Insomnia/Extreme Fatigue

What does crash mean?

Post-Finasteride / 5ARI Syndrome - Timeline

The below common hypogonadal symptoms affect the vast majority of men who experience the Post-Finasteride Syndrome. Onset of symptoms may manifest while on the drug (Propecia or Proscar), but typically follows a common pattern whereby:

Within 10-14 days of quitting there is a surge/return of DHT in the body (as 5AR2 is supposedly no longer inhibited by Finasteride)
Brief resolution of side effects (as the manufacturer claims should occur) takes place over the following week (days 15-21).
Unfortunately this androgen surge and resolution of symptoms is short-lived, as the feelings/effects of androgen (DHT) returning to the body begin to fade over the next few days/weeks.
Concurrent with this ebbing away of androgenic action is an “endocrine system crash”, followed by return of symptoms in full-force and worsening of the patient’s condition – including complete loss of libido, penile/scrotal atrophy, and host of other side effects.
Bloodwork at this stage often reveals a massive decrease in endogeneous Testosterone, LH and FSH production, often to hypogonadal levels along with numerous other hormone imbalances.

Zwin, have you had your adrenal hormones tested? Saliva cortisol and whatnot?

Yes, everything was normal. Cortisol saliva test was normal.

Who told you this? Because I don’t think anyone knows for sure. A lot of bullshit around here. My experience had been that alcohol dosent work like before. Benzos may help you sleep more but ultimately will make you feel worse in the long run. Other gaba drugs Z drugs like ambian ect. work on me still. I take melitonin but by itself it dosent work. My fatigue has improved very slightly but not much. No where near normal. Do you find yourself having a hard time thinking and making decisions?

I found this after I crashed:

  1. Medicines that can help in some cases
    Caution: Any medication must be prescribed by a doctor. Do not take medications without medical supervision.

Alprazolam or Bromazepam - ​​If you have stopped finasteride recently, and feel that your metabolism is in a state of chronic anxiety (insomnia, poor sleep, panic attacks, irritability, mood swings, extreme anxiety, restlessness, difficult concentration - a set of symptoms known as post-finasteride crash), the use of one of these medications can help. Finasteride blocks the conversion of progesterone to allopregnanolone, which has a calming effect in the brain. Allopregnanolone acts by modulating a neurotransmitter called GABA-A. Therefore, the use of finasteride can affect the level of GABA-A in brain. Since these drugs act on GABA replacement, they are beneficial to these patients. Furthermore, by acting on the anxiety and improving sleep quality, the use of one of these drugs will help reverse another problem common in some men with Post-Finasteride Syndrome. Many complain their penises display a much smaller size and more rigid consistency when flacid than before finasteride (known as shrinkage in Propeciahelp forum). It is a dramatic change and usually patients who are in this state after finasteride usage also present lack of nocturnal erections and smaller erections. It is important to break this cycle, because if a man is not having nocturnal erections for a long time, this can lead to structure problems in the penis. When one of these medication is used to treat the post-finasteride crash, penis returns to normal size and consistency when flacid. The quality of sleep is restored, so this will also favour the reestablishment of normal nocturnal erections. It is really important to stop the crash symptoms and these medications work well in the matter.
It should be used for a short period (few months) and only if necessary, under the supervision of a psychiatrist. The withdrawal has to be gradual.

Quoted from - … treat.html

Personally, I found a benzo with a relatively short half life helped me somewhat. I used lorazepam at very small dosages for about ten days and it actually did help. Interestingly Z-drugs got me to sleep for about two hours and then I woke up, unable to sleep and more mentally screwed up than usual. I tried zopiclone and ambien beforehand. My imsomnia post crash was absolutely horrifying, I was getting between fourty minutes and an hour of broken sleep but spending twelve hours trying to sleep. I’m now sleeping a lot better but still waking unrested without anything but some magnesium an hour before bed, I wake up 4-5 times but I find I get back to sleep relatively quickly.

