Update time. So… I have increased my dosage up to 100mg and then last two days up to 125mg and then i quit. The whole cycle lasted 30 days. It’s been 6 days since i quit the drug and sad news for now, i feel worse.
My premature ejaculaiton is worse than ever. Libido is still diminshed, semen volume is still low and i have low energy levels. Feeling unmotived and tired. I don’t know what to expect in the following weeks so if there is a chance of improvement, please someone tell me. Maybe my body is still adjusting and trying to correct things and needs time.
I am still happy that i tried this, now i can move on to the next step if nothing happens, im thinking to try 200mg Proviron for a longer period or HCG 250iu with Clomid+ GYM. Any thoughts? Thanks.
PS: An important scientific question: I always thought my problem was tissue spesific, because i only had low semen volume when i first ‘‘crashed’’ so, if my AR problem is prostate fixated let’s say, i should have experience an INCREASE in libido and all other prostate unrelated sexual parts right? So this experiment might indicate that my AR’s on my whole body are just fucked up and Accutane could have damaged my height development etc? I think healthy people go extremely horny on Proviron even on low doses…