My (IHP) Full Sexual Recovery from PFS - Story and Regimen

Cool! How do you feel today? Better? Worse?

Had a crazy night last night. Went to an afterhour and came back at 10 oā€™clock in the morning. Impossible to say if Iā€™m better or worse. Donā€™t feel bad, though.

Livingdead how are you doing? Tell us more about it bfb and livingdead?

If I great morning woood, energy, personality back and no brain fog it will be a giant step to me. Iā€™m ordering my enema kit today and am taking garlic and ginger tee. The only improvement I got is little bit better sleep like I donā€™t wake up in the middle of the night anymore. Did you guys felt tired with the enema? The result is right in the next day?

Gazzaa will take his second cycle of nystatin enema and diflucan, he is one step ahead of all of us, it will be interesting to see if the dye-off from the diflucan will improve him even further. I really think diflucan is one of the best things when you also do the enema, the dye-off is severe and enemas will clean the gut, also if you see ihp said libido and erections were intermittent and would fluctuate like other recoveries everybody said it will come as waves, bad days and good days then good days will supress the bad days and you will only have good days, cdnuts said that, light at the end, elb felt the same.

Hope everybody here get cured and as everybody who did nystatin enema felt better I think ihp and chi really attacked the exact point of our disease.

Brazilianguy, give me a couple of days, life was too chaotic to evaluate the effects the last couple of days.

Guys just discovered something really interesting. If you search about cirrhosis symptoms you will see that men will get gynecomastia, no libido, no energy, bloated abdomen, all the symptoms we have, women will have problems with periods, menopause etc.

Accutane, propecia, some steroids are very hard on the liver. When our liver is week we canā€™t detox too much, estrogen will be a problem, cortisol will be a problem. Iā€™m not saying that we need to do liver cleanse, milk thistle, Iā€™m just wondering why chi and awor got worse with high dosage of milk thistle, maybe the liver couldnā€™t handle it.

Treating cĆ¢ndida we need also good liver to help with dye off, to hep, to help with the toxins, to make our body stronger against bacterias. I really would like to read your opinion on this.

PFS could be feasibly caused by many many things. Research shows that many different illnesses mimic what we have. Itā€™s also a possibility that finasteride has completely messed up our ability to have balanced hormones, so we have too much estrogen; too much estrogen can cause c.andida and c.andida can cause adrenal fatigue, hypothyroidism etc. One issue can cause a chain reaction of side effects.

My point is that even if we treat c.andida, or a liver problem as you suggested and get better (which people have) the thing that caused c.andida to grow in our body, or a liver problem could be caused by another issue which PFS activated in us (hormone imbalance, hypgonadism etc).

At this point I believe treating ca.ndida is something that most every PFS sufferer should look into for relief but at this point am not sold that itā€™s the cureā€¦I think itā€™s a side effect (along with possibly liver issues) of whatever the root cause is.

I totally agree with you bfb whatever this drug did to us is similar to other disease. As I never took propecia and came here because I got the same sides, got better with some protocols. I think we have a problem because propecia, accutane, and other drugs like the one I took with alcohol did something bad on our liver, so it started to loose the detox property and toxins started to build up, candida growth, then with this problem our hormones are not metabolized so it creates a circle situation.

Just read this and the more you search on it the more you will see that we have the same sides of liver disease.

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I wanted to give an update: doing enemas with nystatin, garlic, black walnut, wormwood, pau 'd arco, probiotics etc and following a strict diet (I havenā€™t had over 4 grams of sugar a day in the past month) as well as not eating any grains or dairy has not budged my libido at all. Did I feel better? Absolutely and it may have just been clearing out my bowels but I have normalized once again. I wonā€™t call it a crash because I donā€™t feel awful, itā€™s just not as great feeling as it was and I continually did enemas. I donā€™t think I have yeast overgrowth anyway because I never really had any die-off symptoms at all and never saw anything come out of my stool and donā€™t have the white tongue symptoms.

I do think that ca.ndida overgrowth can be a side effect of PFS because we have high estrogen so you may consider adding probiotics to your regimen (Iā€™ve been on them for some time now). I also went back on DERMACRINE and have been on it now longer than I was before and havenā€™t felt amazing on it so it wasnā€™t that. I just think cleaning out your bowels every once in awhile really does the body good and thatā€™ why people feel great after it but itā€™s no cure for PFS.

I think it can be a cure. Gazzaa is getting great results with his protocol. First your mental, energy and personality will improve, sexual will be the last. Gazzaa now have energy, no more brain fog, no more anhedonia, he can smile now, his sexual functions are now coming back he said to me very gradually but orgasms and sensitivity is better. His digestion is better too

I donā€™t know what is dermacrine but if it is some kind of hormone it will make more work to the liver, can convert to estrogen etc. Our liver is not strong so if youā€™re doing enemas and taking dermacrine it will do 2 jobs, helping detox and breaking hormones specially estrogen and it canā€™t do it properly since it is affected. Just see people with cirrosis the liver does not work, people get gyecomastia, bloat, the skin change the color, zero libido, etc.

Just read its dhea thatā€™s a terrible idea, dhea easily convert to estrogen, specially in cream form. So youā€™re applying a peodut that your liver will convert to estroben and also have struggle to break it. Dhea decrease cortisol and you need some kimd of cortisol reaction on the detox process so if I had to guessx I would say youā€™re decreasing your hability to handle the stress and creating a better toxin situation to your body with estrogen and cortisol imbalance.

