Is H Pylori Bacteria & it's Autoimmune Disorders the Cause of Our Problems?

I got to thinking with all of the talk about bacteria or fungus being the cause of the problem and referring back to the ulcer I developed while taking propecia.

I took Prevpac a couple of years ago and no longer have the pains in my stomach associated with a stomach ulcer. I discovered today that H pylori can also cause Inflammation in the body. Could the H Pylori still be present in my body and in my gastrointenstinal tract? Well it get’s much worse than that, as it turns out H Pylori is also associated with dozen’s of Autoimmune disorders.

I always wondered why I could eat and eat and never seem as though my food is being absorbed properly.


Could this be the other connection that explains why so many of us have thyroid problems as well? It appears that some studies indicate there is relationship between H Pylori infections and an Autoimmune Thyroid disorder.

How about a connection to endocrine disorders?

Endocrine Disorders

I didn’t have to go through yet and seek out treatment options. I’m meeting with my doctor tomorrow. I’ll do more research and add to the thread.

Here’s the link I posted a long while back regarding the link between Propecia & ulcer or H Pylori Bacteria


I suggest some of you get a blood test for H Pylori Bacteria.

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It also appears that H Pylori can hide inside of the stomach lining so White Cells can not kill it off.

Are there any side effects associated with this antibiotiic you took, prevpac?

So mastic gum would be worth a try?

Come to think of it, I might have had an ulcer as well… Had a lot of blood in my stool for a while, but it now has seemed to vanish… Let us know on what sort of treatment would be good for this… Mastic gum is no cure alone obviously…

I have been diagnosed with an Ulcer and Helicobacter (6 months ago). Im on long-term anti-acid for it. Sigh.

I know birth control pills can open the door to all kinds of brutal infections taking over in women. Is it possible that finasteride (which, like BC pills, also suppresses hormones) opened the door to some kind of infection? Judging by my chronic blurry vision, coated tongue, and weird skin rashes, this theory makes sense to me

I wonder if there is a diet that could clean us up? I know raspberries are supposed to have some kind of anti-bacterial properties

Ok, so I went for some blood tests this morning. I tested for inlammation CRP test and a bunch of other stuff. I am having an H Pylori Breath test done later today. I will have the results of the blood test next week. I believe I will have the results of the H Pylori test in just a couple of days.

The breath test is the best option in terms of accuracy and it’s the least invasive of the bunch. This is the preferred method amoung doctors. You drink a solution containing 13C Carbon, If H Pylori is present Carbon will be released into the bloodstream and carried to the lungs, where it is exhaled by with the “breath Test”

Don’t bother to have the Blood Antibody test done, as it can detect past infections from the bacteria which doesn’t neccarily indicate you have it now. The other option is Endoscopy which is ridiculously invasive. They put you under an anesthetic and insert a long tube coupled with a camera down your esophagus and into your stomach.

I spoke to someone who had that done before and she said it was horrible. The benifit of having this test done is it can rule out other problems in the stomach such as inlammation. If my test comes back negative I’m getting a second test done and I may do this one.
Since I know I have had this issue and all of these links to the Autoimmune Thyroid problems seem logical.

As far as the Mastic gum, They mention it in this link below as a natural solution that works quite well. Check out this link if you haven’t looked it it. There’s a whole bunch of things on this page that are related to problems we have experienced. Since, I know I have already tested positive for it and know if has the ability to hide under the lining of the stomach I want to be sure we have ruled this out before moving onto something else.

Of course Here’s a link to H. Pylori and Prostate problems or Prostatitis; and another that shows a tie to the Ulcer.

At least H Pylori can be treated, unlike some of the other causes that we discuss here.

Joetz, IMO, the diet is very important role in trying to keep us in the best health possible, while we painfully search for the cause of this nightmare.

I have to tell you that my diet includes a ridiculous amount of the supposed miracle foods. I spent a couple of days recently researching what the best diet is for all kinds of different health problems such as thyroid, inflammation, etc. Ironically I have been eating the majority of them for the past couple of years. I eat all different types of berries, such as rasberries as well. I have continued to tighten it up and have removed all processed foods and it’s done nothing as far as improvement of the problems.

We put a foreign substance in our body and I personally doubt any food is going to fix the problem.

Martin, I took a 14 day treatment of this Prevpac. I didn’t notice any side effects at all. At the end of the treatment the pains I was experiencing in my stomach were gone. I do notice a mild discomfort sometimes after I eat still, but it’s nothing like what it was before.

Yesterday, I read somewhere that traditional antibiotics don’t really eradicate H Pylori, because of it’s ability to hid behind the stomach lining and it has the ability to penetrate Cells as well.

I’ll need to do some additional research on the best way to rid this thing from the body, while I await the results of the breath test I’m having done today. Unfortunately I imagine it would a long process for most of us.

does that site mention h pylori specifically?

You should know…I know you or someone else introduced me to it…It doesnt mention it specifically but it talks about how bacteria can penetrate cell walls…

“The term intraphagocytic refers to the fact that these bacteria have developed the ability to remain alive and proliferate undetected inside the cytoplasm of the cells they infect.”

I really think using the MP along with antibiotics would “potentially” work…If that is what is going on… Again, we’d need vitamin D 1,25 to be tested on a large amount of guys with PFS to see if this could be the case…The way I see it is the MP is good for two things, autoimmune disorders, and antibiotic resistance…

I had the breath test done and it was probably the easiest test yet. I’ll have the results tomorrow morning and I’ll post it here. Blow into a small bag, drink a fluid that tastes like lemonade and then blow into another bag.

Toadstool, what is the MP?

The marshall protocol…

I suggest you do some reading on it if you think our disorder is auto-immune related, which I think it is in some instances…

“Marshall (and colleagues) have hypothesized that chronic inflammatory diseases, including many autoimmune diseases, are caused by dysbiosis of a metagenomic microbiota: communities of microbial pathogens, many of which persist INTRACELLURY.”

Well the result of this breath test came back negative. However, I’m not simply taking that as the end of questioning whether H Pylori is the culprit.

I intend to either have the other more invasive test done that will provide more information as to what is going inside of my stomach and or get a second opinion. I think it’s all too easy to accept one test result and move on. We need to be sure. Since I had the H Pylori and now know it has the ability to penetrate into cells, hide behind the stomach wall, get into the prostate and other organs how do we know for sure the test is accurate?

I need to take a break and concentrate on work again. This f’n crap cost me a couple of days of work this week alone. Of course if I wish I could focus on this problem 24/7 and help us progress to a cure. I’m sure that’s part of the problem for many of us. You have to drop your life and have tons of money to keep doing this.

Has anyone here seen a gastroenterologist? Since it seems the digestive system plays a role. Has anyone had an endoscopy done?

I also have some other results coming in next week related to inlammation, white blood cells, etc. I’ll post those in my personal thread and keep this one for H Pylori.

Im going to try and see one soon, though i encourage everyone to…will be also testing for c diff.

what exactly is the C diff test anyway. My doctor added that to my blood test yesterday. I asked the woman at the lab about it and she said it had to do with blood cell counts, but I just googled it and completly different information is coming up. Is it some strain of bacteria? I think she gave me bad information.

Hi - first time posting here (I’ll get around to filling out the requested info). Just wanted to throw in that I’ve had PFS for several years, and a year and a half ago was diagnosed as having an H Pylori infection via an endoscopy. I took Prevpac for about 10 days of the 14 day treatment but then developed terrible headaches so I stopped. Not sure if it erradicated the bacteria but my stomach feels better.

Also - this is an interesting theory, but to point out, H Pylori is VERY common.