Interesting effects from Trestolone / MENT

Im not entirely sure, so take this with grain of salt.

I didn’t know you tried all of those, that’s nice. When you take exegenous androgens, like TRT, your receptors will downregulate. That’s the direction you need.

Now, as to why you didn’t heal when you took these agents, probably, you needed more as i said above. So in this case, Trestolone could work. Moonman and Ifoundacure, both were using TRT with zero results. Think about that.

Same goes for JoeKool, he tried lots of TRT, HCG, Proviron before his last HCG monotheraphy. He probably downregulated his receptors, switched his epigenetic PFS damage to a simple HPTA shutdown by fixing the receptors. Also, TRT and androgens will cause neurosteroid decrease in the brain. So what he needed was: Fixing neurosteroids and a good PCT. (How is your neurosteroids? If you have any sleep issues or anxiety attacks, they are surely out of place.)

Then lastly, he took HCG which adresses both of those problems, voilà, recovered…

So i think you are already in a good place, regarding the receptors, as you already tried strong androgens. I think you need to try one more TRT or Proviron+ Trestolone… And then do a PCT with HCG, maybe followed by Clomid at the end to return back your LH and FSH fastly.

Touch, sweet touch
You’ve given me too much to feel
Sweet touch
You’ve almost convinced me I’m real
I need something more
I need something more…
Hold on if love is the answer you’re home…


I tried the mono HCG protocol from Joekool for 4 months. No effect. I think it made me worse. Ever since I am aphatic and depressive. But hard to tell if its really from HCG. Since we have this plandemic going on and life is shit.

Currently I am 11 weeks on TRT 150mg a week e3d. No effect so far. Had 3-4 days with libido. But I always have them when I do not fap or have sex for 4-6 weeks. I will keep trying TRT. There is one guy on a TRT Facebook Group who recovered with TRT as cream. 6 months it took for him to recover (he said that in another post).

And then there is also this thread where the guy was on T without any effect. After he added Deca he recovered.


When people recover via TRT it means they just had hypogonadism when they thought they had PFS. If you have PFS and reasonable T levels then TRT has no real prospect of helping you, because all it does is give you normal T levels when your T levels were basically normal to start with. In all likelihood it will make you worse because it shuts down your signaling hormones and concomitantly other hormones that will have been fine while off TRT and then drop when signaling hormones drop.

I have had perfect hormone levels pre TRT and all the years after Fin. Yet I am like castrated for 16 years now. Every 4-6 weeks I get kind of a libido if I stay away from sex/fapping and porn. In this time I also get mental function back and depression fades away. That libido and mental clarity is there for 1-2 days until I fap or have sex. Then its gone (or crash) again for 4-6 weeks where I have zero interest in anything sexual. I lost many girlfriends due to this. I am at some point in my life (39 and 16 years without libido) where I am willing to try anything. I dont care if TRT shuts me down. I take DHEA and Pregnenolone as well. If TRT will do nothing after 6-12 months, I will do HCG and then a PCT.

This was before I tried anything like DHEA, Pregnenolone, HCG or TRT

This was after HCG pre TRT. LH and FSH is crashed due to HCG.

EDIT: During this days of good libido, even if I dont have sex or fap, it crashes by itself after couple days.

EDIT2: I think if I stop TRT, I will not even feel any different. Because T is not doing its job in the body properly. I think pfs is how people with low T feel.


Have u thought of adding some more powerful AR agonists to ur trt regimen? Like proviron or masteron? Testosterone seems like a very weak AR agonist for most of us.

I tried 25mg proviron 3-4 times but did not feel anything. I read somewhere that people with pfs might have estradiol issues or receptor damage and proviron lowers estradiol even more. I think at least pre TRT I had low E since all my joints were hurting. To a point where walking was painful. Its way better now or even gone.

I am taking my TRT doses every 3 days to keep estrogen low. But I might try a higher dose every 4 day and if no effect, once a week double the dose. Everybody on TRT forums saying estrogen is responsible for libido.

I am also using 5mg progesterone cream couple times a week. Injected 25mg yesterday into the muscle but felt nothing from it.


Which dose of hcg you used?

Just bought some of this, looks like I’ll be doing a small cycle soon. Was going to wait and do another blood donation before hand but I’ll have to do that later. My plan is to cycle this for 7 days I’m a bit scared of the estrogen sides but I’ll try and pull through. I have no test to run afterwords so I’m assuming I’m going to further worsen or stay the same as far as my baseline. I’m hoping I feel a difference with this small cycle I’ll be using.


Sounds like a good plan. Btw, you have to run a PCT afterwards not Test.

I would keep HCG and Clomid in the home. Just in case, but 7 days is pretty mild anyways.

I wouldn’t use any AI. Only if you get high E2 symptoms that won’t go away which is unlikely. They are risky.

Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:

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Any updates Aaron? Did you start it yet?

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I have the bottle, got it yesterday but for some reason I’m scared to use it I’m not sure why, I’m not even sure how much to use, will I end up using to much or to little. I really need to use it soon though I just hope I don’t get worse. I was able to use TRT cypionate and ultrahard but I’m having a hard time getting myself to try this.


Well you can always hope you’ll recover on your own.

I’m not sure exactly how much you use but I’d imagine not nearly as much as say Test Cyp or Enth
Because of the anabolic/Andro effect being suuuper high.
I’ve heard dosages of 30mg to 100 so I’m really not sure
I’m just trying to give you some context

And don’t ever take anything you’re not comfortable with. Even if you have it, you can wait on it.
You don’t wanna try anything with apprehension otherwise the fear might wipe out the positive benefits

Sleep on it. No one is forcing you.

If you’re gonna do this, make sure you have access to Clomid/Nolvadex and do a full pct. This will shut you down hard.


As always, be very, very cautious with hormone replacement therapy. Think long and hard before you do it.

Hey man, can you please check out your PM and a tag i did on forum? Thanks.

Is this blood ?

Lowish serotonin…

Of the three PFS patients serotonin levels I have seen they are all lowish. And relax before anyone jumps down my throat not saying that we know the serotonin levels in the CNS. Including mine one of the three lowish. My constipation goes away when I increase over all serotonin production with L-tryptophan, 5-HTP and B6. However it’s problematic in other areas when I increase it. I wonder if this is the case for others…

Did you do the conversion to see if your testosterone went up on HCG compared to before HCG

The units of measurement are different

I tried the @moonman1 protocol on trest. Used same exact product at 15-20 mg daily for 5 days and then stopped. I was already getting pretty good, yet waning, chubbies from another regimen I was on so hard to tell if my strong erections were from the new Trest protocol or not. The first day I took the Trest I had bad insomnia that evening and got like 2 hours of sleep. Felt completely wired. Sleep improved the remaining nights I was on it though. My energy in general was really strong. No noticeable improvement in libido which is really the only PFS symptom I care about at this point. I seemed to have slightly less sensitivity in my penis but it was very subtle and could have been attributed to something else besides the Trest. I’ve discontinued use of the Trest and now back on a cocktail of hormone replacement therapy between Clomid and testosterone cypionate.

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Dang man!

Did you have any hair fall out?