My Blood Results (Quint) -- DHT/E2

Well according to the product description, they claim that resveratrol blocks estrogen, and resveratrol is one of the main ingredients. I don’t have any studies handy that can substantiate that claim, or to what extent it could act as an estrogen blocker. I’d reccommend trying it on its own first, without any other meds etc., for at least one month.

Did you mean cease after stopping? Sorry! I’m not nitpicking your English, I just want to be sure what you’re asking. Sustain was originally designed as an OTC, natural alternative to using drugs as a post-cycle therapy (PCT) for bodybuilders. In other words, the intention is that you do not have to keep using it forever and that hopefully it boosts you enough in the way that a SERM might, permanently.

Of course, whether it does or not might depend on a lot of factors, and so it’s probably best to just give it a shot and see. Traditional PCTs are four weeks or so, I think, but I think that eight weeks is a good plan for this type of thing. At least, that’s what I’ve noticed others doing more and more, and it was after about two months that my labs showed improvements.

yes sorry 4 my english…what i wanted to say is if after discontinuing sustain alpha u will stay with the results u get from it or if they desappears with the time…thank so much QUINT .

i ve a friend that after propecia used sustain alpha and had a lot of acne on it,high testo but no sex improvements…but everyone should try if it has not sideeffects

Well high Testosterone is no guarantee of a regular libido, but it’s obviously a good place to start. I’ve heard people say that some people who go on loads of TRT frequently have to wait four to six weeks, or whatever, before results are apparent, and some have to tweak and tune for months on end to get the right balance. I would just like to see my T levels stabilize at mid range or better for a while and then go from there.

Don’t apologize for your English, it’s actually very good. I wish I knew Italian half that well.

so quint,how are u doing?

As part of a follow-up, I was prescribed a transdermal pregnenolone today by Dr Crisler. Will start it next week or whenever I can get my hands on it. Will continue the hydrocortisone as well. I think the preg cream is a good idea since 1) my DHEA is so high, and it might help out the adrenals additionally, and 2) its other conversion pathway is to progesterone, which has interested me as a treatment on its own for a while based (admittedly) on the reported success of some who used it in this forum. No way to predict which of the two pathways the preg will favour, but wait and see, and more importantly, see how I feel I guess.

Apart from that, nothing new to report, really. After that (I’ll give it two months), I’m going TRT for a trial. Nuff’s enuff of this shit. I just want to feel gaddamn normal for a change.

One hopefully good side is that a lot of people say that Pregnenolone really mellows them out, and helps out with sleep.

Try this to learn about your “burnout”. … rnout.html

It may aid in your recovery, learning a little bit about Eastern Medicine as well. Actually there is quite an interesting article on HRT in women in the “learn” section of their site.

Actually Ray is a friend of mine. Quite a talented individual who is trained in bothe Western and Eastern Medicine. You can read about his credentials and his story…
Anyway, thought I’d share this!
I cant wait to go talk with him again. Gave me a lot of hope and insight! Helped me with my partial recovery.
Maybe if the adrenals are cured, hormones can find their way back on track! I guess that is the idea!! Right.

Take care!

Well Quint, you reported positive initial results with the hydrocortisone… how much impact has it had now that you’ve taken it for a full month? Do you still have the improvements in mood, libido, etc.?

I am still struggling here, but as Dr. Crisler wanted me to be on the hydrocortisone for 6 months, perhaps my adrenal fatigue is in a later stage than yours…

The fact that you mention TRT doesn’t sound good… I guess it doesn’t seem like you can conquer this by first addressing the adrenal system? Very sobering news indeed. I don’t even know if TRT can make us feel normal. Many users here have tried it and not gotten the results they were seeking…

any updates quint?

It’s been ages since I checked in here, but I thought I’d drop in and share what’s been going on with me medically.

I suffered from Fin effects (the whole catalogue of 'em, you probably don’t need the recap) beginning in late 2006 and eventually found my way to Dr Crisler in early '08.

After trying a couple of restarts that didn’t seem to stick, I was prescribed TRT gel (didn’t realy take either) and then finally Test injections (60mg/week) in Oct. '09 along with 250 mg hCG twice weekly.

Neither my blood levels nor symptoms reflected the meds positively, and so since about January this year (2010) the dose was topped up to 80mg Test and 350mg hCG twice weekly.

Overall I’d say I’m more than 50% of my old, normal self. Nothing earth-shattering, but decent considering what most of us have gone through in here. Which is to say, complete hell. I’m about halfway out of complete hell. I can have sex without use of any ED medication, which is a start. Not everyday, I should say, or even every week (still have bad weeks altogether), but I’m miles ahead of what I was two years ago.

Morning erections: same kind of thing. I can have them five days in a row, then they disappear for a week. But they’re almost never the titanium ragers I had in my early years; three quarters, maybe, but missing something. Again, same for libido, which is to say in drifts in and out the window along with everything else like a fickle autumn breeze.

I’ve tinkered a bit with the dosing myself in recent months. I go up to 90-100mg of Test most weeks now, and instead of 350mg x2 per week of hCG, I do 250 three times per week because I’ve read that hCG only stays in your system for two days.

If my results were steady and stable, I would be posting this in the recovery section. But overall this has been a good 11 months. So hopefully that’s some positive news for you guys.

Hi Quint

Please correct me if I am wrong.I read all of ur thread and looks like the only time you made some recovery in T-level was when you tried Rebound XT. you were then having good level. I don’t know why you chose( actually Dr. Crysler chose) Tamo route? your TT took nose dive after tamoxifen discontinueation and came to 10. why you did not try again rebound XT again?
how long did you use Rebound XT?



