Doctor prescribed Etoricoxib because of pain j have as result of a fall.
What now
? Should i take this? Yeap, its similar to vioxx and its also merck
Doctor prescribed Etoricoxib because of pain j have as result of a fall.
What now
? Should i take this? Yeap, its similar to vioxx and its also merck
Fuckin hell…read a bit more on it…im better off with naproxen 1000mg…mofos…
I see you are from portugal. i was there a couple of months ago. lovely place.
curious why doc prescribed u arcoxia, selective cox2 inhibitor. do you have history of GI problems? ulcers? bleeding?
Possible inflammation in the ribs ppost traumatic…
So he wanted to give me a strong antiinflammatory (stronger than brufen he said) to see if it woukd help me sleep better while i dont have the MRI results.
No GI problems or ulcers
Im.from the south of portugal. Gotta love this place im glad u liked it