My (IHP) Full Sexual Recovery from PFS - Story and Regimen

At this point can anyone say with absolute certainty that this protocol, or some variation of the anti-c protocol has helped?

I’ve taken an anti-c supplement (oregano oil, caprylic acid, etc.) on and off for more than a year. I can honestly say that when I don’t take, my gut feels weird when eating. Like there is more distress happening inside. When I add the supplement back in, I feel a sense of relief in the gut and below the waist i just feel a little more comfortable. Could be a prostate/pelvic floor relief somehow.

There are just so many negatives to believing this protocol could be the one to help everyone. IHP seemed to charge straight into yogurts and kefirs, which you are not supposed to do until later as they do have some sugar in them. He was also doing other things including the mystery Chinese herbs. CDnuts, another popular recovery, followed a “paleo type diet” which I believe included fruit, a huge no no on the anti-c diet. I’ve personally felt best since adopting a paleo / gluten free diet and I’ve had two temporary recoveries and a few periods of relief. And of course that I can’t find anyone else that has duplicated these results.

UPDATE: I did my first Nystatin enema (as recommended by people on this board and other boards) on July 11th followed by a garlic and walnut hull / wormwood enema and ever since the next day I have positively absolutely beyond a shadow of a doubt felt better. Keep in mind I’ve also been doing the progesterone protocol so maybe it kicked in right at the same time but the difference is HUGE. I have more energy, more motivation, better thinking, better memory, easier erections (although I could get erections before). My libido on the other hand has NOT increased. This is not a “I think I feel better” this is “I DEFINITELY FEEL BETTER, LET’S GO OUT AND CELEBRATE BITCH!”. The reason I’ve waited to say anything is because I don’t want to get anyone’s hopes up. It could be a few things but I know for damn sure that I feel more like my normal self again. You know that disconnected feeling from reality, the feeling of being a zombie walking around in dream world? That’s gone, for the first time in over four years that’s gone and I feel like I’m connected back into reality again.

I should add that over a month ago I did nystatin powder orally for about a week and a half and felt no positive benefits. It’s also very important to note that I also took DERMACRINE based on another persons recovery thread. I took it for only five days and felt nothing, possibly worse so I stopped and then the next day I did the nystatin enema. It’s been nine days since my last dose of Dermacrine so I don’t think it’s still in my system but it could be, I’m not claiming anything other than feeling better and sharing what’s going on.

The only other time I felt improvements like this was when I completed a two week pure water fast. A water fast would have cleaned out / killed some of this stuff on its own, so the way I see it is both times I’ve done something to clean out my gut I’ve felt better. For all I know some of this finasteride crap is still stuck to receptors in my gut (yeah, there’s receptors in there) and this is removing all that out but I’ll leave it to the PFS Foundation to figure out what this poison did to us.

What does that mean? I don’t know, for all I know I’ll be back to baseline next week but if you knew how much better I feel you’d run out and get an enema bag, herbs, and some nystatin and start pumping that stuff up your ass. But I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice, do whatever you want!!

Brong, you used the powder form of Nystatin to make the enema? And can you tell how much you used? I don’t know how to proceed for the second enema. You boil everything together and then use the water for the enema? Sorry if you mentioned it elsewhere. If so, you can just give the link.

I pretty much just followed what I read here:
I don’t even remember doses, I just put some distilled water (about 25 ml) in a jar, mixed in 2 or three teaspoons of nystatin powder and then did it. Held it in for a good 30 min or maybe an hour.

I want to reiterate that I’m not claiming cure and based on the other dudes thread here: viewtopic.php?f=22&t=1048&start=20
it’s very possible that the dermacrine kickstarted something in me or reset my hormones.

OK, thanks. I’ll get the Nystatin and try it.

BFB how many enemas have you done since July 11th?

where did you get the nystatin?

BFB do you follow all other aspects of an anti fungal protocol? Like do you not eat any sources of fruit or sugar?

Thank you for not PM’ming me and leaving the questions on here so other people can get them answered if they have the same.

The Nystatin powder you’ll have to get a prescription for unless you can find a reliable source online. I’ve done about three enemas. As for my diet it’s been low sugar no fruit for a very long time and I should add that at one time I did a two week water fast. I want to reiterate that I haven’t felt an increase in libido at all but because of more energy sex seems more plausible rather than a chore. It looks like Livingdead is going to try it, if it doesn’t work then maybe it’s dermacrine/progesterone. Someone needs to try Dermacrine.

There is also the possibility that the enemas themselves are what are making you feel better and not necessarily the fact that they have nystatin in them.

In my experiences with an anti-fungal diet (on it for months in the past) that involves no fruit of any kind, things get backed up really quickly due to lack of fiber from fruit. This last week i’ve been trying to cut fruit out and give this kind of diet another final try. Within two days I feel constipated. Yesterday, my bowels started moving and everything is out but it was quite uncomfortable. Afterwards, I did feel a lot of physical relief. I broke the protocol afterwards and decided if i was going to go through this torture again, I would need a very compelling reason to do so. I wish a handful of people would try this protocol and only this protocol (or talk about their experiences if they already have) so it could either have support or be ruled out completely.

