and it took me about six months to finally break into zero carbs.

I “flatlined” in the beginning, when I tried to go into zero carbs right away. I lost all erection ability, loss of energy, more foggy, basically everything, but x10 worse. Same thing with fasting.

After I eased into it. I’m better And it’s defiantly the best diet (for me). Any carbs push me into a worse state. I’ve seen people get better on many different diets, the only thing that’s common between all, is it’s always “clean”. Low inflammatory, no gluten, sugar, artificial, etc…

I think the carnivore, if you can break into it and afford it, is easily one of the best. I also find it extremely “masculating” to devour pounds of game, meat, etc. Idk why. :smile:

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Good point. But… My take on dietary studies is that they tend to focus on extremes and, in general, show increased incidences of metabolic syndrome and cancer among those who eat copious amounts of red meat and vitamin deficiencies and general frailty among strict vegetarians.

Human teeth and digestive systems suggest we’re adapted to being omnivorous and our closest primate relatives are opportunistic carnivores. That includes including spiders and insects in their diets.

I had what I’m pretty certain is gout during a period I was trying hard to gain muscle and eating some combination of steak, pork, burgers, and eggs 2-3 meals a day 7 days a week to achieve my goals. . This was a period of horrible fatigue, aches and pains constantly, and very high blood pressure. This also included plenty of french fries, pizzas, and pastas in the mix, so it isn’t comparable to strict carnivore, but the main thing that changed in this time was adding lots of meat on top of an already pretty bad diet.

Processed foods and “junk” foods are a human thing and, for me personally, the greatest benefit of a changing diet over the years was when I began drastically reducing (but not quite eliminating) their intake. This is approximately when my fatigue and joint and muscle pains began improving for the first time in ten years after being hit with PAS. Unfortunately, it didn’t do much for sexual function or mood, if anything.

@hippydoof, @tjanok, that’s why I ask if either of you have tried something closer to what would be considered a “clean” Mediterranean, keto, or paleo diet before jumping into strictly eating meat?

Why all the hate for vegetables?

Is there evidence of some great benefit of a carnivorous diet over simply eliminating junk foods and foods with a high glycemic index?

I don’t care enough to get into a heated debate about what other people are eating. Just sharing my view and genuinely curious what the reasons are for such a drastic diet.


Everything crashes me man. Vegetables and greens especially. The truth is I don’t know. I don’t know what does or does not work for me. This disease works different for everyone and there is science behind carnivore helping and healing. For example I ate some cheese and my bloating instantly returned. Within 1 min i blew up like a balloon. I know its allowed on carnivore but the diary is bad for me. I broke carnivore and ate some black beans. My energy has returned somewhat the last cppl days. Last night I ordered a pizza too because I am an idiot but I think I should carb backload if I’m going to attempt this again and ease Into it. I am currently bloated to all hell and feel like shit but have enough energy to go out atleast. Carnivore absolutely reduces if not eliminates inflammation. For me tho it is a massive adjustment and my body is so shit already. But the proof diet alone helps is there in those pics I posted above. It is restorative but it’s all about finding a balance. Doing paleo or keto you’ll be eating a ton of 5ari foods all the time which I can not do. Carnivore is basically keto and many keto have switched switched found more improvement. But again I don’t have the answer to any of this I’m just trying to survive. There is no argument to be had. If you try something and it works for you then God bless you

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Hey, @Greek, @Dubya_B, @hippydoof, @Cbrandel, @tjanok, you are all old pfs and pas veterans, would be good if you would show up in the pfs network podcasts or moral medicine. Our only way to fight the prepetators, that they can’t hide their crimes.

No one looks weirder than me! What I have to loose, they all know my malheur?

Manu’s story

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My brief research of carnivore is mixed, as with everything else. I was sold on it, when I see way too many antidotes of people who switched and suddenly their autoimmune issues just dissipated. But would return with the reintroduction of carbs.

