My blood test results

This doesn’t seem to be blood tests and hormone profiles, and maybe should be over in members section, no. Anyway, just looking for something to post :unamused:


Thanks for your support Solonjk; I am trying just the Rhodiola without the PS as you suggest for he moment.
I’ve just come back from a break in Spain where I had some more tests done. I had Testo, DHT, Estrogen and SHBG again to see if it is still low after I stopped taking the Danazol, plus I had Cholesterol checked like you said. (these tests are a hell of a lot cheaper than in UK) I’ll post the results as soon as I get them.

One thing I don’t understand is that Diagnos-Tech suggest the use of Biotin to ‘maintain enzymatic production of cortisol from pregnenolone’ do I need any help in maintaining cortisol production ?

thanks again

Just got the blood results from my tests in Spain:

Cholesterol 235 mg% (150 - 220)
Triglicerides 89 mg% (10 - 150 )
HDL-CHolesterol 89 mg% (50 - 80 )
LDL - Cholesterol 128.2 mg% ( 70 - 170 )

Free Testosterone 37.79 pmol/l ( ref 31.02 - 94 ) for 20 - 39 yrs (I’m 39 now)
( ref 25 - 80 ) for 40 - 59 yrs
DHT 2.32 nmol/l (0.86 - 3.41 ) seems pretty static
SHBG 43.30 nmol/l (13.50 - 71.40 ) has gone back up since I stopped Danazol
Estradiol 26.82 pg/ml ( max 62 ) is much lower now -most probably due to the DIM

Can anyone interpret the cholesterol results ?

I’m carrying on with the adrenal support supplements but its too early to tell if there are any changes. I’m going to take the Phosphorylated serine (Seriphos) in the morning now instead of the VitaminC which I have been taking for quite a while.
I keep this updated as my thread. I think this is easier than posting new threads all over the place.

Its been a while since I last posted but I have just received the results of the saliva tests I had done for the Male Hormone Panel plus a re-test for Adrenal Stress Index.
I have attached the file of my results but if you can’t view them I’ve typed them out ( computers stress me out as well);

Custom ASI Free Cortisol Rhythm

07-08 am 25 Elevated (Ref 13-24 nM)
11-noon 1 Depressed (5-10 nM)
04-5 pm 1 Depressed (3-8 nM)
11-Midnight <1 Dpressed (1-4 nM)

Cortisol Burden: 28 (23-42)

DHEA 6 Normal Adults (M/F) 3-10 ng/ml
according to the Cortisol-DHEA correlation I come in the ‘Non-adapted, Low reserves’ category.

Androgen Pathway Tests taken 3 weeks before my 40th Birthday

Progesterone 91 (5-95 pg/ml)
Androstenedione 557 (151-350 pg/ml)
Testosterone 31 (50-80 pg/ml for men 31-40yrs)
Estrone 34 (30-58 pg/ml)
DHT 53 (22-72 pg/ml for men 30-39 yrs, or 52-123 pg/ml for men 40-49 yrs)

17-OH Progesterone 48 (optimal range 22-100 pg/ml).

My story has been basically muscle wasting for the last 5 years but no serious problems with erections.
The most obvious anomaly in the results is the very high Androstenedione but very low conversion to Testosterone.
The nutritionist at Diagnos-Techs I spoke to over the phone wondered whether the Finasteride has damaged the enzyme responsible for converting Androstenedione to Testosterone.
She also advised me to get my prostate checked out and suggested I try Macca Root to help the adrenals. Other than that she couldn’t advise me any further.
So if anyone can add anything I would be very grateful.
pdf008.pdf (45.9 KB)

Regarding the high Androstenedione:Testosterone ration, see my post here for some thoughts: … =8921#8921

You should probably investigate adrenal function, 3beta-hydroxysteroid and 17beta-hydroxysteroid (especially) pathways… if 17B has been impaired, this could be a potential explanation for your test results.

That’s great work by you Mew, I haven’t read it all yet but it’s put me in a good mood for now. I’ll post again when I have something concrete.

I’ve just been notified of an appointment to see a Sleep specialist on October 17th about my sleepwalking. Hopefully I’ll get some sort of sleep study done and I can pick his brains regarding finasteride.

Just came back from seeing Professor Chrousos in Athens and I’m disappointed he was not able to help me, although solonjk has warned me I would be only the second person he has seen with finasteride side effects.
I first saw a doctor colleague of his ( I didn’t catch his name, Koukalis maybe?) who listened to me and took the old blood test I showed him. He commented these looked ok and took them to discuss with Chrousos in private.
They called me in and explained that the blood test were normal and even that I would live a long time because my lipid profile was very good! They did not carry out any tests on me at all. They said the cortisol results on my saliva tests were fine but dismissed Diagnos-techs as ‘crooks’ and were surprised at the fact Diagnos-tech attach written advice with their results.
Dr (Koukalis?) even told me that with my testosterone results I should be going to the gym despite all my explanation that this was counte-productive.
Chrousos did say that stress at my age could lead to this muscle wasting and basicaly put it down to middle age (so middle age for me started at 34!)

