Iodine -- Huge progress

I have been taking iodine for 3 or 4 weeks now. I went with whole ramp right up to 50mg and if nothing happens keep going up. This is a bad fucking idea and its bad advice. Firstly you dont fuck around with iodine. A balls out machismo approach is just fucking vanity. Iodine takes some time to accumulate in the body and then the detox begins. Thats when the party starts. I have had a fever and for about 3 days. Achy, cranky, cant sleep well, diarrea. All that nice stuff. This is the detoxing of bromide and associated halogens. From what i have read these detox effects can be real nasty. Much more nasty than mine. Rashes, massive bloating, hair falling out etc etc. I have been reading the “iodine anyone?” thread on They take the approach, especially grizz, that detox sides should be kept to a minimum and what they mean is that the kidneys and body in general are unable to process the toxins. The aim is to keep these detox symptoms to a minimum. ANd very gradually ramp up in small amounts. Not quickly at all. It’ll fuck your shit up and you wont be feeling so brave then. Iodine has done good things for me and some not so good things but that is because i was too aggressive. Sex feels better. So thats a big win. My advice to u guys is start modestly. Read that iodine anyone? thread and good luck to you. I cant say categorically that iodine is something that everyone should be looking into intently, coz i always get onto something then one month later i have forgotten about it after less than spectacular benefits. But it has already been a month and I feel iodine is very important in getting your body back to a zero point. Getting rid of all the toxins that are in our food, water and air, and also our medicine and pseudo medicine. Props to youbet for making me aware of this supplement. I always over do everything. Its part of my character. But a more reasoned and gradual approach needs to be emphasised on this thread. If you want to go balls out, thats your call but dont tell others its the only way to go. Read about iodine.

bigishwig, thanks for the update - out of curiosity, have you been taking the recommended sea salt water, Vit C, B2/B3, etc?

I didnt initially take all the recommended co-factors, however i am now. Things got more intense when i started taking the salt. I work in a very coffee-centric cafe as a barista and I have to check the espresso. So i can end up drinking a lot in a day, relatively. So i think that i was stressing out my adrenals and that was the cause of a lot of my problem. My body was trying to detox and the coffee was making it much harder. I took some B5 and vit c and it really settled down the agitation i was feeling. I however still have a fever and am not sure where this is coming from. I feel ill basically. I have also lost my voice. It could be detoxing which was made worse by stressed adrenals. I am taking a break from iodine for a week or so, till things settle down and then i am going to start using it again at a very low dose. I seem to be very sensitive to this nutrient. It took 3 weeks before the iodine started really beating my ass from pillar to post. I am also gonna really reduce my coffee intake.

Since Lugol’s Solution is not common in pharmacies in my country I was prescribed Iodine tablets 200mg by the pharmacist. I am just wondering if that is the right dosage. Isn’t it too high?
Alongside I take Vit C and B.

Hey guys I’m really interested in trying out iodine but reading this thread can get confusing.
First, has there been a decent amount of success stories from iodine?
Second, what kind of iodine are people using? Is it something like this:

Im a little confused if people are dropping it in water and drinking it, or applying it topically.
And lastly, should I be taking other supplements with it?

Sorry for the many questions!

I am done taking the Iodine for now. Def. did not get any noticeably improved results…

However, I encourage everyone else to give it a go.

op sad he went long term no masturbation. did you consider this?

I would say 200mg of iodine is hella high.
Regarding the type of iodine that people should take. I believe that Lugols is the best. It is a tincture. Just drop some in water and your away. Also iodoral is good, however it is in capsule form and is basically lugols in a capsule. Either or.
A lot of the other brands are very weak and dont really get it done. You should start at a low dosage however, say one drop of the lugols 2%, then work your way up slowly, week by week. Its hard to predict how the detox will hit you or when. It differs from person to person. You have to treat iodine with respect. The “iodine anyone?” thread on marksdaily apple is very helpful.


HA! You said hella!

i read finasteride contains bromide. can someone confirm if this is true? i’m not sure where in the patent it would prove this. it would then make sense why iodine supplementation can be a serious help to people with PFS since iodine gets rid of the bromide.

OP said he abstained for “weeks at a time”. I did the exact same, maybe once a week.

just a theory here…

iodine is a detoxifer supposedly.

following awor’s thoery on methylation, besides the whole androgen receptor thing, methylation is also required by the body to remove toxins. moonman, i saw your lab results with very high free radicals, this could be why.

vitamin B is one of the most important vitamins for methylation to work correctly. B complex along with sublingual B12 (methylocobalamin) may be the missing part of why iodine isn’t working for some of you. the form of B12 mentioned is bio available version of it, meaning it is the type your body would convert to, so this would be the best version.

All of my methylation labs are fine. My b12 is fine. Injecting B12 does not benefit me at all.

At this moment, it is my belief that my Lipid Peroxides are high because of inflammation via pathogens. I have about 10 different markers that lead me to conclude this, including the fact the when I crashed over night, it was in the middle of a very bad illness/infection.

Did you get homocysteine and SAMe tested? If you did, can you tell me the results? Or what did you test?

Folate was slightly low. Got some liquid drops for it, but she said it was nothing that could cause our problems.

Homocystine is fine…

For those taking extra selenium with the Idoine…

[Size=4]In vitro studies have shown that selenium suppresses androgen signaling by
downregulating expression of the androgen receptor (AR).[/size]

i was researching NAC and just randomly stumbled upon this study 10 mins after reading your post, wasn’t even looking up selenium…

So is selenium good or bad…?

Your body requires trace amounts of selenium to function. The iodine protocol recommends 100mcg, or 143% of the USRDA. Unless people are reporting significant issues from selenium supplementation this amount shouldn’t be an issue in the iodine protocol.