Inability to cry or get emotional

I have noticed that after quitting finasteride I became unable to cry or get emotional. I cannot shed a tear, its as if my eyes got dry up. I am emotionally numb. All my asmr shivers
(braingasms) are also gone. Is this happening to you guys?

It is physically impossible for me to cry post finasteride. I cried twice while on finasteride, for no real reason.

I have cried many times since quitting finasteride (and my depression worsened a lot at the end of my stint on finasteride, so I was crying a lot then too). The lows are far more pronounced for me than the highs, but I am definitely still emotionally intact (maybe not to the exact degree, but I fluctuate such that I still feel varying degrees of all emotions). However, I have been through many stretches where I feel emotionally dead like you speak of, where I know things are bad but cannot cry. I have those days from time to time, but those periods are usually followed by sadness, in which I find myself crying. Those days have been fewer in fewer in the last couple months. In fact, I have found myself laughing and enjoying myself more lately than anything. Inevitably I seem to come back to low points, but I am finding some ways to work myself out of those holes more often.

The first few weeks off I couldn’t feel anything emotionally… except maybe terror. Then after about two to three weeks I felt sadness to a degree I have never experienced.

I am not able to feel the emotions like i used to in the past. I know the feelings i feel for the other people are not what they used to be. Good things won’t make me happy and bad things won’t affect me as much as they would have affected me in the past. It’s just a feeling of constant semi-sadness difficult to change.

Ironically, I was pretty emotionless before Finasteride, and after quitting I cry all the time.