Interesting hair analysis test

Hey everyone I got a hair analysis test without mentioning anything about PFS to the laboratory carrying it out
Here’s what’s interesting it was able to pick up some factors that I think we are all dealing with. The report is very detailed and also gives recommendations on nutritional and supplement advice.

Low adrenal gland function (reduced secretion of hormones)
Under active thyroid (even though blood tests carried out by doctor have stated my thyroid is fine (reduced secretion of hormones)
High calcium to potassium ratio
Low sodium to magnesium ratio

Metabolic dysfunction
Slow metabolism

These symptoms can cause the following symptoms
Dry skin, fatigue, constipation, allergies, low blood pressure, over weight tendencies, cold insensitivity and depression.

How was this test using mineral analysis able to pick up inconsistencies in my hormones whereas normal bloods tests weren’t.

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Because the methods used for these “tests” are highly dubious and would not be admissible in any serious medical evaluation. They are particularly troublesome for vulnerable pfs patients in that some of the supplements they recommend contain saw palmetto. Stay well away from them.


This is state of the art testing and I haven’t mentioned anything about finasteride or any illness that I have but yet the tests are signalling that there is hormone inefficiencies atypical of finasteride side effects. They also don’t mention anything about taking saw plametto they have recommended that I avoid dietary fats and oils, increase potassium foods, vitamin b1 and increase in methionne rich foods.

The supplements recommended were
PARA-PACK (Metabolic Support)
ADRENAL COMPLEX (Glandular Support)
MIN-PLEX B (Magnesium + Chromium + B6)
HCL V-PLUS (Digestive Support)

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It’s called quackery.


If you say so

So guys when I originally posted this I began to question the hair analysis test that was carried out, this test is a much more accurate test to give you a clear answer on your current health condition prior to this I had never mentioned anything about being sick they knew nothing about my condition this was done before I figured out that it was finasteride plus thyroid, adrenals and metabolic syndrome are all connected to PFS. I wrote to the founder of the website were I purchased the test and asked her this:

Hey Linda,
I have wrote a review already.
Also I have a question based on my results it said that I have low functioning adrenal glands and thyroid glands but the doctors said my bloods were okay. How sensitive is this test and the analysis?

All the best

Her reply today:

Dear ****

This is a reply from the nutritionist on your question

A doctors blood test will be looking for signs of disease so when looking at adrenals is looking for failure not insufficiency – adrenal fatigue will not show up whereas Addisons disease will. A doctor is looking for a disease process to medicate rather than insufficiency that can be corrected by nutrition and lifestyle .

I hope that this is helpful to you

Regards Linda

Looks like this disease may be one of the worst known to mankind.

This is the report from my hair analysis test guys have a look and tell me what you think

I have just booked a heavy metals+ mineral hair analysis test here in Croatia. It is a bit expensive for me at about 400$ but I think my problem will be found here…

On the website it says that it is recommended for people who did low calorie diet, professional+recreational athletes, and people who have symptoms but no diagnosis. As some of you may know I believe my problems started when I did a crash diet (less then 1500 calories a day mostly veggies) I was burning an additional 600+ calories a day working out as well. I believe I depleted some mineral or caused some kind of imbalance…

Its hilarious to see people label this as quackery…quackery is having a bunch of symptoms but doctors not being able to diagnose you.

Exactly Joey this test isn’t quackery this test will tell you a lot more than a hormonal panel they were able to pick up that I had decreased thyroid and adrenal function and a slow metabolism which like I said are all symptoms of PFS. I hope you find out the culprit Joey, I’ve been following your story for a while it’s very bizarre. What have the doctors told you?

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basically , the urologists ruled everything out, accept for the last visit that said I have an enlarged prostate…

Neurologists said that I have a spina bifida l5-s1, and minor herniation at l1-l2. One of the neuros said that this spot gives sensation to the genital area… But its not a neurological numb its more of a lack of sensation/rubbery sensation in the genital skin. Neurogsurgeon who is the top in the country said it sounds like a hormonal issue.