My self personally, well before PFS, when I attempted to “clean” my diet and introduce “power greens” and otherwise things that were deemed more healthy then my processed junk, i never really felt better. I went low carb, high clean carb, mixed of keto, paleo etc and felt the same each time. I settled on high fat/protein, and starchy carbs, and felt the best. (Again, pre-PFS)

So I haven’t tested keto/paleo after I was hit with this crap. But knowing my previous body, and what it likes. Virtually eliminated greens, and continuing high protein/quality fat, with no carbs. Which keeps all issues from fluctuating via diet. Which really helps on having a stable day.

However, even with that being said. I have encountered high blood pressure, had to maintain electrolytes via trace minerals and there was most definitely a transitional period. But I dropped to my lowest body fat percentage in my entire life, and muscle is obtained significantly easier.

For sure it can’t work for everyone. No way in hell could I be vegetarian, I would feel horrific. But plenty of people do feel improved/better.

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Thanks for the responses guys.

@Exsexgod, yeah, I spoke with Erik about doing an interview for the Moral Medicine channel for the sake of having a PAS patient in the mix. Did a similar style of interview about PAS a few years ago, but it is no longer available. Thanks for getting your story out.

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Skin is destroyed. My digestion has shut off I can’t eat anything. Its just blaoted bubbling gurgling mess. I feel so hideously disgusting and dead in every way possible.

My time is drawing to a close I am not even fucking around or playing anymore. I do not want this life.

People are moving and I am stuck here. I’m so depressed and derealized. The one person who would have stuck by me despite this I broke off like a fool because of my mental health. If you find those who love you and understand you and accept you with this disease for the love of fucking God do not up! I lost an angel who I love and I will regret it forever! We had problems. No I had problems I could have worked on but now its too late.

I am not a participant in life and I’ve taken such a nose dive in the past 2 months I don’t see a way to keep going much longer. I can’t deny it I can’t lie to myself anymore.


My poor body. God damn it. My poor soul dude how much more am I supposed to take?


So I lay down demotivated on my couch day in day out for 2 1/2 year. And I should visit sport training, a psychotherapie, get some motivation to do something, go on diaet and healthy food because I’m 150 kg now from frust eating and drinking with a not normal digestion, I should inject HCG that my shrunken fluffy olive gets a cock again and I feel good and enjoy sex again. But there is no basic motivation to do anything.

I feel with you in your pain and suffering. And a life lost for the profit of the fucking Roche Family living an enormous billionaires life in switzerland or the fucking Black Rock, Vanguard and their investor family thrusts behind Merck and Organon.

You and some others in the podcasts and the reddit and propecia help tell the ugly truth about this diseases. Can understand the young ones looking for recovery testing every shit con artists make big money with. Some recoveries maybe true, most are fakes in the cycle of lies.

I don’t offer you the solution with potatoe diaet or a revolutinary snake venom cure, I only offer you my understanding for the way you feel.



Skin is done. It’s paper thin and putty. I’m a sci fi experiment. A freak. I’m 38 yo. My skin is done. What now?


I think the prunes did this to me . Crashed my skin maybe the boron or phytoestrogens. I only ate two but I felt very weird after. Anyway ya . Life is war.

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Here’s my thigh skin and mid section in graphic detail. My Dr’s assure me nothing is wrong and this is all in my head. This is totally normal right? All this disintegration of tissue is normal at 38 years old correct?

This has spread all over my body. It’s happening like this on my arms now aswell as my face.


I am 38


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It’s horrible man, these fuckers should be locked up for life. WE know it’s recoverable keep going K. :heart: and thanks for sharing its important that this is out there as evidence as to what happened to us.


We all know the answer to your question @hippydoof. I really don’t know what planet your doctors are on. Does part of their training include the following: if you don’t know the answer to any medical concerns presented by the patient, gaslight them. Truly Orwellian behaviour.

As Ry says, thanks so much for sharing, and I’m so sorry that you’re experiencing all of this.


It’s a nightmare man. I look like I’ve been through a paper shredder and they don’t see it. It has been happening for years that they don’t believe me. I’m at a loss.


I don’t know how they can’t see it. Could you maybe take a family member along with you to an appointment and see how they get on lying to both your faces?