Low Basal NO/NOx Levels and Proposed Regimen

I got the strips yesterday and used it this morning.
So i have below low, i think it called depelted or something.


Yes, Spinach has Dolichol and Dolichol upregulates a gene called SRD5A3. It appears that Finasteride downregulates permanently (?) this gene which affects Glycosylation. Please look through the thread (last 5 pages i think) or search for Dolichol in the site.

I believe it is best to supply your body with Spinach 3 times a day, a total of 50 gr per day worked for me. Do this at least for a month.

Low NO levels may be either from Oxidative Stress which our bodies cannot tolerate or some other mechanism is at stake. If possible please have a person to try the NO Strips. I was able to give it to two people to try, one of them was OK but the second one had depleted levels.

If your levels are depleted, try eating rocket for a couple of days and re-test. Again, i am not suggesting that Low NO Levels are the culprit to our condition anymore, BUT Low NO levels are associated with decreased ability to have an erection and vasoconstriction (among other things).

nitric oxide regulates oxidative stress.


Im retrying the spinach aprpach,starting today.
Are you still recovered?
Do you think it can be juiced? I cant find any info on this…



Yes i am perfectly fine. Two more people i know are getting better although not from this forum. I will have them post here when their regimen duration reaches one month so they can give you their experience. Remember, you should follow the regimen for at least a month. Stay away from MSG. Stay away from DHT Inhibitors and Whey Protein.

I don’t think it would be a problem to juice the spinach to be honest. But to be 100% sure, follow the regimen of raw spinach 3 times a day.

Good Luck and please let us know how you are doing.

I’m not sure it’s worth it to juice spinach. My experience is that almost all the spinach gets stuck in the juicer’s grinder and you get very little juice from it.

my grinder juices it pretty well. well enough i think. in any case i can just grind more spinach.
the thing is i really hate spinach in order to eat it but if thats the solution than so be it

why whey protein? im taking pea protein, i dont think thats bad ?

do you eat it with or without any other food?

Could you recommend any pea protein? I’ve read so many bad reviews along with hemp protein. However, I could do with something now that I’ve given up on whey protein.


Hey, i got pea protein from the nature shop i go to.
Its 70+gr of protein out of 100. Its the same than whey in amount of protein
Pea protein is bettwr than hemp i think, its more complete, if that makes any sense.

But i made really good gains in the gym taking 25g+25g of raw hemp+flax seeds

3rd day. Im finishing the 175g pack today, which i had bought 2days ago.

So i think im doing it correctly.

I just dont know if im supposed to eat it withouth anything else or if its ok to take it at meals?

Indont feel anything yet.


You must keep eating Spinach for a month at least. Any reason for supplementing with Protein? Do you take it because you are working out? If this is so, please make sure that you do not stress your body too much while working out. This increases Oxidative stress and is not helping you to recover.

There is no problem if you are eating Spinach with other foods.

Guys, i am stopping -starting today- eating Spinach to see if i will crash. There was a huge weather deterioration (snow storm) where i live and i didn’t feel a thing. I cannot imagine the problems that i would have if i hadn’t recovered.

@mario i will keep it up.
if i can eat it with food then that’s great.it disguises the flavour.

im only supplementing when i can’t get enough protein from meals or when i work out.

i was eating hemp and flax in the past to help with lots of things:

  • see if i could lower cholesterol (worked)
  • see if i could reduce the gyno…cant say it worked
  • supplement protein for muscle mass

i will keep up the spinach thing for @ least a month then.

i hope you have fixed the problem, good luck

I was very skeptical about the spinach regime, but I tried it and it has been making me feel better.

I got the strips. Will try tomorrow and post back

Tried strip this morning. I’m low.

hmmm. More spinach?

How better exactly?

I dont know where you guys are getting your spinach from but my mom just got me local raised spinach and i can tell you it feels so much better than the supermarket one. Honestlynit even looks and feels.like a different plant all together!
If you can, get spinach at the local market, not supermarket.

Mariovitali do you feel 100% no tinnitus, eye floaters, everything like pre fin?
Could you give me what is the key from your protocol? Would you say spinach? Because I will start a protocol that worked for me and I may mix with yours so I will speed up recovery.

Also how many guys are getting better here?

My protocol will be testo-boosters when they start to work I will use progesterone cream, bile acids and high fiber diet. Testo-boosters to reactivate androgen receptors, the rest will be to remove estrogen.

mario, ive read that some guys have had negative reactions to minoxidil (rogaine), perhaps it pays to keep close attention to how you react to it/have reacted to it


I am back 100%. I still have floaters and i don’t think that you can get rid of floaters that easily. I highly doubt that testo-boosters will make you feel 100% normal again but they will help you feel better. It is as if you are trying to remedy a symptom and not the cause.

Regarding the number of guys that are trying this i don’t know, but it would be great if there are any Guys out there that tried the Spinach intake for at least 20-30 days and tell us how they feel.

Yes my Gynecomastia is almost gone, it is barely visible at the moment.

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