Low dose testosterone without HCG

very good journal. Please keep writing it will be very helpful for us.
Just a question why don’t you add some Andractim in your protocol.

Don’t have any, and last time I fixed my libido it was with arimidex. Shots could be giving me low DHT pssobly. I have some testosterone cream I can use to increase this if needed. But I am not going to add anything untill 2 weeks.

My friend came over I was excited and happy to see him. We talked for a long time.

I have a great sense of vigor today. Appetite is very good.

Feel awesome at the moment. No sign of any fatigue, feel optimistic, appetite good. If I can keep this feeling my life will be much much better.

I feel I want to get out there and hit the gym.

No signs of libido though, not sure how to explain this. Maybe my testicles are still producing some estrogen, they have not shrunk as yet. Maybe aromotaze over my whole body has been unregulated by finasteride?

Maybe I am feeling good because my testicles are partially shut of as LH would have decreased so now I have more testosterone and less testosterone.

When I took pregnenolone my outlook was negative, right now I am feeling the opposite to this.

I do not remember these things when I was on HCG and testosterone. That kind of indicates the HCG was spiking my estrogen levels.

Had energy all day, no crashing.

Did a gym session some sprints and a walk.

Hungryyyyyyyy. I think my possible high blood glucose problem is fixed! My glycated hemaglobin was high.

Still getting some twitches.

11:15PM here, no signs of fatigue feel alert and energized.

By the way, a few months ago I was on HCG + 2grams T cream + .05MG Arimidex for a couple of weeks. I can tell you I did not feel like this. When I tested then my estrogen had gone up, total test was over the top of the range, dht over the top of the range.

I think the HCG was messing me up. I was always taking a dose bigger than 300IU EOD. This probably spiked my estrogens.

It seems a bit harder to fall asleep at night but last night I was able to without taking any valerian. I had some early morning wood. Like a few hours before I woke up. When I woke up no wood.

Digestion is still not perfect but is reasonable. It has been much worse.

Testicles large and hard this morning, I am not sure what to think about this. My testicles seem to be hard in the morning and get softer thoughout the day? I guess I may not be fully shut down yet??

So had energy all day yesterday felt great.

It was a bit harder to fall asleep. Like I lie down but I do not feel tired so think it is going to be hard to sleep but I managed to fall asleep.

But I woke up this morning about 2.5 hours early. I woke up because I had a pretty hard morning errection. I think that possible woke me up also seems my sleep is lighter on the testosterone. When I had the morning errection, I would say I felt a little horney maybe 40 percent. Also my testicles felt smalish.

I stayed in bed a couple hours thinking i may be able to fall asleep but no luck. Too much energy.

Now about 2 hours later my testicles feel a bit more firm. But probably less firm than a couple days ago. Perhaps my body is still secreeting some hormones at some times in the day which would explain why my testicles seems to go from dense to not-so-dense. As I am only on a small dose perhaps this has not fully suppressed me.

3rds dose is tomorrow. I guess my state should start stabelizing at about 2 weeks. I hope I get my libido back. But even if I do not. I feel a great improvement.

Lots of people speak of testicle pain on finasteride, could this be some kind of changes taking place in our testicles that results in too much estrogen being created.

Shippen says estrogen blocks the androgen receptor. Could that explain low adiol-g?

this is very important I have been thinking on these line already for a long time.
you mentioned that HCG was giving estrogen spikes, so androgen receptors are blocked. We know testicles produce small estorgen normally, our testicles have turned into ovaries? The same thing Wedderbel2 pmed me once, he was getting estrogen only from HCG. Also I once posted a study here ( in JN’s thread I believe) where some males were given estrogen therapy at the end many of these males could not return to normal.They remained like this years after.
So what if we give our selves high dos DHT (Andratim only or with little T) therapy? maybe it will open up our androgen receptors and block estrogen receptors.
how long are you planning to go with this protocol?
I think no body here has tried DHT only therapy ( I am talking for few months).

" We know testicles produce small estorgen normally, our testicles have turned into ovaries? "

  • I would not jump to conclusions here. I can not make that assumption based on what I feel. Now that my testicles are producing less hormones I have less estrogen and more testosterone. That is why I feel better. I do not know if aromataze has been unregulated in other tissues.

Shippen says because the estrogen molicule is so similar to the testosterone molecule it can bind to the androgen receptor and block it. If we have more blocked androgen receptors than others, this may explain low adiol-g. I do not know if what shippen says is accurate but I remember mews recent post about some kind of androgen insensitivity in penlile tissue when estrogen was present. I can not remember the exact details.

You would need testosterone if you are going to take DHT.

I will never stop taking it if I keep feeling how I feel now.

This jef0 guy said he was on TRT 100mg a week I do not think he mentioned anything about HCG or anything like that.

There was a study about finasteride changing the structure of developing rats testicles. But our testicles have already developed.

But yeh, I will never stop I feel like I am recovered in terms of well being. Libido is not recovered digestions still not perfect and still have a red scrotum some times. But I have only been on since monday. My levels have not stabilized.

Dude this statement is quite frankly, idiotic. A testicle can’t turn into an ovary. Jesus Christ are you fucking for real?

