Mifepristone worked

Mifepristone studies quite contradictory in regards to AR, some studies show it can upregulate AR.


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so anybody got source ?

I’m from Russia. I use Google translator.In our pharmacies, a drug with the active substance mifepristone is sold, but it is expensive. $ 100 for 30 tablets of 50 mg. I could buy it and send it if anyone is interested. But I do not know the rules of customs clearance, whether the parcel will be stopped. Here is a link to the description of the drug, only in Russian.

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I think it’s not worth the hassle, it’s easier to order from some Chinese supplier. I have one already, so I will get back with updates when I will start my mifepristone trial. But thanks for the offer.

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Hi brother,

Thanks for the offer, seems that it is very good quality as it has to pass regulation pharmacy etc, but maybe someone in Russia can first try it with PFS and PAS symptoms or maybe ship it to one person and see how you go as it would be good quality, Russia is usually a very good solid source if its pharmacy grade, even a dysregulation within the HPA Axis or trying to permanently heal the glucorticoid system they can try, and you can report or your experience here.

Mifepristone is a very interesting and undervalued treatment (not yet approved for treatment, but I beleive not far off for possible HPA axis dysregulation treatment ) as in certain areas in the brain it upregulates and downregulated hormones, antagonises and agonises at the same time, the reason for this, is becuase is somehow resets the PVN (paraventricular nucleaus ) in the hypothalamus, and guys the Hypothalamus is the hormone control centre, thats why most of our hormones are out of wack in the body, becuase the hormone control centre is out of wack and not aligned. If you align the Hypothalamus, the rest of the hormones should fall in place, rather than say using HGC, which is good, but your getting relief only while on it, but if you treat the root cause, naturally the hormones will come up, speceifically LH and FSH.

Thats what I have from the studies I have done many hours on, and Mifepristone can heal many more disorders, example pretty good succes with cushings syndrome high cortisol which i also had from Accutane or Finasteride as I took both), becuase CRH is upregulated, and Mifepristone somehow restores and resentizes the glucorticoid system feedback, resulting in downregulation of CRH( cortictropin releasing hormones), then inflammation is down, and the body comes back to a state of balance, resulting in symtoms releief.

What sysmtpoms do you have ?


Ok bro, keep us updated on your experience.


Could you post pictures of the face changes perhaps?

Has not a single other person tried this? Really wish that someone else could try it and share if it worked for them. I would but can’t find a way to get it.

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Does anyone have a real source? This is an abortion drug so obviously very regulated. Very curious to try this out.

I won’t try this anytime soon.

It sounds truly counterintuitive, while it might work for one person, taking anti-androgens which even boost estrogen goes against anything I believe could work for recovery.

The only thing it does that’s favorable imo is being an anti-progestin.

This compound is very high on the risk scale if you ask me.

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ive tried it, one person has tried it I know, his improvements were libido and well being, and he has now a girfriend, which he says he has quite alot of sexual encounters.

Could be a coincidence, maybe, but Ive done the study and can vouch myself what hes experiencing, the difference with this treatment is, its keant to be taken for 7 days only, and if there are any benefits, based on the theory and my experience it would be permanent, because Mifepristone somehow influences the Hypothalamus, which is where I beleive the root of the problem is.

With HCG etc, yes there is relief, but were tackling the issue not from the root, rather from the mid way point, and to get the releief you have to stay on it, indicating your simply keeping on top of it, rather than actually resetting or resensitizing the receptors, thats just one mechanism.

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Mifepristone acts to resentisitize the receptors, specifically targeting the progesterone cascade of progestins. So after treatment, if your progesterone is working better (doesnt mean if you test good range in the blood means your progesterone is working as should, its whats happening at the celluar level is important), progesterone counteracts estrogen, so how can your estrogen go higher, if your fixing your progesterone cells. Increase progesterone at the “cellular” level then estrogen should naturally drop.

Also why is it a high risk in your scale ?

The key to the game here is we have to have a some sort of rebound from the androgens, the best rebound for the HPA axis and HPG axis (is where our real problem is) is Mifepristone.

Im so passionate about this compound is becuase i know forst hand what it done to me, and someone else i know. Soon i will get some people to sign on here and gove there honest and detailed experience with Mifepristone. Tranparency and honestly is key here to getting you guys better.

I do believe the mechanism can realign, or reactivate, or resensitize the prog receptors, but it’s high risk due to the anti-androgenic and estrogenic qualities

The problem in different people could reside in different hormonal values/neurosteroids being off balance. Or gene transcription, or anything in between.

But by trying to fix prog, you might screw up the hormonal balance, which could cause more sides then it solves. I’ts a risk reward decision, and i’ll definitely keep mife on 4th of the shortlist for now.


I beleive the main benefit you would get from the Mifepristone in terms for progesterone is to Antagonise the glucorticoid receptor to give a rebound effect.

by resentizing the glucorticoid receptors, your allowing progesterone to now become more available to the cells, thus allowing to do to its job, one being keeping estrogen down.

and the glucorticoid system once resentisized has a host of imortant duties in the body, one biggie being keeping inflammation down, thats half the issue.


Have the positive effect proved to be long-lasting? Any noticeable sides?
My main concern is libido/ED improvement.

yes I took it for 7 days, and 2 years later im still 85-90%

How are your prolactin levels ?


I do believe that it has the potential to resensitize receptors and cure as people have noticed with certain corticosteroids but weaksides does have a point that it can also be very risky. It would be nice if someone could talk to a doctor who is familiar with PFS such as Dr. Irwig who could weigh in on this and tell us if it would be safe but then again they probably won’t risk their careers by commenting on this experiment.

Isn’t this something girls can easily get from their docs. Just ask some female friends to get it for you