Is deprenyl a valid treatment?

I saw a famous french dr specialized in Penis surgery and libido issue, Dr Virag.

He has prescribed me Deprenyl to cure my loss of libido.

I have read a lot of good thing on that drug to treat libido and depression issue

But I am a bit scared to try a new drug and to have side effects.

Has someone tried Deprenyl?

I can only speak for me, but I don’t understand why you wouldn’t try it. You’re already screwed right? Can’t make things much worse?

I’m at the point where I’ll try almost anything.

From what I have read it sounds pretty safe, and has a number of beneficial effects.
Id be very interested to hear how you go on in, wouldnt even mind trying it myself.

Heres a couple of extracts from webpages which sound interesting:
“Dr. Clyde Reynolds, a clinician who specializes in the metabolic therapy of cancer in Washington State, discovered that cancer patients invariably have imbalances of the neurotransmitters, epinephrine, norepinephrine and serotonin. Dr. Reynolds has found that Deprenyl is highly effective in restoring the normal levels and normal balance of these neurotransmitters.”

“Deprenyl is a selective inhibitor of the dopamine-destroying enzyme monoamine oxidase (MAO) in the brain. Because deprenyl inhibits this destructive enzyme, levels of the excitatory neurotransmitter dopamine rise in the brain, which generally causes people to feel more pleasure and become more physiologically aroused.”

Like joetz i say give it a shot, doesnt seem like you have anything to lose, but if you still have doubts just do some more research on it first…

If it balances neurotransmitters I would definitely go for it. I have had amazing (although extremely short lived) results with my efforts on fixing my neurotransmitters

Lets try it…

This link could be a load of BS, but what if it isn’t?

Sounds promising doesn’t it? I would take the Deprenyl if I knew how to get my hands on some

This assumes dopamine levels are the problem, correct? I’d be very cautious trying anything unless you can prove the broken piece is actually related to the potential treatment. What I mean is, this is sort of working backwards. Just my humble 2 cents.

Really bad advice. Sounds almost like the advice I got before taking finasteride.

If you don’t have the balls to try new things how on earth are you ever going to get better? Is your plan just to sit there and wait and see if you get better on your own? People have done that for years here

Looks interesting. You can get it here if you want to try it.

I bought some and some nettle root.

I bought some from the site
After completing my order, this got me annoyed:

“Delivery time is generally about 2 weeks. Depending on the efficiency of your local postal system it may occasionally take a little longer. We therefore ask that you wait at least 4 weeks before querying your order with us.”

Could they possibly be any slower?!?

When I get the product, I’ll let everyone know if it helps.

Has anyone seen good results with Nettle Root?? It is one I have looked ta for some time

Thats awesome you guys are trying it. I really look forward to hearing your results.
Bit annoying about that delivery time hey joetz. They dont offer express post or something for a few extra $?
I want to give this a try too, but just started on some melanotan, so want to see if that has any effect first rather than take a few things at once.

I believe its supposed to bind up to SHBG so that doesnt bind to your T, giving you more free T… basically anyway. More free T can’t hurt I shouldnt think. So far T boosters seem to just amp up my anxiety so bit of a different approach. Personally I’m in the silenced AR signal theory camp so I’m not getting my hopes up but its worth a try.

I’m not aware of any adverse effects of nettle root. It also has anti inflamatory and antioxident properties. Maybe someone will post who knows more about it. Have to be careful what you buy though, some nettle root products come with saw palmetto.

Here is a paste of my post when I tried melanotan, hope you have a better experience than I did:

I did try something else last night that I wanted to discuss here. I was even thinking about starting another thread to talk about it because I know it’s going to be very important to people here. I tried Bremelanotide/PT 141! I was very excited about trying this because, unlike viagra, this drug is supposed to directly increase sexual desire via the nervous system.

I got the two bottles in the mail from a company in [CENSORED FOR PRIVACY] and didn’t waste any time trying it. One bottle is water and the other is powder. You mix the water with the power using an insulin syringe and then inject a small amount of the mixture into your belly. I did the injection at 9:00 PM last night. Within a few minutes I turned red as a lobster. My face felt really warm and my stomach felt upset. Not crazy nausea where you think you are going to vomit, but enough so that eating was absolutely the last thing on my mind. within an hour the nausea was gone and I got my color back. Then I felt nothing. I got into bed and pulled the covers over me and waited. Nothing for a few hours. Then around midnight I got some results and they were a little different than I expected. I got the most crazy erection I’ve ever experienced. It was the kind where I was almost frightened because it was so rigid and nothing I could do would make it go down. It wasn’t like anything I have ever experienced, even pre-finasteride. It was like some kind of concrete, titanium penis. This lasted several hours and finally I fell asleep. The weirdest part of this whole experience: I wasn’t the least bit aroused AT ALL. So for libido I give Bremelanotide a gigantic ZERO. For ED, I would give it an 11 on a scale of one to ten.

My conclusion with this whole Bremelanotide experience is that if you want to have sex and be able to perform physically, then Bremelanotide is right for you. If you want to actually feel passion, sex drive, libido, horny feelings, then this stuff is totally useless. For me to have an erection that I have no desire to do anything with defeats the whole purpose. In fact, I almost found it even more annoying and frustrating and found myself wishing there was some kind of off switch. I don’t think I’ll be trying Bremelanotide again…

Did your bottle arrive yet? I still haven’t gotten anything and the waiting is killing me.

Nope. Nothing for me either. Been a long time. Dunno whats up with that.

If I get it first, I’ll post my experience with the drug for everyone’s benefit as I did for Bremelanotide/PT 141

I am interested in this drug as well.

Re joetz experience with brelamotad or whatever it’s called. Perhaps use it a few days in a row or for a week or something. Having erections increases T levels does it not. Also for those with shrinkage I think this could be a good thing! dunno!

Bremelanotide was so creepy and so unnatural feeling I really couldn’t bear to use it more than 2 times. I swore off taking it again after the first time and only tried it a second time just for the benefit of people on this forum. It will produce the erection, but you’ll feel really sick. If you cut the dose by 50% you get 50% of the sick feelings and 50% of the erection. For me, the issue is libido, not really erections. If I have an erection and no libido/desire to do anything with it, what’s the point?