I see what youā€™re saying but Iā€™m applying the product in real life and have had a boost of energy and well being, itā€™s allowing me to work out hard again. Iā€™ll keep an eye on it and if I start feeling badly then will take note.

has anybody ordered the COMPREHENSIVE PARASITOLOGY test?
may i know the price of the testkit and the procedure to order one.

I did the stool analysis and tested positive. The range was from 0 to 14 (0 no dysbiosis and 14> severe dysbiosis), I had 20 so a very severe dysbiosis. And my situations isnā€™t quite as bad as some people are on this forum.

I think before anyone says that clearing the gut and enemas etc is not the cure for pfs should really have followed the protocol for the length of time necessary for it to be the cure, a couple of months on a kinda restricted diet while still throwing drugs and anything that messes with androgens is not going to get very far. The whole reason this worked for the 2 people that are now recovered is that they stuck with the program for well over 8 months, theory being you get your body in such a gut healthy state that the damage done by this drug is reversed, because the body now has the ability to heal itself, why do people poo poo the idea after a few months on the protocol. I am coming into my third month and the results are amazing to me, the way I feel look and function. I was on the drug longer than most people on this forum nearly 10 years and have been sic with pfs for 5, I have tried everything that you could possibly try desperately trying to find a quick fix, I even tried this protocol a couple of times only to fail due to the pure length and effort needed, but I woke up and decided this is not me anymore sick of being depressed no sexual function, looking like shit and I am on this for the long run. I wish more people would follow this to the tee no drugs and this booster that booster no creams and just let the body do what it was created to do heal itself. at least if a few people were on board it would be easier to compare results.
If anyone is thinking of starting this please pm me I will help as much as I possibly can.

Hi Gazzaa, I think youā€™re right that itā€™s not fair to say something doesnā€™t work if you havenā€™t tried it for long enough. I just donā€™t have the confidence in it to stick with it. I have no symptoms of ca.ndida or parasites, nothing weird comes out in my stools after heft enemas, I have no die-off symptoms, no white coating on my toungue, my stomach doesnā€™t bloat up, I donā€™t feel I have digestion issues and I donā€™t crave sugar. This might be the cure or something close to it and so Iā€™ll be following your progress because I hope it is. I just have more faith in this being something else like a methylation or hormonal issue and ca.ndida / parasites being a side effect not the root causeā€¦but I have little faith in myself to diagnose anything so Iā€™ll keep an open mind.

I have also no typical candida symptoms, but still got a severe one. And the test i did was a microbiology test (pathogens), I think a normal parasite test will not find anything. Itā€™s a very opportunistic infection that will minimalise your immune system so they can grow out of control with any chance they get. it can mess with anything in your body, also hormones. Iā€™m now following the gaps diet (gut and psychology syndrome), it allows you to have fruit (monosugars), but no carbohydrates and wheat (the more complicated sugars). Because we canā€™t break them down with a compromised gut, and will stay in the gut and become food for pathogens.

I think want gazzaa said is true. If we have symptoms of pfs we have symptoms of cĆ¢ndida. All the symptoms match. If people get better nails, digestion, energy this is a clear sign that adrenal and thyroid is getting better. Chi said he had low thyroid with high rt3.

Brain fog is the clearest indication that something is not right with the gut. I had it when I crashed and the only time it cleared for me is when I have tried this protocol. you would never now if you have sometimes it dosnā€™t show, doing a nystatin enemas and feeling great is not a side effect of the enemas I have been doing them for years, never cleared my brain fog
Nystatin kills candid-a and only candid-a so that feeling you had was just that. You have to look at this with an open mind and the only way you know is if you try. I believe we are kept sick for a reason, bodies do not like to be in a sick state, not what they are programed to do.
So unless you get into optimum health your body will never have a chance, nystatin has given people erection and made them feel better. It makes perfect sense to me.
I get my delivery tomorrow a load of the powder and I will be taking it orally and rectally for at least 2 months non stop I will cycle with diflican and continue on the herbs I presently take.
I feel fantastic right now and have put my body in a great position to take it to the next level.
Right now my veins on my nuts which bleed like a mother if they popped are almost gone, the end of my penis is purple not grey. Absolutely no fog unless I do masses of anti-fungals which is die off. personality back, vision is crisp like looking at the world in a different light. Color back in face and body. Eyes bright. numbness has decreased, morning wood better, erections sporadic but better.
My fingernails look like a babies toe nails look great no dry skin, and pubic hair has grown back.
Now all of this can not be a coincidence impossible, gradually the body is bringing shit back and it will take months and months sexual being the last, and I think thats why people are waiting for a quick fix because they want that first, not gunna happen, any literature will tell you that is the first thing the body shuts down in crisis and the last to bring back. Once everything is back in homeostasis it will work again I believe it it makes perfect sense to me now after a long and tiring 5 years. I am sick of being sick isnā€™t anyone else.

It is interesting that antifungals seem to help with symptoms, although can we really be sure this is because of a fungal infection? What do you think of this article?

ā€¦ or its far more likely the real cause is due to Finasterideā€™s documented inhibition of 5AR2/5AR3 enzymes and resultant neurosteroid inhibition contributing to decreased cognition, depression and anxiety.

BUt some people will continue to look for other answers regardless, despite published research proving the connection.

Thatā€™s not proving the connection, Mew. As far as most peopleā€™s tests indicate, they have normal levels of DHT, thus indicating that 5AR2 is still functional.