Low dose testosterone without HCG

Yesterday there were times I was not feeling so hungry. I also felt a bit of anxiety at night when eating. I also noticed a new pimple on my but. Also my thoughts were less opportunistic. Also noticed some twitches.

Testicles are hard this morning. I do not understand this. Last night they were soft.

Woke up neededing to go to the toilet today.

I did my injection and took .05mg of arimidex.

I did notice nocturnal wood last night.

Today injected 32.5mg test. took 0.05mg arimidex. I was not hungry in the morning and have not been hungry before any meals today. This morning had quite an urgency to go to the toilet. Last night felt a little bit of anxiety.

Now I have a pimple on my chest. I really never get pimples here. So it could be related.

Energy is still good even though im sleeping less.

When im not hungry I have this kind of feeling in my stomach that it feels full even though I know I should be hungry.

My testosterone should have reached its plataue now. I am not sure if is the estrogen that is causing this?

Yesterday I felt hungry in the morning and before dinner. I exercised before dinner. Would have to say my appetite is not good today.

I did a masterbation test, got wood with visual stimuli after about 2 minutes. Wood was strong after that time.

Mostly I was not hungry all day even before I took the arimidex.

I have been feeling good energy still, been productive with work and other things.

Ok it is 2 hours after I woke up. I took .05 MG arimidex. I had some twitches in my leg. Appetite is gone. Not hungry at all 2 hours after i have woken up I kind of have this feeling like my stomach is full. But I just woke up so I know it is not full. I exercised yesterday afternoon I should be hungry. :frowning:

I do not know what to make of this. My appetite seemed to get better when I first started the testosterone. Now it has gone back to what it was.

don’t think i noticed any wood last night.

its 1:30pm here. Woke up at 9. Do not feel hungry at all. Stomach feels totally full. Zero appetite.

It is 5:25 pm and just eating my lunch. This is not normal. Not really even hungry too.

scrotum seems to be not so red.

Think I could be starting to feel some fatigue .

Definite feeling fatigue. When I feel fatigue I can not think well have a heavy tired feeling in my legs.

Feel I want to lie down.

it is 9:20 here have not had diner. I should have eaten 4 meals by now. I have only eaten 2 and feel my stomach is full.

I have had bouts of tiredness.

Scrotum is still red I checked it again not very red but a tinge of red.

I’m starting to think about the finasteride curse where eveytime you feel better you are shortly dragged back to hell.

It really f**king sux. I have been able to fix my libido and my energy and appetite. But I can not maintain this.

Is what I am experiencing caused by estrogen. Has my estrogen increased now that I am at a stable peak with my testosterone? How was it that my appetite was much improved in the first few days but now it really sux?

For how my appetite is today which is 0 I would have thought my energy would be worse. My energy is not great but it is not 0.

But i feel like there is a kind of brick in my stomach.

Still getting some twitches today, but less than I have for the last week.

Woke up today feeling not bad but digestion was not good. Got hungry in the morning decided I woould skip the arimidex.

Felt pretty good today. Good energy, reasonable appetite not great but so much bettter thatn yesterday.

I wonder why this is. I wonder if it is the arimidex that is helping or making it worse. I have not noticed many twitches today.

Energy pretty good all day too.

Was not able to fall asleep last night had to take 1gram of gaba. Woke up with a half morning wood. Digestion seemed better today than yesterday.

this morning was not hungry and had to wait 2 hours to eat my breakfast. But after that my appetite was better. Have been able to eat all my meals today easily was hungry for some of them.

This is day 2 with no arimidex. I wonder if it was the arimidex that screwed me up? That was the thing that got my libido back last time.

Not many twitches today,

can i ask something about hcg? i took 2000 u.i. hcg 3 times in may one week apart, twice in july one week apart again and once in august, it was good for libido. before hcg testosterone was high, lh normal. i checked them this week and testsoterone is very low, free testosterone under the limit, lh over the upper limit and dht extremely high too, at the upper limit. Can that be due to my usage of hcg? It seems that testsicles are not able to product testsosterone anymore, if i take hcg again, at least theorically, will it work, will my testosterone rise, or with testicular problems even hcg can do nothing?

Digestion was worse today. This is day 3 without any arimidex. Do not feel so good or hungry this morning. Do not think I had any morning wood. Had some nocternal wood.

Last night I did a masturbation test. It worked out, not so fast to get an erection. What was strange is the sperm that came out seemed white and creamy. I wonder if this means my testicles have not shut off? As I keep saying there are points almost every day were my testicles still feel hard/dense.

Should I increase dose to 100mg per week?

So far no signs of libido.

Was not hungry all morning. Now its 4:00pm feeling bit tired.

My last testosterone injection was yesterday.

have not been feeling hungry. Was tired had a sleep but could not sleep probably due to the testosterone.