My situation and honesty

I feel I need to get this off my chest, when I first crashed because of Finasteride within a few days I landed on propeciahelp seeking advice but nobody here had warned me to stay away from Ketoconazole a known 5 alpha reductase inhibitor which was prescribed to me by my doctor that I had been using for about a year with no side effects but this eventually lead to a much worsening of my condition as I remember vividly being in the shower using it and my hands and feet went numb that eventually lead to the most severe neuropathy a human could imagine. I had all the hallmarks of Guillain barre syndrome except doctors said it wasnā€™t so something deep inside at the cellular level was going haywire; a microglia cell dysfunction of some sort and eventually I crashed a few days later while eating in a Cafe. Moving on I was sent to a Psychologist who prescribed me Sertraline and yet no warnings were given to me about it being a 5alpha reductase inhibitor from anybody and at 6 weeks I felt no beneficial effects whatsoever and stopped cold turkey, during this period my pain amplified 10 fold, I was crying for hours every single day, I was curled up in a ball in my room with my parents continuously keeping me on suicide watch and even had neighbors complain to a family friend they had never heard cries like it thatā€™s the type of physical pain I was in just torture. Months on I realized that I had lost the entire subcutaneous fat from my face and the hard layer from the soles of my feet every step now feels like Iā€™m walking on bone, my entire physiology has changed from an athletic build to someone who is frail and weak with bulging disks in my back. I guess what Iā€™m saying to people here is that you have NO idea just how bad it can get I promise you, I have seen people take their lives for much sinister issues here but in my current state Iā€™d doubt there would be anyone alive on this forum.

If this is going to be a refuge for people who have been hit by Finasteride then there shouldnā€™t be any mention of supplements whatsoever and past History of them should be deleted, you have people coming here who are in critically vulnerable states who are desperate and will use confirmational bias to try something out of desperation that could inflict serious untold damage and these people are in no states to be influenced by previous users. Two supplements that were recommended here by individuals absolutely destroyed me causing me to loss hearing in both ears and as a consequence I now have debilitating hyperacusis, extreme tinnitus and vestibular damage drastically reducing my hopes of at least being able to cope with PFS in fact it was the reason I ended up in a psyche ward for 3 months because I was going to take my own life.

When I got hit by this drug from a single pill I did everything in my power to get the word out that meant making personal videos, statuses on social media and contacting every newspaper, politician, radio stations I could find even going onto hair loss forums and telling my story despite the abuse from people who were pro Finasteride but that didnā€™t matter to me I was saving lifeā€™s and young men from the destruction that I had faced with many who were on the fence about taking it thanking me personally. If I had of known there was individuals who were hit by one pill of this poison before me there isnā€™t a hope in hell Iā€™d have touched it so apart of me does feel resentment because there was people here before me that were hit with one pill and yet their stories were hidden away from the public in the dark corners of the internet and that is why Iā€™m reluctant in partaking in community projects when mods arenā€™t as forthcoming to do the same and look lads I really do like some of you but thatā€™s just honesty speaking.

Another thing, I do feel that there is an unrealistic view in acquiring government funding for this disease, I started a group that now has 10k members with many being injured from pharmaceuticals, you soon realize the complexity of the issues and seeing the amount of scandals and government cover ups with other medications is so shocking that I donā€™t believe they would willingly hand over millions to undermine regulatory agencies like the MHRA who are fully funded by the pharmaceutical industry through licensing fees. For hearsay if a grant was issued and scientists soon uncovered that Finasteride did in fact cause a mutation in individuals leading to permanent damage this would soon leave Merck and Co open for liable action and that just isnā€™t going to happen Iā€™m afraid. The only way is through private funding, perhaps pooling resources and starting fundraising campaigns instead of waiting on the unknown. Also there is lack of awareness on social media of which I have stressed before, why is this of significance? because it has over a billion users and it much easier to reach the masses. With my story alone I had people reach out to me that arenā€™t on this website one was a young man from my local town with a tiny population and another was a women who took two pills and was displaying an array of symptoms months on so to me Iā€™m thinking there must be a boat load of others suffering and not connecting the dots, I just think limiting yourselves to one website is detrimental to the cause.


Please use paragraphs.


I did.

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I sympathize with what you are going through, it does sound like you have had a time thatā€™s close to torment and thatā€™s dreadful.
Thereā€™s already a fair amount of moderation that goes on in this forum , if stuff like supplements starts getting moderated too then this wouldnā€™t qualify as a forum anymore in my eyes.
The beauty of it is that this is a place where we are searching for solutions to a problem and supplements have the potential to improve our lives somewhat and ā€˜mayā€™ help solve part of the problem .

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In my opinion supplements have caused more damage than what theyā€™re worth ending the life of one individual using reservatrol and causing osteoprosis in another using vitamin D and cost me my hearing and complete sanity which will probably lead to my eventual death. At the start when I crashed I could still play video games, my cognition was bad but not to a point that I now feel like I have borderline dementia, people with acute PFS have just no idea just how bad this condition can get it can reach a point that it becomes life threatening. To save someone from themselves its better to eradicate and limit hazards and educate individuals coming here seeking advice, I wouldnā€™t want to be responsible for the death of another member here thatā€™s for sure. Can you name me one supplement thatā€™s helped you with symptomatic relief?