Just to let you guys know, gazzaa is taking nystatin enemas and diflucan cycle, he is now waking up with stronger morning wood, better energy, personality returning, no brain fog, laughing more and a little bit of libido returned, also he said his finger nails are looking better and that’s important hypothyroid and adrenal fatigue will make the finger nails with vertical ridges.

Remember that elb said brain fog lifting and personality returning was the first things to come back in his recovery.

Light at the end told me that first the mental sides will gone then the sexual. He said first brain fog, personality, energy, body hair, body composition, body strenght then libido.

Bfb are you still holding the benefits of the enema?

Do you buy purified water or you do it at home?

I think diflucan cause some adrenal shock too, if you search you will see they are connected, and then you rebound better. If you have stronger adrenals at the end of your recovery you will be able to eat sugar and carbs again, because healthy cortisol and adrenals will help with digestion and gut flora control. I just theoryze the food thing but the rest you can see on the web.

I still feel the same as when I reported this, much better. It’s absolutely correct that just simply doing an enema could of had this effect and not the nystatin. I can add that around two years ago I did several enemas, water and coffee and did not feel this good. I’ve done too many things at one time in the past couple of weeks to know what’s caused this, maybe I just got lucky and I’m mentally prepared for my body to go back to feeling the way it did before but hoping for the best.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but Light at the End and elb were using progesterone. This is an anti-fungal thread and nystatin enema type thread. What relation would these have with each other? Completely different mechanisms and underlying causes, right?

I don’t think anyone can doubt that BFB feels better. Almost all of us have done stuff that has made us feel better. The question is whether this feeling better will last or fade away within a few days.

Oh never mind, I see, BFB is also doing the progesterone treatment.

Well, I hope it works out for you. However, all of these mixes of protocols at one time really makes it confusing as to what could be working. It also makes it nearly impossible to rule out any protocols which I feel we should have already been able to do with this particular one. This thread was started years ago.

Just voicing my own frustration. I hope your treatment ends up working for you and you come back and share everything you did.

OK, I just did my first Nystatin enema (kept it for an hour). First impression is good, but I will need some time to evaluate what effect it had on me. I did a water enema maybe 3 months ago and I felt like shit the whole day afterwards. This time, I feel more relaxed, almost sleepy.

Maybe I should mention that I’ve been doing the NO protocol for about 10 days, so I might be benefiting from that too.

You’ll know by tomorrow! I’m excited for you, please update us tomorrow!!

I will.

Hi Guys I am on this protocol, and have been for 4 weeks I have such a strict diet it is untrue and I have been bombarding my system with several herbs rotating them as not to build a resistance. The best one I think as it makes me have the biggest die off reaction is grapefruit seed extract, I put tons of that in my water . I will be going back on nystatin and Duflican this month as I know this is far embedded in my body that I would need the extra help. The enemas I do garlic , neem oil, oregano oil and rotate everyday. The thing that I have noticed that bought me out of my fog was the Huldar Clarke Zapper (Super Zapper Deluxe) you can actually but the correct frquanct for fungas with this machine. I have had this for years as I have suffered in the past before all this PFS, so instead of just 1 cycle I literately put it on me and went to work and just kept it on all day, this is when I had the best improvements and yeast just poured out of me when I did the enemas freaked me out but hey it works.
I think this is a long process and not a quick fix as we have all fell victim to them.
And just to mention I came of the progesterone cream as I think it has no relevance nor is the cure, plus it fucked my cortisol, as I was exhausted every afternoon. not good when you want to heal I feel far better on this without the cream.
I am a true believer in the bodies ability to cure itself of anything and it does not matter what you read all disease starts in the gut as is cured by healing that first. It is amazing to me how the hormonal system is controlled in ways that it only takes one huge event The crash to throw this completely out of balance and leave us with permanent damage unless we take the time as did CHI and IHP who stuck with it, through thick and thin and came out the other side. I have studied this over and over and this is the only thing that makes perfect sense to me, I do not believe that pill has damaged anything, tooooo many temporary recoveries for me to believe that.
But we all have our own beliefs when it comes to this and everyone s gotta do what they feel is right.
I hope that someone else is following this to the T as it will take a few people to convince the nay sayers when it comes to this theory.
Good luck to everyone who tries this is the hardest thing in the world to keep up, but this time after 5 long years of this shit I’m going to do it.
Oh and shame on the people who destroyed CHI’s thread with there abuse. I have no time for people who come on here and do that, so please keep your negatives comments to yourself and start you own what you believe thread would be easier.

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Well, I do feel different today. Might be because I was able to sleep 10 hours last night, which is not usual for me, 7-8 being the maximum in normal conditions, and only if I’m really lucky. Can’t discard the effect of the NO protocol either. But the interactions with people were definitely easy today and I had the impression of being more there, less cut from reality, as BrongFogBoy was mentioning.

I will do another enema at the beginning of the week.

Went to the bathroom for the third time today (I usually only go once) and I feel even better than earlier. I feel like a mild euphoria, almost as if I was tipsy.