My idea for a protocol by increasing androgen signalling

Hello guys,

I want to introduce a new treatement option for post finastride syndrome.

First I need to introduce myself. I am a general practitioner. I’m not a native english speaker so pardon me if I dont write correctly.

I tell you my story briefly. I start taking finastride when I was 20 years old. I decided to quit 2 years ago after 9 years. Then the crash happened. After studying carefully all the theories which can explain this crash I believe strongly in this one. Finastride induces the hypersensitivity of androgen receptor. After the sudden discontinuation of the drug, DHT increasing concentration combined with androgen reception hypersensitivity creates an excessive androgen signalling which then is suppressed by an unkown mechanism like epigenic changes. I think that this can be reversed by creating the exact same situation.
Creating a state of androgen receptor hyposensitivity by using steroids for a while then quitting suddenly and starting finastride to lower DHT levels . This can weaken androgen signalling and then critically low androgen signalling creates a shock that can force the body to readjuste pathways and correct epigenic changes. Then if we taper the drug very very slowly to not produce the shock again, we can cure the syndrome.

I am looking forward for your feedbacks.


People already did your “protocol” 10 years ago. It doesnt work.


I don’t mean to be rude, but I can tell you haven’t done your homework.


Thoughts on what steroid to use etc, please provide some details of how you recovered or treated the condition?

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There is no credible study conducted based on this protocol. People trying something on their own is not conclusive. Its important how to do it, dosing etc.

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You want to say that knowing the potency of finasteride, we can’t taper it gradually. We can gradually increase DHT by adding DHT while taking the same dose of finastride. We dont need to taper finasteride itself, what we need is to increase DHT slowly.

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TyCr0z recovered his erections and libido cycling tomato juice and exercise. I myself did try this (although for only 3 weeks) and I didn’t get anywhere.

I think a lot of people have tried similar to this, and not really gotten anywhere. It’s also quite likely we don’t understand enough of what finasteride actually does.

I myself accidentally “tapered off” other 5ARis at the time; I stopped fin after 4 weeks and only 8x1mg pills but was already taking saw palmetto for a couple of months, which I stayed on for a month or so afterwards (had no idea that could ALSO do this, only reading around here did that) and I still crashed myself after the two week window.

It’s an interesting theory - would you say we’d need to pair this with HDAC inhibitors maybe?

Btw nobody take any more fin just yet. Several people (including Axolotl) have gotten WAY worse after going back on it.

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What your saying is “sort” of how CD Nuts protocol works. Water fast to really prep the liver and cells with autophagy, take herbs to slowly ramp up Test… then cycle R andro, then herbs… then R andro… and herbs… etc… The R andro creates DHT and brings the sensitivity of AR back within range. A few have claimed improvements from doing this. I would never touch Fin again. Also… there is no way to taper Fin so you would seriously be playing with fire to start taking it again.


Your making a lot of assumptions that DHT is the only thing that has been damaged. There are several other enzymes that are probably messed up… especially for people like me who have mostly neurological issues like insomnia, vision issues, tinnitus, derealization, etc… Unlikely thats ALL DHT related.

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No, I think the problem is not the lack of DHT, but silenced androgen signalling pathway , and I think because of its complexity only our body can reverse it and we need to force it by creat a shock in the opposit direction.

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I remember while I was on finasterid, changing doses or quitting for few days has an impacts on my libido, muscle mass and mood. My plan for tapering is not just tapering finasterid , but adding DHT while on finasterid to increase DHT gradually.
I know its risky but I think the damage has already been done. I know that heavy weight lifting , fasting, steroids, etc can improve the situation and I get better when I follow the life style changes but what I mean is to recover completely, reversing the negative changes.

I dont suggest HDAC inhibitors because we dont know yet the exact mechanism of the damaged done by finasterid. We dont know even if it is an epigenic change or something else. I think our body reacts to extreme situation and correct itself. So by this method I only want to force the body to do this by creating the extrem lack of androgen signalling and let it do the rest. Our knwoledge of this pathways is very limited and as you can see the side effects of finasterid, the action of these drugs can be compared to a child playing with keyboard or click randomly.


I did not tried yet this method. I am planning to start it in few days. I remember while I was on finasterid, changing doses or quitting for few days has an impact on my libido, muscle mass and mood. when I increased the dose I felt better.

What I am suggesting is to take supraphysilogical doses of steroids to desensetize androgen receptors and then begin high dose of finasteride 5 mg to suppress androgen signalling and force the body to react. Then as its not possible to taper finasterid , add DHT very slowly while taking finasterid to gradually increase DHT and prevent the shock, when DHT levels become normal then begin to taper finasterid slowly.


I think you’re extremely brave to attempt this and I wish you the very very best of luck.

Could you log this in detail please, come what may, and whatever responses you receive to it stick with it, and let us know how it goes beginning to end?

Thanks much morpheuss and I’ll be watching with huge interest sir.


May the force be with you @morpheuss A very bold protocol indeed…

In theory this makes sense, and the underlying theory of deadened signaling is the most likely scenario.

I wonder if there is any other protocol that would attempt the same AR reset? Or give the body a chance to reset itself.


Yeah, I am pretty sure that blocking 5ar isn’t the only issue what we are dealing with… Fin/SP creates huge imbalance in our bodies and the 5ar is only a small part of the whole picture. I know that you can kill the fire with fire but I am not going back to Saw Palmetto just to find out I was wrong, and pay the price for that experiment.

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@morpheuss I think what are you trying to do is extremely dangerous man! DHT is not the only issue caused by Fin/SP. Your choice anyway… Fingers cross you will succeed tho!


(It’s not me buddy OP is a different guy. He’s very brave though! Crossing fingers for him too.)


Oh, shit wrong button ROLF :smiley:


Good luck brother I hope it works.

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