My (IHP) Full Sexual Recovery from PFS - Story and Regimen


I’ve been taking l-glutamine to help with gut issues, as a parasitology test indicated that my secretory IgA is below range.

I was taking around 500mg glutamine per day with no effect. Then increased the dosage to 2 to 3g (three times per day) and experienced an improvement in libido and sleep quality mostly. I’m going to continue with this dosage for the next month and hopefully this will help restore my sIgA back to normal range.
L-glutamine is best taken in powder form, to avoid any additives.

Here is a snippet from the parasitology report:

"Secretory IgA is the predominant antibody or immune protein the body manufactures and releases in external secretions such as saliva and tears.
It is also transported through the epithelial cells that line the intestines out into the lumen (the inside space of an intestine).

Secretory IgA antibodies exert their function by binding to antigenic epitopes on invading microorganisms, limiting their mobility and adhesion to the epithelium of the mucus membrane. This prevents the antigens from reaching systemic circulation and allowing then to be excreted directly in faeces.

Synthesis and expression of sIgA requires adequate intake of the amino acid L-glutamine. An increase of dietary L-glutamine can restore GI immune function by protection of cells that synthesize sIgA".

Oh, I see. Well glad it’s doing something for you. I have a naturopath doctor appt soon. I’ll see if they can run some tests like that.

Also, the dude who made this thread really blows my mind. I can’t believe he dodged the PFS bullet three times.

Hi noniman,

Can I ask what brand of l-glutamine you are using ?


I think thats a good idea.

Turns out that I’m not the only one with low secretory iga. The following users also reported low siga:

Merry Christmas (low salivary siga)

poga: (low salivary siga + low faecal siga)

to.robin (low salivary siga)

[b]"A drop in IgA can increase intestinal permeability. In turn, that may exacerbate or
cause autoimmune diseases, eventually leading to cortisol depletion. A decrease in IgA would allow
for a translocation of bacteria into the bloodstream, which in turn would stimulate interleuken (cytokine) release.

This would then stimulate the hyperthalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis, which would lead to a
further demand for cortisol, eventually causing a relative deficiency".[/b]

i’ve sent you a PM with details on the brand that i’m using.


Im going on a linb and saying you sound exactly like myself and my situation right now.

I was always a SUPER healthy guy and worked out and ate right. I had all the same sides, and the shrinkage is what FINALLY made me stop (and pain). Oddly thought for a while mine seemd to swell and get bigger for some time. Now Im not sure If im back to normal or smaller because it was actually quite enlarged and I was about to stop wearing pants lol.


I am pretty much doing all the same stuff as you.
Cleansing my body out with raw foods, water (tons), cider vinegar, and my regiment of supplements.
I quit for 2 weeks over a recent vaca and it seemed things went normal until i took ONE dose and wham got hit double hard so Im off it now. I think Im already getting better again. Im getting my random boners and pain has been subisding.

One thing I read elsewhere (coincidentally my doc put me on this thinking I have a bladder infection or the clap, my doc is cool beans) is that doxycicline helps.
I think its been helping me.
I still have tip pain, but i think its helping and Im so new to the sides still what can I say.

I think as I read so much here one of the MAJOR factors is caffiene. my sides all started after starting my oxy elite pro fat burners again. ALMOST ISNTANTLY.

try to drop the caffiene. Ive switched to tea until this sorts out.

good luck

like rope o mucus lol

Glad you are feeling better thus far, although looking through your post history you neglected to mention your use of Proviron, Androhard, Armidex, Arromasin, and Femara and other treatments. Why is that? Perhaps they played a role as well.

That said, there do seem to be a lot of “I don’t know’s” in your posts, and some descriptions (“change in handwriting (signature)”, “intermittent anal itch”) would not be expected to be associated with Finasteride use. How is taking Finasteride going to change your handwriting, for example?

I didn’t want to argue on this since it is your belief, but your theory is based on an “infection” concept which thus far, remains untested/unproven and does not fit the typical timeline of (section"What is the Post-Finasteride Syndrome?"). Not everyone was constipated after Finasteride, either, so I don’t understand how that has anything to do with it. However, anything is possible I suppose.

You mention “colloidal silver” as a treatment. Unfortunately, it has typically been implicated in scams. Just something to be aware of. … verad.html

[b]Silver Boosts Antibiotic Efficacy

Silver makes bacteria more susceptible to antibiotics by weakening their cell membranes and inducing overproduction of DNA-damaging oxidative radicals.[/b] … -Efficacy/


Also on the topic of “Quackwatch”

During the course of his examination, Barrett ( the head of Quackwatch) also had to concede his ties to the AMA, Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Food & Drug Administration (FDA).

Barrett operates the web site Quackwatch , Chirobase: Your Skeptical Guide to Chiropractic History, Theories, and Practices and 20 other web sites and has been a long time critic of chiropractic calling much of it"quackery".

At trial, under a heated cross-examination by Negrete, Barrett conceded that he was not a Medical Board Certified psychiatrist because he had failed the certification exam.

This was a major revelation since Barrett had provided supposed expert testimony as a psychiatrist and had testified in numerous court cases.

Barrett also had said that he was a legal expert even though he had no formal legal training.

So I think that billions of dollars in revenue is good for Big Pharma so investments in people like the Head of Quackwatch is essential to keep public brainwashed and misinformed by " science " on quackery.

Quackwatch seems to be a front for the pharmaceutical companies they attack anything that is not approved by the FDA. As we all know the FDA is not a organization you can trust.


Can you please update us on your progress. The chinese herbal supplements contain a wide variety of things in them and they may contain natural epigenetic modulators such as HDACis or HMTis. I think we should look into this as two people so far have reported large gains from taking these supplements.

Does anyone know if there is a way to translate the ingredients label on these chinese herbals supplements? I think this is worth looking into. There are many natural products derived from plants that are epigenetic modulators (for example luteolin, which has helped my brain fog immensely). There may be something that is affecting the sexual aspect as well.

I thought people were saying they were helping because they contained steroids. But if that’s not the case I’ll jump all over them.

That could be true too. I want to see the ingredients in them. Maybe steroids is what we need, Idk.

Does anyone here read chinese or have a friend that does so? Could you please translate for us?

yes i think there is something in those herbs., i will try them i think.

Guys i’m doing a lot better… after the herbs that i used by one month…
i try some chinese things… and found a guy who do accupuncture…
he explain that what i have its a condition… called… dampness (damp cold , damp heat.)
its normal for oriental peaple… that women who take birth control pill ou drink too much but is strange in guys… i explain about propecia…


after some sections of acupuncture… i get better…

like… a crap after herbs…
70% better after herbs.
after acupuncture 80%

my pênis back to his size…
its normal now… semem is normal now…
the one think that don’t come back is my focus to girl and porn
before when i looked to a naked girl i had a trouble erection…
now i don’t have it anymore…
but i’m ok…
i’m a lot better and happy.
i will try another round of chinese herbs.
and don’t drink

hope it helps someone…

How long after you started the acupuncture did you get better?

Birth control is usually a progesterone analog. Its interesting he said they get this when they consume progesterone and a lot of alcohol.


I knew you were going to respond to that.

I think we need to take a look at whats in these chinese supplements. Could be the herbals or the steroids thats doing something. Seriously, if we can determine the compounds the scientist could possibly test it on mice and see if there is any reversal of symptoms. Does anyone know chinese or have a way to translate it?

I speak Chinese - and have several Chinese doctor friends that could translate it. Send it over.

I don’t have them. If you speak chinese, do you think you could call them and speak to the doctor? I tried calling but they didn’t know english.