I am used to getting knocked back by doctors now and have treated this as a nice break in Athens - but I am running out of doctors to see around the world!
All this does not mean that Chrousos isn’t a world reknowned endo and may be of use to others on this forum, -just not me.

What next -maybe Herthoge in Brussels? I suppose this has become a quest and I can’t stop now - the search for the truth just motivates you to keep going.

If any of you have any questions I may remember more details from the meeting


I would conclude that Chrousos just does not have enough knowledge of Finasteride and its dangers, and did not think it worth investigating - either that or I don’t present a very convincing case.
They seemed to just take my blood result for Testosterone as the only important measure (that was my impression) and decided that this was ok - no comment on Free Androgen Index.
Solonjk, there was no mention of Adrenal Fatigue, which I understood he was treating you for, -as they said cortisol was ok.
I related all the side effects to them but like I said after their own discussion they put it all down to stress and middle age.
And I don’t remember the assistants name , it sounded like the Dr Koukalis you mentioned in one of your posts.

Maybe it is an anti-aging specialist like Herthoge that I need (although I’m sure he’s more that just that)

Considering the extensive hormonal profile Hertoghe provided to “postfinsufferer”, I would seriously consider him since he is in Europe and already is dealing with another Fin patient.

To.robin, I will post soon the results of exhaustive research on PS (Phosphatidylserine) in the appropriate thread here, I just need to contact Chainon and find out what their story is.

In short form, it looks like the Enzymotec product “Sharp PS-Gold” PS conjugated to DHA, is the only thing on the market that reasonably mimics the bovine PS used in nearly all previous successful studies. Am trying to determine the balance of content for Sharp PS Gold (e.g. soy proteins, act as pituatary suppressants). Looks like Country Life, and Source Naturals along with this PhosSerine are all repackagers of the Enymotec product. Lowest price is just over $5 /gram in the U.S.

More in the appropriate thread when I’m done. kazman

Just to anounce I’m off to see Dr Herthoge in Brussels on Nov 17th. They’re asking for 300€ for the first consultation plus lab costs for urine tests, and they suggest getting blood tests done in Belgium as well as they consider them more extensive and reliable (they would).

The quest for truth continues, I’ll report when I get back.


OK, I got back from seeing Dr Herthoge in Brussels and as with other doctors the consultation seems to fly by without me getting in all my questions - FXXXXX BRAIN FOG! I’m trying to understand something they’ve said and they’ve moved on to the next subject.

Anyway this is what I remember:

As they suggest I had blood tests done at another lab in Brussels before going to the clinic. They had e.mailed a signed blood order form which I took with me. I arrived about noon and I asked if this was too late for Testo. etc, but they said it was OK as I had fasted for 8 hrs as instructed.
Herthoge will get these results in 2-3 weeks.

At the clinic I gave them the 24hr urine sample.
I think I had 45 mins consultation with an assistant during which Herthoge came in for maybe 20 mins.
On telling them my symptoms straight away they said there was a Testo. deficiency, and they were aware of some Finasteride symptoms.

Herthoge thought the old bloods I took to him were a little inconsistent.
He then carried out a full physical inspection.
They remarked about my dry skin. About the dryness and lack of firmness/ elasticity in my palms.
I think he mentioned lack of Keratonin?
Also my dry hair (I think its always been quite dry).
He said I had Vitamin A deficiency causing the night blindness -they prescribed 25,000 IU x4 caps.
He remarked on the soles of my feet being yellow.
I mentioned the curvature of the penis and he said there was a treatment for Peyronies Disease which would turn my skin brown, he himself had taken it. On inspection he said if it was serious he should be able to feel ‘chords’ in the penis which he couldn’t. I said it was’nt a priority for me.
He remarked I had enough DHT as had plenty of body hair.
He also examined the prostate and said it was OK but had maybe slightly firmed or enlarged but this was no problem.

After they get the new blood tests they would prescribe treatment on my next visit- but there’s no appt available until mid-Jan.

He seemed to concentrate on the Testo -Cortisol -DHEA balance. An the fact that my problems started 2 yrs after starting Finasteride with stress, that the body had gone though a trauma.
I asked if taking Testo. would increase Estrogen - he said very slightly but we needed to try Testo. to see.
I was worried about taking Cortisol due to its effects on muscle-he said he had taken it for years.
But i forgot to ask if taking Testo. would increase DHT.

This is the first time someone has seen I have problems and come up with solutions - Will they be the right ones ? We’ll have to wait and see.

I’ve probably forgotten something so please come back with any questions.


I’d be extremely wary of high dose Vitamin A as it can be toxic at high doses.

I’m surprised he suggested such a high dosage, did he even measure your Vitamin A level?

Your DHT is fine cause you have plenty of body hair? dude, that sounds a little unscientific.

Well, maybe, maybe not. I noticed at my worst I couldnt grow a beard to save my life and my body hair was almost gone. Now, my facial hair comes in thick and my body hair has come back with a vengence, so, I believe there is a connection.