Im in the end. I finished with this horror

Im just finished.
A doctor took away my whole life. I lost everything and everybody. The basic human things are all lost. Its all because i cant sleep after i got covid. He killed me. And its not a joke. These doctors legally kill people and nothing happens. They have to go to jail to the rest of their lifes because of this. And they all live their happy lifes. Its unforgivable. And you all know this. Of course if i do something really drastic to the doctor who did this with me i will be the public enemy. Doctors are killed us. And that is the truth. And killed our loved ones too. Its a crime. And nothing happens. I wanna die. I have to kill myself because of this. What is this life situation??? This level of suffering what we got is absolutly imaginable to a normal human.
And dont come with those bs its will be better and the researches. Its permanent. And is a pure every minute torture.Sorry but the truth is the truth. Its unbelivable what happened to all of us


Don’t worry about my friends. Three months ago, I had terrible depersonalization and suicidal thoughts every day. They all disappeared. I had to learn to live with my broken mind and body. I suggest you do nothing and lie in bed for a year

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If you have money and try to spend the first year, we may change from a participant in the world to an eternal observer


But it’s a little bit cynical, because some here are so vegetable that they only exist to survive the day. Some listen to Mitch’s YouTube podcast with Mike he exist basically with closed eyes in bedroom. Many others here are bedridden and lost all their hope with 18 or in the early twenties. If suicide would be easier like in many US states many extrem cases would use a fire arm to end up this torture.

For the most of the cases a life with the disease is possible and some recovery stories give them hope. But don’t forget the daily lobotomized hell of the severe cases.


Mate, I know how bad this is I really do. Please try some of the things I suggested via our PMs don’t give in to the catastrophic thoughts. If u don’t try you’ll never know one thing is for sure if you check out there’s no coming back to reform your relationship, love, life etc. Worse still you could survive an attempt and be in an even worse position. Stick with it u could still improve. Know that you’re not thinking correctly the drop in neurosteroids has given u an altered perspective. Its crushing beyond words but don’t do it. Suicide is worse than this condition Practice mindfulness etc it can change brain plasticity over time as I’ve already mentioned . The fires will dampen. Think of what it would do to your Mam and wife. Don’t be a statistic. Suicidal Ideation hounds me daily but I know it’s not real lowered preg (I think) has fucked with our emotional state. The cause of post natal depression in women… it’s smoke and mirrors and not real. No matter what, know your here with a beating heart and have more than some in this world. A terminally I’ll youngster would swap places with any of us, because it would give them hope.Tell yourself out loud u will get better. Repeat it throughout the day and believe it. Bring your inner self out into the open and take the fight to this fucking disease.


Its not a life anymore. Its just pure suffering. Doctors have to die. They are fucking criminals!!!
Look at yourself what they did to you Laz… And with your family. They dont check the internet?? The researches?? Thats they job!!! They killed us!!!


I denied to use finasteride because of sexual activity and than after the consultation this doctor gave me finasteride just to try without any advice of the dadly side effects. He abused me to throw away two pharma muster packages in a way like a professional criminal.


I know mate it’s fucking criminal but I’m not going to let these fucks take me down. Letting these monsters get the better of me/us is a another pill I certainly won’t swallow.


I’d take that swap. Morphined up with loved ones and doctors who understand, end in sight…sounds pretty sweet.

@mstone I know what you’re saying and I feel like that at tmes too and have even vocalised it myself but we DO have hope / even a chance that our suffering comes to an end via research and a treatment .it could even already be out there but nothing substantial has been tried because the disease isn’t fully recognised or understood. Letting these years of suffering count for nothing isn’t what any of us want. Help could be around the corner. I recognise every day is hell/I feel it like an eternity but I’ll say it again getting out of this will be like a rebirth nothing would come close or bother us again. To feel normal again would be like a miracle, no fitting words!!! No one wants to miss that. We all need to hang around for that new beginning. Keep hope. With hope anything and everything is possible.

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Agree with everything @LazarusRy Sir says, I personally have had and still have times where i cannot swallow food through my food pipe, i do get some mild good days and some very bad days now, its like 10 days are bad then 2 days get good, i just live for those countable good days, and if not that, just countable moments. One thing u have to learn is acceptance, just accept this as ur life and try to move on instead of thinking about what is out of ur control, u could try to publicly speak out about this condition if u are brave enough. Just create this mentality of acceptance and adaptability, it has helped me a lot.

I see u haven’t even taken the survey, is this how u are going to fight with ur doctor and everyone who doesn’t believe u?

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The Big Lebowski - leads? - YouTube

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Forget the movies. Its our lives. What are you talking about??? Our lives is over!!! They killed us legally with fucking pills


And what are u going to do about this? Just cry and curse them?

No he did not. But diminished responsibility could be a consideration given the effect accutane can have on a person’s mind and emotional state

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Not many people will see it that way. I wouldn’t dream of killing my doc for prescribing me finasteride. He wasn’t to know it was poison. My axe is with Merck and those behind the deliberate mis information which still doesn’t warrant taking another life… They will be judged and punished. No one gets away with such crimes, they will be found out. . Revenge is not good, Let others carry that baggage it will only eat u up like cancer. Focusing on other things is so more important. .


We knows these side effects. Doctors have to know it too. This is about responsibility… The doctor are guilties too. Fucking criminals too

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Laz see this things through another glass. The guilties will not pay. We know that. This world is not about the truth. The doctors whose gave us the pills they are murderers too. This suffering is too much for a human. They have to pay. They killed us. But we have nothing to lose. So its a strange situation

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[quote=“bsvc, post:6, topic:51582, full:true”]They dont check the internet?? The researches?? Thats they job!!! They killed us!!!

This really gets to me. How could they prescribe something in good conscience without being an expert on it? Their knowledge of any drug is rarely more than the slogan from its TV ad.

I once watched a doctor look up a drug on WebMD before prescribing it to me a few seconds later. With zero shame.

I understand your viewpoint I was full of hate and wanted to make them feel my pain for a longtime and really thought I would take things into my own hands if I ever got the chance but with time I’ve realised harbouring such feelings was only making me feel worse. I’ve learned to let it go because there’s no point instead I believe their biggest judgement vwill come when they face the fury of God . It works for me it takes the heat out of me

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