Hello guys,
I want to introduce a new treatement option for post finastride syndrome.
First I need to introduce myself. I am a general practitioner. I’m not a native english speaker so pardon me if I dont write correctly.
I tell you my story briefly. I start taking finastride when I was 20 years old. I decided to quit 2 years ago after 9 years. Then the crash happened. After studying carefully all the theories which can explain this crash I believe strongly in this one. Finastride induces the hypersensitivity of androgen receptor. After the sudden discontinuation of the drug, DHT increasing concentration combined with androgen reception hypersensitivity creates an excessive androgen signalling which then is suppressed by an unkown mechanism like epigenic changes. I think that this can be reversed by creating the exact same situation.
Creating a state of androgen receptor hyposensitivity by using steroids for a while then quitting suddenly and starting finastride to lower DHT levels . This can weaken androgen signalling and then critically low androgen signalling creates a shock that can force the body to readjuste pathways and correct epigenic changes. Then if we taper the drug very very slowly to not produce the shock again, we can cure the syndrome.
I am looking forward for your feedbacks.