At this point can anyone say with absolute certainty that this protocol, or some variation of the anti-c protocol has helped?
I’ve taken an anti-c supplement (oregano oil, caprylic acid, etc.) on and off for more than a year. I can honestly say that when I don’t take, my gut feels weird when eating. Like there is more distress happening inside. When I add the supplement back in, I feel a sense of relief in the gut and below the waist i just feel a little more comfortable. Could be a prostate/pelvic floor relief somehow.
There are just so many negatives to believing this protocol could be the one to help everyone. IHP seemed to charge straight into yogurts and kefirs, which you are not supposed to do until later as they do have some sugar in them. He was also doing other things including the mystery Chinese herbs. CDnuts, another popular recovery, followed a “paleo type diet” which I believe included fruit, a huge no no on the anti-c diet. I’ve personally felt best since adopting a paleo / gluten free diet and I’ve had two temporary recoveries and a few periods of relief. And of course that I can’t find anyone else that has duplicated these results.