Hey guys,
Since a secondary crash about a month ago when everything really started going south for me, I have had INSANE sugar cravings that are almost uncontrollable. My body and mind are real screwed up, but in the midst of my constant brain fog, I just have these ridiculous urges for sweets. I’ve been fighting them off, but I gave in and walked to the local chocolate shop, bought a few small pieces of chocolate and devoured them as I was walking home… These cravings are like primal, instinctual as if you were starving. I walked down the road with half-melted chocolate on my fingers and hands and didn’t even give a shit. When I washed my hands in the bathroom I noticed my pupils were very dilated, they were HUGE. I know that this is some sort of screwed up neurosteroid balance in the brain…
Does anyone else have anything going on like this?