I decided to drop ‘natural’ supplements altogether since I realized, in addition to them not working consistently (or at all), that I had no clue what was in these things. One non-prescription, over-the-counter anti-estrogen supplement actually gave me vision floaters, which have never fully disappeared.

Right now it’s just TRT in the mix for me, as I don’t want to overcloud the diagnostic picture if possible.

Ok, hard to believe that it’s been like a year and a half since I posted. It’s crazy how time flies, even in spite of the fact that this shit we suffer from seems to slow time to a crawl and these past few years have felt like an eternity.

Anyway. I hope there are some positive stories to be seen here, though I haven’t had a chance to look around yet.

I figured I’d drop in and give some others some optimism, as 2012 has been showing signs of full-tilt recovery.

As a mini-recap: I took fin for 10 months in 2006 and began getting all of the sides – ED, zero sex drive, ‘dried up’ ejaculate, brain fog, depression, anxiety – around month 6. Continued taking it for four months after that, figuring it might pass and assuming the problems would vanish the minute I quit the drug, so I wasn’t in a hurry to do so.

Tried all kinds of things before finally getting in as a patient of Dr Crisler’s. I finally decided to go the TRT route after trying a few more things with his supervision. Been on IM injections since October 2009 – 100mg/week – plus about .900mg/week of HCG (taken every two to three days, subQ).

I’d say for most of that time the results were underwhleming and a little disappointing, but still showing some promise. Let’s just say that it was about 50% of the way to my post-fin self. I could get an erection well enough to have sex, but it was a bit of a chore to keep it going and the whole thing was just something I felt indifferent toward. Some nighttime/morning wood, but again, not accompanied by that really focussed, concentric desire. Still, 50% is way better than 0-20% that described most of '07 to '09 for me.

Since shortly before Christmas this year things have taken a much better turn. Horny as all hell these days, waking up in the middle of the night and in the mornings (more so the night to very early morning though – like the hours of 3-6am) with really impressive erections and tons of libido.

In total, about eight weeks (just under two full calendar months) of excellent results. I would say 90%. The only reason I hesitate to say 100% is that the head part of the penis still doesn’t get as swollen up/enlarged during an erection as it did back in the day, and I still don’t produce full loads (probably 50-70% of what I used to normally).

I don’t have my labs handy, but my T levels had been a bit above mid-range for most ot the time on TRT, but the last lab, drawn during the begining part of this good period, showed them in the upper range: 28.3 in a 10-30 range. My free/bioavailable levels are also really high, like slightly over the top of the range(!)

I’m not sure what to theorize, especially since my meds haven’t really changed. For some reason, maybe the T is absorbing more effiecienty or maybe the ‘missing link’ that we’ve always been trying to identify has rounded a corner.

Anyway, I’d like to continue to post any progress. Sorry again to anyone that hasn’t gotten a PM response from me, as I’ve just not been around the forum too much.

Quint welcome back and congrats on your significant improvements.

Dr. Crisler himself has noted it sometimes takes supraphysiological dosages of TRT for men to start feeling better ( viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1417 ).

Hypothetically, perhaps in your case continued usage of high dose TRT for a sustained period of time is allowing the body to adapt accordingly and utilize Testosterone/DHT again. Perhaps molecular changes are occurring slowly over time to resensitize to androgen signalling at the epigenetic or AR gene expression level. Without such tests though, we’d never know for sure.

Please keep us updated on your continued results. As well, please post your current experience with TRT here: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=3250

Hope you will stick around and check in more often, and continue to do well.

“This stimulation results in the altered expression of receptors, signaling molecules, and other proteins necessary to alter genetic regulatory circuits. With more chronic exposure, cells adapt by an unknown hypothetical process that results in more permanent modifications to DNA methylation and chromatin structure, leading to enduring alteration of a given epigenetic network”

Pls cite your sources when posting quotes. Cheers.

Yeah, I’d like to drop in more. A combination of factors has kept me away for a while – zero internet access at my current job, and, to be honest, at one point I felt like I had to take a long break from reading up on the topic as it was always following a pattern of hope > letdown > depression. You think you’re on the right track and then…kerplow. You get grounded pretty quickly.

As far as the dosage of T, I think mine is pretty middle-of-the-road. But yeah, I do remember both reading Crisler and hearing him reiterate it to me that some fin patients needed boatloads of T (like 50% over the range) to achieve decent results.

I’m glad for your progress! Thank you very much for reporting it.

Still another case where some treatment has effect, whereas it fails on other people. A few others had recoveries or progress with radical different methods.

I think this is pretty encouraging. It shows that, somewhat, recoveries are meant to happen, whatever path is followed. Maybe the body precisely needs to reach the point where the “missing link” is reactivated, I don’t know, and that obviously happens by different ways for every people.

Since pretty everything has been turned topsy-turvy in our bodies, everything has to be taken care of, and you end up by triggering the recovery process, when the good things you’ve done to your body (supplements, hormones, regimen, drugs, natural herbs, whatever) allow some day to reach this “missing link”. That moment will occur differently, according to everyone’s chemistry, and the little progress already made among the multiple parameters. I haven’t any scientific background, but I reason on pure logic!

Quint, congrats on your incredible progress. Can you outline everything that you’re currently taking on an ongoing basis? Also, I know that Crisler recently promoted the necessity of nightly Cialis – have you been doing this (and for how long)?


Thanks for the update.