My central question ❓ How many users recovered from ED and how many didn't😳

I hear so many guys here recovered from ED and total impotence over the first period and now used to have sex and erections again, that I ask myself is ED generally reversible after some years!

And who suffers on ED for long period or forever (long period)?

I have recovered from ED.

It’s not the big question imo.


I never even got sexual side effects…


For me 59 yo - It’s the most important thing. I still suffering ED. But I’m just in the 5th month.
Sometimes I can receive a strong 90/100% erection by masturbating. But it starts mostly with a 30 to 60 % erection.

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Erections are pretty useless when you don’t even think about sex and the rest of your body is deteriorating


how long have you suffered from ED before you recovered.

I recovered from ED, but have very low sensitivity so sex isn’t really pleasurable.

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I understand, but have some awareness that many people who post and have posted here would be happy if they could say their worst symptom was not being able to get an erection. Among those who say it is their worst symptom, being able to achieve something they say is 90% would also likely be desirable.

I don’t mean that to undermine your suffering but saying “the central question” is when you’ll get your erection back is a bit much when so many other people are affected so much more and would happily swap places with you.


It took over 2 years to be something that I felt confident about again.


Thanks, knowing there are people do recovered from this hell really give us a huge encouragement, congratulation for your recovery.


Oh I know every corner of the hell from my own experience. Staring against the wall and to get something like Akathisia when brain beginning to race and pain violates me and my brain is under physically pressure and the fatigue when you are bedridden and afraid of them all, having breakfast from gas station store and supper only from pizzaservice.
Your Ex fiance treat you already as a living dead.
Muscle atrophy, burning legs, cold ice in my arms, sunshine like hellfire. Heat like hell. Household chaos, live weird, looking like a bum. Afraid of TV. Suicidal phantasy along the railway and at the 13 floor of a tower house. I’ve cold flashes in scrotum. Mummifyung feeling in the penis. Red dry eyes. Everything an insane movie not my live.


Anything special you believe contributed to fixing this issue or just time? Also what about other muscles in your body, did you have muscle wastage/weakness and did you recover in that part as well?

Hi, what did you do to recover from ED?

You are right @Greek and @Sugarhouse the thing that really kills is the fatigue and the 40 and more other symptoms. So only ED is not the worst symptom of PFS, pas and PSSD. Every morning the same fight to get out of the bed and start the fight to survive another day

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@Dela @Alfaomega

I don’t think I have muscle wastage, not in a way that is/ was obvious to me.

All I do is avoid 5ar inhibitors. I honestly think at this point, while the science catches up with our experiences, that the best chance anyone has is to avoid things that could make things worse and give it time. I have posted that many times and people sometimes get angry about it. I can understand that because people want a treatment, and help, but early on I realised that the many, many plans,“protocols”, etc. Didn’t have any record of replicable success and there were people who had followed those plans and made themselves worse which in some cases led to them killing themselves.

I wish I could give you a shopping list of herbs and exercises but I can’t.

I will also say that I am not unaffected by this in other ways, I am not recovered but even if I were, the realisation that I am vulnerable to this means that it’s very much in my interest for this to be understood and to continue to try and help push things forwards.


I don’t want to drag this out or make this a complicated thing but I am curious as to how much avoidance of 5-ari you are currently committing to.

Like, do you avoid foods that are rich in zinc, for example, like cashews and chicken?

Or is mainly just a ‘I stay away from any supplements or medication that may have 5-ari substances’

Sure, I’m worried that this might become the “Greek Protocol” with a set of rules that must be followed. I can say what happened to me but I don’t think this is something that will automatically help other people.

I’ll say again that I feel the effects of pfs every day, I am not cured of this. I don’t think that because I have had an improvement that everyone or even some people should expect the same.

Yes, I eat chicken but I avoid things like soya and mushrooms, asparagus. I can’t actually remember what I avoid now, but it’s so well learnt that I glance at ingredient lists and instantly know to avoid or not. I used to avoid all sorts of things, including tomatoes, nuts, dark chocolate but I stopped doing that ages ago. Anything that hair loss sites recommend, I don’t do, when it comes to diet and supplements (not that I take any supplements at all).


I see, thanks for the elaboration!

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Hi, one more question, may I know if you have suffered from testicular shrinkage? If so, did you recover from it? Right now it is the most annoyed problem for me, Make me feel like an eunuch.

Lots of regular fluctuation still. I can’t speak for all, but I don’t think shrinkage is permanent.