Liver values mean shit. LFT are not that useful in these sorts of cases.
The fact is the liver is the centre for balancing and regulating hormones. SHBG is made there to regulate testosterone, estradiol is sorted there, many hundreds of detoxification and regulating activities take place. If these are out of whack it wont show in your LFT, even cirhosis may not show up. Thats how useless these LFT’s can be.
If you felt better from eating broccoli or drinking its juice, most likely whats happened is it has helped your liver regulate estradiol. Your issues are estradiol for sure.
You need to sort your liver functioning out.
You cant do that through western medicine to do this you need to go herbal, ayuverdic, unani. Those medications i took that i told you about but you dont beleive me, liver cleansing were a part of it. It was a complete package targeting liver, adrenals, testicles, pituarty etc. the whole system was regulated and made efficient.
You go to your nearest unani doctor and get them to give you something for liver cleansing and regulating SHBG and estradiol. Take a methodical and scientifc approach, tackle one organ at a time if you are unsure and make that the liver for starters. When you see benefits then you can commit more.
My morning wood started strong when i supported liver, still tokk a month for it appear, i took as meaning estradiol levels were brought down into range. No need for arimidex…its liver thats needs to be activated and regulated / healed.
Western medicine will not help you sort your liver out - the knowledge of this is within the realms of unani / ayuverda.
Also check out dhant / jaryan as well, i had this too - this is leakage of semen when i urinated.