I have been taking l-carnitine (ALCAR) and Rhodoila for years. Also cycling, although not strict at 2 weeks on and off. I will adjust my dosages to try that. I will also up the dose to 2g per day per the study below. I think I’ve typically done 1-1.5g.
FWIW, LCLT is the actual type of carnitine that studies showed helped. However, you can assume ALCAR or other types of carnitine work as well.
Carnitine Stimulates The Synthesis Of Androgen Receptors
Prior to the discovery of carnitine stimulating the production of more androgen receptors, this was a fantasy only imagined in the minds of researchers and athletes alike. Yes, carnitine if one of the very few things that can bring about an increase in the number of androgen receptors found in the male body, as well as “upregulating” them, or making more sensitive to the effects of androgens[[i]
But why is this important? Because it is considered the rate limiting step on how fast you can build muscle. A good analogy to put this into perspective would be to consider testosterone as “passengers” at a bus terminal, and the buses as “androgen receptors”.
There is a limited number of buses/seats, which means that only so many people can be accommodated at once. Increase the number of buses (receptors), and in turn more passengers can board and get to where they need to be (the testosterone).
Thus, [carnitine] is one of the few things that can yield greater results than that obtained from increasing testosterone levels only. As a result, greater muscle synthesis occurred, and better preservation of lean muscle tissue
while dieting or trying to reduce body fat.
On this same topic, weight training, tribulus, and intermittent fasting both have shown to increase AR density just like carnitine.