I dont know why liver enzymes should permanantly change. But, according to the studies, if more testosterone is being metabolised by the liver and excreted, the body will compensate with increased testosterone production to maintain a study serum level. This is why testosterone levels remain within range for most. (So maybe this shouldnt even cause a problem…maybe, maybe not see the studies i posted?)
Saying that, I also think it would also explain why some have a notable and consistently low testosterone levels - increased metabloism.
However another problem here is that LH should be increased as a result. Which it isnt. Unless the LH pulses are now more frequent and as a result the actual pulse spike is lower.
The two big problems with this theory are, firstly, the fact that DHT is being produced in the body. If there was a testosterone problem this should not be the case. But consider this… Testosterone is metabolised by Cytochrome p450 3A4 to 6β-hydroxytestosterone (70-80%) which is then further metabolised by 5a-reductase.
Testosterone —> P450 3A4 (deactivation) —> 6β-hydroxytestosterone —> 5a-Reductase —> ???
What is the product of 6β-hydroxytestosterone & 5a-reductase??? Not DHT. But prehaps it shows up on a blood test like other DHT derivatives such as Proviron and Andractim will.
A bit crazy? Well prehaps checking if the blood tests are accurate (DHT is DHT!) should be the first step before assuming that a blood test that shows normal DHT and low 3adiolG means androgen insensitivity (which i dont discount btw).
The second big problem is why testosterone supplementation (T or DHT) doesnt work. Metabolism of androgens may be increased when more androgens are added (resulting in a the repeated ‘fade’ and short term successes). I’m not sure how many people have actually pushed their T levels to supra-physiological levels or wether the successes/failures here can be attributed to any of the ideas i have mentioned. (see viewtopic.php?f=4&t=3250)
One last thought…
If testosterone production is increased to compensate for more deactivation/metabolisation, then the body should create more testosterone from its precursors by upregulating 17β-HSD etc. If this happens wont there be altered levels of DHEA and Androstenedione and Androstenediol? Sounds familiar…