If testicles do not produce estrogen why do they have the aromotase enzyme?

I edited my post above as it doesn’t explain what i meant very well, yes males produce a small amount of estrogen through aromatose, which exists in many different tissues including the gonads but the testicles do not produce estrogen directly, unless you have a tumor on them maybe.

well testicles change the testosterone into estrogen. I am assuming this happens within the testicle, the testosterone is produced inside the testicle and some of it comes in contact with the aromotaze enzyme and their for the testicles produce estrogen. If your LH is shut of I am not sure if this process starts.

I do actually have a couple of little nodules on my testicle. I am not sure when I got them or if they are related.

I know that some people on TRT without HCG report improved libido once they add HCG. Could this be explained by an increase in estrogen? Or what?

I never improved when I took HCG by itself or with testosterone. Why is that?

Energy all yesterday. No libido.

Went out to eat, this is sometimes where I get pannic. And sometimes feel nausea because of the panic I did much better than before. Still not 100% when I start to feel pannic I start yawning. They say this is because insufficient cortisol response. This could be because my E is still too high, which would explain why my libido is back.

Also having a bit of a on the left side under my rib cage :neutral_face: Noticed it over the last few days. From what I can see testosterone enanthate is not bad for your liver?

Had nocturnal erections last night, I have been having these without testosterone too. But no morning errection today.

This morning testicals feel dense. Any one know about this? If my LH was constantly 0 I would assume that my testicals should start to shrink or atleast not vary in size. I am pretty sure ever since I took finasteride my testicals became bigger and harder. But I did not check them too much before I took finasteride. But I can not remember my testicals feeling so hard? Well I am up to shot 3 today so I guess I have not reached maximum blood levels. I should be hitting maximum blood levels in the next 4 days.

Sleep is a bit different. I sleep more lightly and wake up more easily.

I have a pain under the left side of my ribcage. I hope this is not a kidney issue? I used this testosterone before for a couple months and did not notice anything like this.

With my sleep, when I go to bed I think I will not be able to sleep but I do fall asleep anyway. I wake up much easier in the morning.

Digestion was a bit better this morning. I had some nocternal wood, but not much when waking up.

Libido still not present.

Testicles still pretty solid. It seems more so in the morning. Maybe I need to up my dose to 90+mg a week? I exercise every day does this mean I use up more testosterone?

Maybe I will take one more 32.5 mg dose and then do a blood test. But I kind of feel that would be invalid if my testicles are still producing hormones.

I have got back to work and language studies now because I feel much better.

Testosterone should be peaking about now. It is the afternoon and I feel a little sleepy.

Had a work out energy good. Now still working enery good. Perhaps a little bit of a dip in arvo. But I have been waking up earlier. Before I was taking testosterone I was using coffee to boost cortisol. I would always feel a crash after exercising. But the testosterone has given me way way more energy than coffee would. Maybe equivalent to 10 coffees everyday or something.

Got a sperm test back today. Looks fine. So perhaps my whole body is creating more estrogen than it should be. My improvements could be explained by cutting of the testicular estrogen giving me a lower level of estrogen overall but not enough for libido. I will stay on T only now I am on 77mg. I may bump it up to 90 or so. But I do not think this will fix my libido?

I think it is going to require an anti Estrogen.

I would have to say that my libido is still 0 but I do not care about it so much cause i feel good. If i compare this to when I took pregnenolone I would be really sad and angry about it and it seemed like the biggest thing in the world not having my libido. Did not want to live without it. Now on testosterone I am not thinking in this way.

My acne on back and but has cleared up quite a bit. This indicates more cortisol and or less estrogen. Still have a red scrotum the color various thought the day.

Have been going to bed earlier since on the testosterone because I wake up earlier. It seems i need less than 8 hours sleep.

Before I took it I could stay in bed for sometimes 12 hours. Now after 8 hours I am very much awake and there Is no way I could fall asleep again.

Yesterday I noticed quite a lot of sweat on my forehead when exercising I remember this when I was on HCG + Test.

My nose seems a little more oily.

I am still having some twitches but they are greatly reduced. Actually they started on DHEA or Pregnenolone and never seemed to go away.

Had some nocturnal erections as usual but nothing much in the morning.

This is the 8th day on testosterone. When I tool arimidex my libido was back after the second dose. Right now my testosterone levels should be peaking but I feel no libido.

Right now testicles are feeling soft.

Because I have no libido I am coming to the conclusion that I must take Arimidex because my estrogen is still high. I am guessing the benefits in energy and appetite That I have been seeing is because of somewhat lowered estrogen but not enough to give me libido.

To summarize.

Appetite has improved.
Anxiety is improved.
Energy much improved.
Acne not appearing.
Seem to sleep less. Wake up earlier.
No improvements in libido.
Scrotum still red.
Digestion is ok.
Less twitches.

I will probably take arimidex with my next dose. I am thinking .2 or .3mg evey 6 days. When I was not on test. .1mg e2d got me my libido back after 2 days. But it did not last for long. So I am worried about hitting the sweet spot. Seems to be very hard to do.