Is it only me or has this crossed anyone else’s mind?
I haven’t been sick one bit in over 4 years
Just curious if it crossed anyone’s mind other than me (I understand if this is considered a silly / stupid question)
Is it only me or has this crossed anyone else’s mind?
I haven’t been sick one bit in over 4 years
Just curious if it crossed anyone’s mind other than me (I understand if this is considered a silly / stupid question)
I think we are more resistant to coronavirus than the normal people. Before PFS I was proper sick 2-3 times every winter, now for 2 years I had 2 times sore throat for 2 days each time, no fever, no cough, nothing
Anytime I got sick it was mild and not severe like pre pfs, honestly I think this whole corona virus is bs though I’m not even worried lol
I’ve had another 1.5 day near full recovery I can almost guarantee I will be sick by tomorrow or the next day
I mean I don’t think it makes sense you are now immune to disease, maybe it has just busted your immune response a little? Maybe that could mean more at risk. I have gone without illness for 3 years before, then I got nephews.
Seriously, guys?
Since getting PFS I very rarely get the cold or flu anymore but when I do get it I feel better afterwards.
I closed a topic about this earlier because I felt the topic would raise people’s anxiety.
As the issue isn’t going away, I think it’s worth revisiting the subject to say that it’s well documented that people who have our condition often feel better after or even during an illness, including myself.
We don’t know what the reason for this is, but as @bunny88 says, it’s more likely that our bodies aren’t reacting in the same way as before, rather than there being some kind of super hero response to illness where we have attained some sort of immunity.
At this point, I am of the opinion that everyone here should be mindful of the official advice from your health authority regarding the Corona Virus and that while we have no indication that pfs patients should consider themselves at greater risk, being vigilant and careful is in your best interest.
Can you explain your recovery? What symptoms reversed? Was it like pre-pfs? Did you regain your penis size back? Thanks.
Just a thought…does anyone have evidence that we have heightened immunity? Also, children at this time are not currently getting sick as middle aged and elderly populace from Coronavirus which is strange because kids typically have a weaker immune system. Not exactly sure that if we have a heightened immune system, we will be lucky…reference regarding children and Coronavirus below in link.
I don’t really care about another disease after PAS. Corona is just a whistle in cemetery. Let it come.
I also cannot remember the last time I caught a cold. What if PFS has made us immune to all disease with the exception of ED, depression and will extend our lives to 150?
Could you fill out the survey so we might be able to attract scientific assistance to help us get back to the good old days of getting occasionally unwell, please.
literally complete reversal of my symptoms it’s just crazy you realise how different it is when it all comes back, and yes I now have a sore and flemy throat now. God I hope it sticks
My penis physical sides aren’t my most serious, mostly just shrivelled weird looking flaccid penis which I think is due to lack of blood flow. Completely normal right now.
Jesus man. So you recovered because of some flu? How long you have been suffering? Are you sure it is 100% all back? How it feels to orgasm? How is your erection size and semen volume? Im happy for you brother. Even its temporary.
Around 5 months, not sure if flu but seems like a cold of some description. Yes all normal can get an erection when ever I want, can fall asleep actually feel sleepy at night, wake up sleepy feeling like I’ve been asleep (as opposed to feeling like I’ve just had a coffee). This is the third time it’s happened, it’s not a coincidence I feel back to normal the day before the cold symptoms actually manifest. Just so bizarre.
I don’t think I’ve had any changes in erection size when I eventually manage to get a full one (very hard in pfs state). Semen volume is less watery and ejaculation size is more normal not sure if 100%. Orgasm feeling is 100% improved. I suspect things like semen parameters would take a decent stint of recovery to normalise, ie need to be recovered for over a week.
Also please don’t go get sick because of my experience. Improvements following sickness is not consistent based on what I’ve read.
IL-6 was statistically significantly associated with death
On what level does that relate to us?