On subreddit tressless many Finasterid users discuss their experience
I wrote about the risks. Now some one wrote a very ugly and discriminating thread over me.
Every Finasterid critical comment there is mobbed by a Merck fanatic stampede. We have to be present on all platforms to tell them about our horrible experience with PFS.
Full of PFS denyers like medical doctors.
Any asymptomatic user of finasteride that was able to save their hair is so in love with it that they will never stand to hear that it could cause such harm. I remember when I was losing my hair, I started to get really anxious and stressed out. As soon as I started taking fin, I felt like a giant weight had been lifted off shoulders because I was addressing the situation. I felt like I was cheating my genetics and I hadn’t even seen any results yet. Of course the honeymoon period didn’t last long and it wasn’t long before I was sent straight to the depths of hell but if finasteride had saved my hair without any sides I would have thought it was the best thing in the world. These people are not worth engaging. They are too emotionally invested in their magic pill. Sadly I would have probably been the same way if I didnt experience the true horror of what this poison is capable of. I envy them for it. Although they have no idea what risk they are taking as they could get hit at any time playing with fire but why would they want to think about something like that. It’s far better for them to believe they will never have any issues or blame any issues they do encounter on something else unless it gets really bad.
Agree. I’ve said it many times but there is really no point engaging with that sub-reddit. Nothing to be gained.
Just ignore it.
Don’t line up with them. It’s a waste of time. I think more time should be used to bask in the sun, play games, take a long bath and pray for our next research🤗
I saw those rather ignorant people commenting about what you wrote on Reddit and voted them all down.
They’re too stupid to do meaningful research and while I don’t wish our condition on anyone, I will make an exception in a few cases for them, because they’re encouraging others and literally putting some in harm’s way.
I do appreciate you posting on Reddit, because what you wrote may have influenced some to stay away from this poison pill we’ve taken.
In other words, this old German boy has ignored me recently, and my life has become more boring
They were probably used to being a bit feminine beforehand, so didn’t see a significant change.
Some mention the loss of libido and erection quality and joke about it, “who uses a dick nowadays?”
Others are pondering transitioning to a girl.
The people on there are not as sane as you might expect, if you ask me. I’ve been there for a few years. Sure there are some but I bet most aren’t even self aware enough to see what issues the drug is causing.
When given proof about side effects they can’t wait to call you all kinds of names and act extremely emotionally.
Something indicative of men having side effects from fin. Even their reactions proof they suffer the same. To me it just indicates there’s some selfdenial happening, some people don’f wanto admit their mistake, and when they see others do so, it causes an eztreme form of jealously, and there exists the need to tear that person to the ground.
I don’t really know anything else that would explain the hatred received on that subreddit for mentioning simple sides. It has been that way forever. Any genuine stories about people humble admitting it kight work for some but they have sides is being downvoted as if it’s a shit story and as if you shouldn’t exist. The tressless subteddit should better be called r/finasteride to know what to expect from the culture over there.
Well and then of course there are the few that didn’t see any changes anywhere and just gained hair without changing or having any sides whatsoever.
But tbh I believe it’s make belief. Even youtubers claiming to have no sides appear externally to have the same sides as I and you do. Don’t forget that people can lie. Even that matt dominance guy on youtube, comon man. And there are others.
They just didn’t give a s about the sides and rther wanted hair. Thats ok. But says so. But no I will seem like an idiot. Well, then the sides arent too bad right? Nah, there are actually no sides at all. And now they can’t go back, so they tell others to make the same mistake so they’ll live life less uncomfortable knowing they’re not the only one living life this way. (EDIT: of course there are people that don’t notice the sides at all, as mentioned. You can’t really blame them for advising to take it when asked for.)
Maybe it’s just me throwing wild theories around to some people.
But the things I have seen make me come up with nothing but beforementioned.
I’ve noticed the same thing lol. The same thing over at HLT. It’s insane that people value their hair so much they’d transition to keep it.
If I knew it was even 10% chance for PFS I’d never had taken it. But when you read the chance is <1% it’s tough not to gamble.
If I had one million and someone let me play double or nothing with 99% chance to win, I’d done it in a heartbeat. Still could have lost it all though.
I couldn’t agree more!
It’s really sad how these young guys also see their entire self worth in their hair. I’m not denying hair is nice, but there are other ways to excel in life.
Even if you go bald at 20, when you’re 30 a lot of people will be bald. So if you got some other quality cultivated by then you’re all set.
Now if you took fin and got PFS in your 20’s which would make it almost impossible to get a career and what not, you’re bound to have a disadvantage even with hair.
For the window of time when fin was working for me I wouldn’t in my wildest dreams have considered hanging out online on various forums and whatnot to wallow in all things hairloss. I was living my life. I do think that @weaksides and @Cbrandel are right that a lot of those who find themselves loitering around in these kind of online spaces carry extra baggage and as such are on the defence. Clearly taking the drug and it working isn’t the end of the story for them. They are still obsessing.
Another discrimination of PFS victims thread. The author called me Propecia Help Daddy please talk dirty to me.
We all know it, when medical system denyes our condition and doctors even laugh about it.
Yes and I know your answers.
I know I m wasting time there. But I m still so angry about Merck’s minimum leaflet, with no clear advice to the long-term effects and all the denyers of our horrible condition. Wich sucks me more and more.
Just stop posting and reading there.
They will not change their minds based on your story and you will be shouted down. If you want to do something constructive head here:
Ahh fuck that there’s nothing you can do they can be critical and in denial about the reality of pfs all they want untill they come down with it god forbid.
I know these people and their responses can be hurtful, but they are going to exist until there is meaningful science published. @Greek is right. Please get involved with our existing efforts rather than getting frustrated on other forums.
We also urge all patients to please consider how their interactions with asymptomatic users of finasteride reflect on the issue of PFS more broadly.
If I were on a forum where I felt safe and like I belonged, and someone appeared posting frequently about a topic I strongly disagree with, I would immediately associate that person with that topic and become defensive.
There are probably a lot of decent people on those forums, just like there is a lot of decent people here. Unfortunately you’ll probably hear from the indecent folks more.
I personally think it will be much more satisfying to share the links to peer-reviewed scientific literature when the time comes. Either way, it’s not a battle we can win right now, so there’s no point engaging.
In some ways it’s a bit like going into a church during a service and rallying against God.
Wonderful irony