Just sharing my personal experience. It looks like it’s trial and error for every individual.

I did find that blog as well. The benzos helped me sleep longer. No help with fatigue at all. Coming off the benzo was not fun. You have PFS issues already, imagine all your senses on high alert. The z drugs haven’t caused that for me yet. I get a solid 6-8 hours of sleep. I just still feel horrible. Not sure if I would feel even worse without it, or what. Some have reported remeron working for them. It doesn’t work on gaba. It’s worth a try.

Your description of sleep is -exactly- the same as mine now. I don’t even know if it could be described as sleep. I either sleep so lightly I wouldn’t be sure I was asleep if I wasn’t dreaming or sleep like a rock but awaken only marginally less tired than I went to sleep. Magnesium helps a little bit now.

Benzo withdrawal is the worst, I’m sorry you had to go through that on top of everything else. You’re a strong man Mcibofh, I hope things improve for you.

How long does the exhaustion and shaking and nervous system symptoms last? Why am I trembling? Achy? Weak? Sweaty?

Bro, I been looking and I don’t like the answers either.

Is this par for the course?

I am less fatigued but unfortunately I’m noticing other issues more as the fatigue fades. This shit is wrong on so many levels.

I hate to recommend more drugs but I have been on Wellbutrin xl 300mg the whole time, it’s a dopamine re uptake inhibitor and s nuerepenepherine reuptake inhibitor. It increases the libido and energy and a great anti depressant and helps focus. For sleep I highly recommend marijuana if you can get your hands on it (which isn’t hard). Otherwise Xanax, xanax is a bad drug but it’s in and out of your system quickly so it won’t leave you drowsy like ambien. I smoke myself to sleep every night pretty much, but then again, I have had trouble waking and sleeping since I was a little kid. I highly recommend Wellbutrin xl though, make sure if it’s the genetic that it is the white round hard pills, never take the oval ones and get the brand if you can, but there is s good generic that looks just like the brand. The reason is it is formulated to desolve consistently.

Does the muscles aches, shaking and chronic fatigue ever go away?

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It probably will get better. No one can give you a recovery timeline. If I was just suffering from fatigue id be a happy guy.

When u say massive decrease in endogenous testosterone… how low are u talking about??? like 100 or less??

Hi guys, I’m a little over a year off and everyday of my life I’m exhausted and weak. My eyelids are constantly closing and heavy. If I sleep I’m even more weak and exhausted. I don’t have any sexual side effects just can barely function because of fatigue. Wanted to get your thoughts on extreme fatigue post finasteride and how long it lasts??


Does the water/weight ever come off?? I have kept a food journal since 09 everyday and while eating the same calories daily I weigh 160 to 162 for yesrs…After this shit I now weigh 173…Roughly 10 lbs heavier all the time just like all puffy water around mid section looks like shit…I feel like shit cause eating calories for A 160lb man while weighing 170 and trying to exercise is disaster…

I now weigh 188lbs…Just keep getting bigger…Also have breathing difficulty after lying for awhile and standing up…Don’t breath well for a few minutes…My mother who had hysterectemy years ago says she had same symptoms with the weight and fluid and breathing…She said its estrogen…

Guys i want to ask something, does this fatigue symptom comes right after the crash? Is it instantly noticable? Or you notice this symptom months/years after? I never had this issue but years after years im feeling drained in energy…

Is this pfs or just my own lack of willpower im not really sure. I don’t want to blame everything to this. If its like a one day change thing, then hopefully my bad energy levels are not related to pfs. Or im just getting worse and start to experience low T symptoms… shit.

For me it was during and after taking finasteride. So it was a side effect and it is a symptom of PFS, for me.
Everyone is different. For me it got better over time. Other symptoms did not.

One thing I know, focusing on it and being anxious about it will make fatigue worse. Find a way to relax, either on your own at home, using an app, using a medication short term, or going to therapy.