I understand your frustration @Papasmurf, but the message from moderators in regards to supplementation is clear and consistent: consider it carefully and do so at your own risk. Moderators on this forum never advise anyone to take anything.

Without knowing the biological mechanism behind the condition, we have no idea what substances are unanimously harmful or safe. Everyone has different experiences with each substance. The safest route is to never take anything unless you really, really have to.


I myself have tried to stay away from supplements and limit what I take as much as possible so Iā€™m probs not the best example - however I would say that Magnesium has assisted with muscle pain and sleep. I also noticed a recent change for the better since I have started using Rhodiola , which suggests it has played a part in symptomatic relief , then again it might not and it could be a case of time just doing itā€™s thing. Thatā€™s the thing with supplements we donā€™t know REALLY if they are directly responsible for the good or the bad as thereā€™s limited studies on most of them.
Where your crashes more significant after the finasteride or after the sertraline ? You said you could still play video games at first, this was before the SSRI ??

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Hi @Papasmurf, Iā€™m sorry that you feel let down by the forum. All I can say is that we try our best. Weā€™re volunteers and weā€™re patients too. We donā€™t have special training and we donā€™t have backgrounds in medicine.

We try to inform where we know that there are problems, but donā€™t see everything all the time. Iā€™m sorry that we didnā€™t see your question about Ketoconazole, but searching for it did throw up me saying ā€œdonā€™t use itā€ a couple of months before you asked.

To anyone who is considering a treatment, as @SkinDiesel says the default postition is if you can avoid it, avoid it. Even thst is a tightrope, if someone is recommended a treatment for a particular ailment unconnected to pfs, but the treatment has caused problems for a small number of people here, whatā€™s the call? To say that itā€™s a substance you must avoid, even if it may cause health problems elsewhere?

These are things which we arenā€™t qualified to make calls on, and it is why the medical community at large needs to be made aware of the condition, and why we need as much publicity as possible. I agree that we need more social media presence and to get our message out more. The more we work together, the better our chances.

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Yes @Greek I understand that but Iā€™m talking about new users coming here asking for advice or explaining that they had an adverse reaction from Finasteride there is members here that have been around for much longer and are more aware of the risks. There should be a list of supplements and medication to stay away from that can be easily copied and pasted to make new users aware of these potential risks like a welcoming info pack or warning pack should I say. I never really fully understood what Post Finasteride Syndrome was and the implications when I first landed here now I know but itā€™s too late for me and if I can save an individual from suffering the same ill fate as me I will. I was using another account at the time and if memory serves me correct an individual told me I should be fine, I went away thinking Iā€™d be grand unknown to me the shampoo I was using was worsening my condition as did Sertraline and I simply didnā€™t know any better. The two supplements I took had a good back track record here with no side effects listed and completely blew me out of the water and as a consequence I lost significant hearing in both ears

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I still have a shampoo I use with ketoconazole I it ā€¦when you say it crashes you though what does that actually mean though? Low libido ? Fatigue? ED, Depression etc??

It means itā€™s a 5alpha reductase inhibitor meaning it acts in similar fashion to Finasteride and can cause a whole host of permanent and disabling side effects like erectile dysfunction, penile atrophy, major depression disorder etc, etc. Throw it in the bed and avoid at all costs!

I think if I had of just endured condition, stayed away from all medications, doctors, cosmetics with 5alpha reductase properties and supplements Iā€™d be in a much, much better position today. Now Iā€™m the worst case of PFS that I have seen in recorded history on propeciahelp and thatā€™s incredibly hard to take when I only had such a small dosage now I canā€™t relate to anyone here with the same level of severity


I crashed from a Ketokonzole shampoo alone and never took fin throw that shit away ASAP thatā€™s not gonna help your situation at all. I have similar sides to @Papasmurf


Which two, just to make sure people stay away? I really appreciate this and although I know to stay away from most if not all supplements, sometimes itā€™s good to hear it again. Also Iā€™m deeply sorry for all that you are going through. Nobody deserves this. Iā€™m praying for you.

Didnā€™t you mention that bacopa helped you a bit?

Another problem is that some who arenā€™t severe can improve from supps along with time. They then go on to plug what they took as a potential cure then the desperate follow, with some getting even worse. Thankfully such claims are tagged now. In my case trying almost every supp prior to finding out I had PFS has brought me to the worst possible position. If id found the site earlier things may have been different who knows. As said I didnā€™t know what was cutting me down until I was far down the road. Having another health condition and seeing ignorant doctors in the NHS put me off the scent. Going forward greater exposure is a must. As you say newspapers, news channels etc. Were in a closed room here.


Can you give any more background on reservatrol, I canā€™t find this issue on the forum?

Itā€™s potentially very dangerous for PFS patients

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Hey dude, what supplement do you think caused you hearing loss and how ? Did you make scans to find out ears structure damage ?