Hey guys,
The YouTube project doesn’t seem to get gathering much momentum. I can’t stress how important this is for exposure. I’ve worked in social media and I know how little effort something like this could take to gain maximum exposure. I think we just need to overcome that fear of being judged. A few days ago Ryan @Papasmurf posted a heartfelt video on Facebook. Not a single person questioned him or judged him, only an outpour of support, shock and rage. It nearly has 3,000 views. I have to admit the video made me cry aswell. I felt every word. Our fucked up situation WILL trigger a massive emotional response and this is what we want. Now imagine everyone on this forum liking and sharing a video, their own story spoken by a few. Friends and family who didn’t understand the big fuss are going to suddenly get it. Even people who barely just know you are going to be mortified. Your local Gp might think, oh shit maybe I was wrong, maybe I ruined a life.
Just a picture to show how many comments and views this post gathered.
Think of this as an easy University/college project that will take less than a day. I know equipment and such is overwhelming for a lot of people but honestly you don’t need anything more than a smartphone, a well lit room near a window, and a cheap smartphone stand to stabilise. You can get these off eBay or amazon for around 10-20 dollars. Entire movies have been shot on iPhones and maintained relatively good quality.
What I propose is we sign up some people on this thread and to maybe a deadline in a month- enough time to write about what you want to say, think of a great place to set it up, order a stand. A month for a project that could realistically be done in a day.
Axo and Awor have done the extremely hard stuff which is getting the scientists to even hear us out, which is fucking impossible I even tried myself for a while and felt defeated within weeks. All we need to do now is gather round and lift the issue to where it should be. People need to see faces. There’s a reason newspapers print full victim profiles taking up pages after a massive terrorist attack or disaster. People need to see the names and faces in order to give any fucks. “100 people died” oh yeh that sucks. Names and faces shown OMG THE DEVESTATION, THE HUMANITY, WHAT WILL WE DO, TAKE MY MONEY.
Everyone get on board and this will get some wheels in motion. Stop asking what you can do and do something.
Let go of Baylor, science is progressing we don’t need them. They’re too slow for us anyway.
Kirby x