Low dose testosterone without HCG

My blood work :

I started taking 32.5MG testosterone today. Will take evey 3rd day.

As I had a brief recovery on arimidex I hope this new protocol will shut off estrogen created in my testicles by shutting of LH. Then I hope the injected test will only slowly convert to T. Lowering my estrogen.

My free testosterone tests have been low. I need to try and fix this.

I hope that once my testicles are shut of my total estrogen level will decrease, I hope my free cortisol will increase by a decrease in transcortin/CBG.

This is a low dose of test. Like 76MG per week. This should not increase my estrogen. But I am not sure if it will cause full suppression. I hope it does.

I expect to see some changes at about day 11 or so.

I will do more blood work after a few weeks to see how my estrogen and free test is.

If my free test is still low and e not low enough. Then I will move to arimidex on the day of taking the testosterone. Or I will add a small amount of trenbolone and reduce testosterone further.

Here are some things I noticed.

Not too long after the shot felt warm.
Was chatting to some girls, got half erection. This happens from time to time.
Hit the gym, curled 50 kilos. Usually I do not do this much.

I really do not think much would have hit my system yet so these are things that just coincidental.

The other reason for this is, last time I took testosterone, when I was comming off it, a week or 2 later I had some really good morning errections for a few days. I was taking large doses before I was coming off. So after I quit T and HCG my system may have been slightly suppressed. This created a favorable Testosterone / Estrogen ratio.

At least this should help my glycated hemoglobin and urea.

Still having some twitches tonight. These started on PREG / DHEA and I still have the.

Estradiol had a half life of 13 hours.

just a note : Seems I have been feeling more hungry. I did do a fairly big walk. But just ate dinner 3 hrs ago. Hungry again. I have always been exercising and eating 5 small meals a day. But most of the time I force myself to eat them because I do not want to loose weight.

It kind of sucks to know that my urea levels were high. I assume this is protein that is not being taken up by the muscles and will be excreted?

Transdermal cream daily bioidentical is the way to go. No spikes. I’m not sure about the dosing but isn’t T all or nothing? Doesn’t your body immediately sense the non-native T and shut down production? Not asking any of this sarcastically.

was on transdermal cream 100mg per day. My free test did not go up. It actually went down. LH shut off, looks like DHT may have went up. Total test did not change. Transdermal could cause more spikes than intermuscular injection. It all depends on how much and how often you inject. If you injected 10mg per day. It would take 10 days release 10mg.

If you took less than a replacement dose your system would not shut off and would make up what is missing. Your system can not detect where the hormones come from, it can only detect the levels and will act according to the levels.

nothing special today in terms of morning wood. Had a nocternal erection which I normally do.

Digestion same as usual, food does not seem that well digested when it comes out.

Possibly feel more hungry this morning, usually not hungry in the morning but this morning I am.

Testicles feel large and hard as they usually do. Scrotum still has reddish rash which I have had since quitting finasteride.

I am going to note everything I perceive here as I go.

Just ate my breakfast, am still hungry. This has not been normal for me for years.

No signs of libido.

had my lunch an hour ago. Still feel a hunger feeling. In the last few weeks there have been times where I just feel I cant eat feel like there is a brick in my stomach.

Energy has been good. Have not had any coffee now at 3:14 having a few yawns.

Just ate afternoon tea. Do not feel like im really full. My appetite does seem unusual.

Still getting some twitches now and then I am quite sure this is estrogen related. Energy still good. No coffee or cortisol today.

Did some exercise, felt good. Feeling hungry again. Im pretty sure I have not had these feelings of hunger in a while.

I am hoping that I can use the testosterone by itself. But I am not sure I am still getting some twitches and have 0 libido. As the testosterone has a 10 day half-life. I will wait till about day 13 to draw any conclusions. If no libido I will go get a blood test and see where I am at, I will probably start some arimidex too on the day of injection. Arimidex is not fun and I do not like using it. But I think it would probably be easier to use when your injecting testosterone as you know exactly how much testosterone is going into your system and your hormone production is not constantly fluctuating. Its half life is 3 or for days too I think. So you could probably say take .1mg on the day of the shot, wait for days and adjust. But I am not sure, arimidex is a bit of a nightmare to use.

Been reading some books on testosterone shippins is probably the best despite it being old. He talks a lot about the importance of estrogen / testosterone balance and that if e is too high you wont feel much at all.

Had really good energy all night, lying down reading do not feel I wana sleep at all. 4 meals down today and hungry for my 5th. If I can keep just these effects that will be great. I think my mood would calmer and I would not get pannic attacks. I have not been out to test it out. But I think that would be much improved. When I am feeling bad even imagining some situations I can bring the panic feeling on.

Testicles are not so hard tonight.

No libido and still some small twitches.

Had some nocternal errections, nothing out of the ordinary. Woke up needing to take a crap as usual. Digestion was ok. It has been much worse in the past.

What is weird is when I wake up my testicles are not red but within 20 minutes of waking they become red.

Testicles feel hard this morning.

Appetite ok, starting to feel hungry. Usually I am not hungry in the AM.

Last night I did a masturbation test. Was not able to get hard easy.

Lay down to read this afternoon. Felt kinda sleepy like I could have a nap.

Did my workout had a walk. Felt ok doing this not super good.

Came back had dinner. Was hungry again. And now mood feels really good. Feel really calm and collected.

Testicles are much softer now. Not dense like in the morning. I am pretty sure ever since i quit propecia my testicles were much more dense and hard at all times. But I can not remember what they are suppose to be like really, it has been so long.

These fluctuations must mean that my LH is still on at some times??? My second dose is for tomorrow. Maybe after 3 doses my testicles will become soft without fluctuation?

But right now, mood is good, feel alert but calm.

Feeling some twitches. I should say my with my mood I feel buzzing with energy but calm. Feel really good. This has just been over the last 2 hrs.

My energetic mood lasted all night. Problem is, I was unable to fall asleep. I had to take some valerian which I usually never take because I do not have problems falling asleep.

Did not notice any morning wood or nocturnal wood last night.

Digestion still not great.

Testicles feel pretty dense again this morning.

I think I injected 37.5 the first day. Just did second injection today of 32.5mg, injecting with an inulin syringe is very easy and not painful.

Feel energetic today.