Endo 1 says im fine
Endo 2 says last year I didnt have hypogonadism but this year I do… testosterone was reported in a different value so he was confused… I do not have hypogonadism with a total testosterone level of 672…
Endo 3 Made me aware of what endo 2 said and said that he obviously made a mistake. However he did note that my “carriers” (shbg I believe) are low. He told me that I will most likely need injections or a cream. Return in 1 month with updated bloods and I will get treatment… I came back and he told me all is fine and I should see a sex therapist!?
Endo 4: Why did you come here? Hormones are all in range. DHT 176 (330-850) is irrelavent

Primary Doctor 1: Free T does not need to be tested it is irrelavant… when I came back with endo report asking for free t to be tested… she asked me what were my free t levels… i told her I dont know because she wouldn’t let me check because it was irrelavent!! So its all a big joke. You have to look at it like this. You clearly have a problem which is obviously not in your head in my case, dry tired eyes, toxic musky body odor, numb genitals, loss of erections, no wet dreams, low semen volume and force, right kidney, testicle, groin pain as if its calcified, muscles feel empty…

I believe alot of you are going from the top trying to find a diagnosis… When in reality we should look at the beggining of all things, vitamins +minerals or possibly some kind of toxicity… I have elevated liver enzymes, billirubin, cholesterol, uric acid , dhea-s there is obviously something going on in the body… I read somewhere that increased billirubin could mean copper toxicity, copper toxicity I believe is an antagonist to zinc…

I have come to the point where I realize I am just a headache for my doctor, he does not take me seriously, or he simply does not know, and does not know what to tell me… He now told me to try urologist again (obviously with my own money) since he will not “send me to one” since I’ve seen about 10. Then he said , maybe you should see an immunologist…

Ps: the last couple of days my face has become itchy, sides of nose, chin, cheeks. Inside of nose… I read this is linked to zinc deficiency… Its interesting with vitamins/minerals because I have read that there is something called “bio unavailabe” which means you have the mineral but its not doing anything in your body other then building up and causing all kinds of problems…

I know from experience in my life , that you can not use others opinion as the gospel, you know best your self.

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This is pseudoscience wrapped up in language people think they understand.

It’s all bullshit.

I’m saddened that I’ve seen it come up again here. The people who took your money should be ashamed.


high uric acid levels, could be a result of kidney stones… I told my doc I have pain in the right testicle that can sometimes radiate all the way to the right kidney, and I leak piss… He doesn’t seem to give a rats ass… I guess its just all in my head :stuck_out_tongue:

they are taking a sample of your damn hair!!! they are not taking the ejaculate of your neighbours iguana! What makes urine/blood viable but hair not?

But @Greek tell me why they were able to pick up an inconsistency in my hormones if I didn’t mention anything about finasteride or my symptoms surely this can’t just be coincidence that the sides are highly correlated with PFS.

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its not pfs, its something else… Propecia obviously does something to the body, that doctors know or dont want to admit… Same shit with accutane, crash diets, etc…

I have seen people here who say that they go through periods where they feel cured but then again it comes back. I personally have felt the same for 3 years, 0 relief in symptoms, but I truly do not believe this is permanent… I have the numb genitals, loss of erecitons, low semen volume and force, but my semen is white not clear, and my penis did not shrink… however my scrotum is super high and tight…

That they are obviously completely different?

You can pretty much do a simple check to test the viability of this stuff.

Is it a fringe practice that conventional medicine shuns?

Does the medical community agree that the results are standardised and indicative of something?

Are there warnings about it on sites like Quackwatch?

I understand that you want answers and help, but this is offering neither.

This road leads to spending thousands of $/€/£ on treatments and supplements and feeling exactly the same, or worse.

Anyway, apologies to all who wish to explore this topic. The best of luck to you. I am not going to contribute to this topic further.

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Your DHT was clearly out of whack how isn’t that relevant your case intrigued me a lot because you never took finasteride but have all the same side effects perhaps you were exposed to some endocrine disrupter. Did these symptoms appear over night or gradually?

The vast majority of people here have sought out some of the best doctors in the world and told they haven’t a clue what’s going on with them then taking alternative measures seems to more a more viable option for me. Insanity- doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. The hair analysis test I believe in my case was certainly spot on as they had no prior knowledge of my condition or finasteride usage.

Does the medical community agree that your condition is in your head?