I have been feeling that tightness in the throat to, it started today, I am allergic to nuts and it feels a little like that. Not getting the improvements that I did in the beginning, but I intend to add T3 to the mix and 6.25 gr of Clomid. I think we need to push our metabolic rate up and keep it there, chi got tons of improvement when he did intense exercise which obviously pushed his metabolic rate back up. If that’s the case then I will force mine and try and keep it there. definitely think iodine is a great supplement and will carry on taking, but still looking for an answer.
-thats awesome gazaa. Yeah, im digging in for the long term in terms of getting myself re-iodinized.
Also, I dont know if its the hot weather or the iodine but I have noticed that my armpit smells absolutely atrocious. (Just one of them, one of the side effects of propecia was that I no longer had bad (normal) smelling armpits, and in fact one of my armpits stopped emitting smell period. Additionally sweat from my armpits used to stain my white shirts yellow, but now it doesnt stain them at all…)
I feel a sensation in the throat as well the more Iodine I take. It seems to come and go, it feels like a “tick” here and there. According to curezone users, it’s the thyroid uptaking the IoDIDE. It bares repeating: keep on with the unrefined sea salt, Vit C, Selenium as minimal detox measures.
Keep in mind that according to Dr. Brownstein, thyroid hormone increases demand for iodine.
Also, regarding general timeline and dosing, consider this info excerpted from the previously posted PDF link. Keep in mind that the referenced dosage is JUST TO GET TO NORMAL HEALTHY LEVELS, not necessarily a therapeutic dose which is what I think many of us here are seeking.
The Guide to Supplementing with Iodine Rev 5/1/12
22. Bromide Toxicity and Iodine Loading Test.
As the years have gone by members of the group have been testing relatively high in their saturation levels with the Iodine loading tests. This is usually met with jubilation that they are at a good level. But wait! This isn’t a place to stop. A bromide level test has become available and can be added to the loading test. This is highly recommended because it gives a clearer picture of what the TRUE status of the saturation level is. As a general rule if you see a higher saturation level (80% or above) with a bromide level over 10 mgs/L (the upper limit of normal per Dr. Guy Abraham) you are bromide toxic and the receptors that would normally be able to pull iodine into the cells cannot because bromide is blocking the receptors. This will result in a high level of iodine being eliminated in the urine indicating (falsely) that you are more saturated than you are. Persons with results such as these should consider supplementing with Lugol’s or Iodoral in doses of 50 mgs or more for 6 mos to 1 year and then retest Iodine Loading and Bromide levels to see what the new status is. Dr. Abraham has stated that this amount of time is needed to make significant progress in detoxing and to build saturation in the cells. After supplementing for 6 mos to 1 year, the trend has been to see saturation levels go down while bromide elimination levels increase.
Another reason for a false high reading in saturation levels is due to defects in the symporters of the cells. Dr. Abraham addresses this on his website at
optimox.com/pics/Iodine/IOD-11/IOD_11.htm which suggests the usage of Vitamin C to heal symporters.
i thought the throat feeling was just because iodine has a very potent taste/flavor. not sure though.
i had the throat tightening experience. It was pretty intense. It improved over a few days. It was followed by my voice breaking. Which improved. Not the effects I was expecting. I do feel better tho.
I thought it was a person’s reaction to deodorant, not their sweat, that stained shirt armpits yellow. Otherwise everywhere we sweat in clothes would turn yellow.
Have any of you who’ve tried iodine noticed any improvements in mood/mental capacity? My mental mental health is far more important to me than sexual health, so I hope to make strides in that department first. I struggle with brain fog and depression… is iodine worth a shot for combating this? Thanks to anyone who can provide some insight. (PM me if you want.)
-martin m
if that was the case then my white shirts should continue to get yellow stains (they dont), I havent stopped wearing deodorant either. So im pretty sure its due to propecia.
It’s possible your deodorant was reformulated, it happens often. This isn’t the only cause of yellowing armpits in shirts.
Maybe Propecia caused it, I don’t know, but yellowing armpits in shirts are usually caused by deodorant and deodorants are reformulated often. Only way to know would be to make sure the material in your shirts hasn’t changed and to check if your deodorant was reformulated to rule out these possible causes.
MartinM, just take my word for it. My propecia transformation happened three years ago. Ever since that point I have not left any stains on any of my shirts, and furthermore I have not been using just a single type of deodorant, I have been using numerous different types of deodorants over the past three years and the result is always the same. (no stains, whats more, after my propecia transformation my armpits ceased to smell as well, coincidence?) Anyways, I have only been a member here for a few months, but I have been lurking here for years, so I know your tendencies towards being ultra critical. Its a good thing, I guess? But in this case I think you are being over analytical.
i dont smell either or sweat much. also have no sexual thaughts and penis is not nice to touch. its as if my body has returned to a 10 year old
For those that have high estrogen levels, this doctor suggests that estrogen inhibits absorption of iodine.
Would you attribute more of the “painting” aspect of the iodine therapy to your recovery of sexual function or the ingestion?? Or do you think both are necessary and equal?
Any more feedback from those who have been experimenting with this?
friends in my opinion I think the user YOUBET is an employee of the short registration MERCK assume just because you signed up in April and is supposedly cured and disappeared and has a lot insconsistencia. nose that you are saying. Opinen that user and his career. I see suspicious.
I stopped painting early on because the pain was severe and it caused the skin on my scrotum to peel. HOWEVER I just found this recent thread on cure zone which talks about mixing the lugols with a carrier oil to lessen the sting.
I had a bottle of this lying around
It uses glycerine as a base instead of water. I used like 20 drops spread all over my penis and balls. there was barley any stinging like with the lugols. im thinking its the glycerine? my libido was stronger all day. Ill be painting again everyday and ill get back you guys.
back to your question toadstool, I stopped painting early on so i can give you a better answer in a few weeks. I feel as though internal use is very important and could get your libido back on its own but the painting makes it happen faster maybe?
haha WOW!
pffft nonsense, MERCK will NEVER advocate the use of iodine as a medicine. I truly believe iodine is such a broad ranging general healer, were it to be used more widely half the drugs these companies sell would be made obsolete.
youbet, where are you at this point in your health ?
You should be suspicious of everything you read on the internet! Also, this would be a terrible attempt by merck to sabotage things!
There have been other threads like this before Royal Jelly - A tonic to correct your hormone pattern?? viewtopic.php?f=6&t=5969 . Even though there are familiar names posting in all these threads (bryce, bluecloud, moonman1, joetz etc etc) it does seem this forum lacks credibility without merck having to interfere.
Personally, I had some nice benefits from maximum milk thistle. It did not last, but still it helped for a period. Fact.
There was nothing sketchy about that thread in my opinion.