Muscle twitches are driving me crazy

yes,I support your hypothesis.
Low GABA level can lead to muscle,mental,brain,eye problems.
This is why we should take taurine and magnesium.

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Getting twitches too. now even in the toes.

I started taking bcaa powder along with Taurine the last week I think it’s been helping with muscle twitching significantly!

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wow ok, I will get on some bcaa’s, thanks for the info

Do you take tribulus,don’t you?
It affects you something about muscle twitch?
I will also take tribulus.
btw,my twitch is decreasing but I don’t take taurine every day,so I don’t know how to get rid of it for sure.

Yeah tribulus could also be helping but I didn’t cycle any this week gonna wait a few more weeks to go back on I recently added bcaa into my cycle with taurine. Be very careful with certain tribulus brands though some contain saw palmetto.

Same here. Twitches will come throughout the day in various locations. The worst is muscle pain and twitches at the same time (not spasms). It’s almost like an electric shock type of feeling at times. I definitely had twitches that started while on propecia and got worse after I quit. It has calmed down some what.

I see.
Also,do you have muscle waste?
I have less twitch,instead my muscle seems to be weaker.

Yes I for sure have muscle wasting.

for it, tribulus doesn’t affect?or you have improvement?

Orgasm quality has returned not 100% but 60% so I think tribulus is working but very slowly I’m spacing out each cycle so I don’t build a tolerance

Mis fasiculaciones se mejoraron solas después del primer año de pfs , fueron terribles. Hoy minimas o nada.