well adrenal problems like ours did probably start out with having high levels of cortisol but since our adrenals were overworked now they’re extremely low during certain periods of the day hence why hydrocortisone is helpful in the manner. I’ve done a ton of research on adrenal fatigue and why this is happening to us and I’m pretty sure I have it figured out to an extent, at least my situation. First off I highly recommend reading Safe Uses of Cortisol by Jefferies. The title throws the whole book off because it isn’t just about administering hydrocortisol he also goes into great depth about how the whole adrenal cortex functions. Basically, the adrenal cortex produces various hormones such as cortisol that all work together balancing each other out on a daily cycle. What most people don’t realize is that DHT isn’t some by product of testosterone that just causes hair loss. It is a vital hormone secreted FROM THE ADRENAL GLANDS, that’s right just like cortisol, epiniepherene etc DHT works in conjunction with about 6 hormones all secreted by the adrenal cortex. Now, it’s also important to note your adrenal glands aren’t just simply some lymph gland in your body or even like the thyroid. If your adrenal glands were removed without proper exstensive adrenal hormone replacements being given you would die within a week or so. I think if most guys knew this before propecia they would really think twice about taking it. Anyway, back to adrenal, there are basically 7 different stages which can be seen here chronicfatigue.org/ASI%20Normal.html. It’s important to note yes cortisol levels do rise in the first three stages and DHEA levels fall and cant keep up pace. Over time though by stage 4, which I would assume most of us are in by now, levels take a plunge and become low. Hence, the reason why there’s times during the day when you get those fatigue spells we all go through it’s due to low cortisol levels. Tons of the symptoms such as the mental fog, weight gain, low T even are all related to low cortisol levels. The problem with treating adrenal fatigue is that in reality despite what you might find while researching it, adrenal fatigue is very rare. Sure everyone will get burnt out from time time, but most healthy people just get rest and get better. When it does happen on that rare occasion in people who dont take propecia it’s something that usually develops over a period of years. It seems though that guys that take propecia, such as myself where the situation has just gotten worse over a period of months, it’s something that happens right away. hence we are thrown right into stage 4 adrenal fatigue in a matter of weeks. That being said, adrenal function is also related to thyroid function as i am also hypothyroid and imagine many of the other guys on here are as well. Without proper thyroid hormone getting to the body and more so the brain extreme fatigue and depression can occur. The problem with hypothyroid is that the lab tests they do are basically meaningless, TSH is worthless and free T3 and T4 levels can appear to be normal in the blood if there isnt enough cortisol to deliver them to the cells. The actual best way to test if you are hypothyroid is to buy a decent thermometer and upon waking up take your temperature. If your temp is anywhere below 98.6 within like .4 degrees you are hypothyroid, period the end. I’ve been tracking my temp for the past week and it’s usually 96-97. I have much more to offer on this subject but Im tired so i will post later. Basically, I believe we can recover however there is an underlying cause for all of this. The guy on here Paul Walters despit being a nutjob is acutally very much right in his approach to taking GHB and getting good sleep. I can speak for myself when I say that all my problems I feel stem from the fact that I haven’t really slept for the past 9 months. I used to get deep refreshing sleep before all of this and now get no where close to it. And sleep is the period where all our hormones are balanced out and regenerated etc its vital for normal function. Hence, fix the sleeping problem fix most of the propecia problems over time. I just wish i could get ahold of some GHB, perfectly harmless substance when used properly that the US gov’t doesnt want people to have cause they know they can make more money selling it as a prescription as they’re doing now.