Im in the end. I finished with this horror


I think you’re right to be angry although the problem is more with the system than with any one doctor. It sounds like you are at least thinking about causing harm to yourself or others. You may feel that your life is over but it is not, especially as efforts are currently underway to try and resolve this and which you could also play a part in. You may feel nihilistic just now, but pulling the switch is only addressing how you are feeling at this moment in time. Being dead will mean no chance for you and will pass your pain on to your loved ones for the rest of their lives. There is real hope whilst you are here, but if you are not that hope extinguishes, for your life anyway. As I said, I think that you are right to be angry, but you would serve that anger better if you could channel it into helping yourself, contributing to the collective fight, and working in a way to try and redress the harms done, like filling in an adverse event report. As others have said, once dead it is even easier for others to take your voice away from you and for you to be conveniently filed as another person with mental health issues. There may be that initial primal satisfaction on inflicting your pain onto others, but yet more lives will be ruined.


It may be helpful to remember there are fare worse fates than being labeled a “public enemy”. You may be shackled and injected with drugs that worsen your symptoms x10. Then your complaints may be perceived as proof you need a higher dose.

Imagine being afflicted with akathisia, but being in a straight-jacket and unable to move :slightly_smiling_face:

You would wish you had never been born.

Ugh…reading that over and over on this site going back decades is like listening to endless hold music interrupted by ‘your call is very important to us…someone will be with you shortly’.

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To be honest carping about that is all well and good, but it is also a bit of kick in the teeth to the guys who have actually moved the needle significantly forward. No one wants this to take so long, but the fact that something is happening at all is fantastic news considering the odds against us, and moaning about it will achieve absolutely nothing.

You’ve only officially signed up days ago and understandably have a different perspective reading decades worth of posts over a short period, but it is absolutely erroneous to conclude that it is all hot air. Think what is was like for the guys here when there was really a lot less hope. It is a lot more tangible now.


You are really lucky and i say that to you honestly. You can laughing your miserable destiny and life…
Im not as strong as you. I cant laughing on this pure hell

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I know the guys here try everything what they can!!! But… Its not help to us. But they are all amazing guys that is true!!!

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