I'm devastated please help anyone

I would stop with the carbs, sugars, processed foods, supplements drugs, alcohol and ALL 5AR foods including many fruits and vegetables. Fast for a couple of days, then go carnivore, beef , sea salt and pure water only. After a few weeks gradually add other non 5AR foods, like oatmeal, eggs, fish. And move everyday… Try walking and workouts again gradually and see how you feel… Make only one change at a time and observe, record how you feel. I think this will help you greatly. Good Luck.


bad news: you have PFS and right now there’s no cure

Good news: 2019 was the best year ever for this community and PFS victims, and 2020 will be even better. we are at the start of gaining massive momentum.

stick through, and by the time we figure out how to deal with this through therapeutics and a cure, you will be mentally tougher

PS: take awor’s advice. re-read everything he just told you.

messing around with medications that mess with hormones have potential to make you way worse, and with our condition theres always a deeper level of hell.

best to play it safe and hold on strong for the time being. i crashed from 5htp (trying to get better sleep) as well as castor oil (for constipation). you have to be really careful now with anything you take.


Try taking awor’s advice. The situation is not ideal, but at least it’s the most likely to keep you alive in the long run. Even he had improvements over time before he tried something else.

Also, I’m 20 as well. I’ve had PFS since I was 18. If you’d like to keep in touch, shoot me your personal number and we can chat on whatsapp or something.

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I personally feel like we’ll be in 2050 still begging for a cure… I mean think about it, cancer has billions of research pored into it and there’s still never been a cure per se cus it’s so complicated and varied.

It’s just like PFS, we’re like permanently altered in such a varied dynamic way and there isn’t even a percent of the incentive to cure PFS like there is to cure cancer so research rates would be even slower.

It’s just personally I don’t think we’ll ever find a cure. I think finasteride will have been permanently taken off the market along with accutane by then and they’ll be no reason to. Whether this happens in our life time who knows.

I need to find some treatment SOMETHING anything that can make my new baseline bareable. I need to be able to like girls again I’m sorry but I have to. If I can’t do even that then I don’t want to be alive and therefore it might be worth risking it but idk because I also don’t want to get worse.

It’s just an all around awful situation. I feel like I’m in hell.

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I’ve been taking probiotics as I’ve posted before and they have significantly improved my situation, in terms of brain fog, libido, erectile function and semen volume. Please refer to my other thread to see which I’m taking.

I consider it to be a relatively safe form of treatment compared to some which you have proposed.

I’m a natural skeptic (especially in the very vague and uncertain realm of probiotics) but I’ve been very surprised by the benefit they have afforded me.

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I’ve pmd you orthogs. I think that’s a rather sensible first step for me to try.

Yes, welcome to the trap of this awfull disease. There is no quick fix, and you will make yourself worse trying stuff 9 out of 10 times. I also agree with you about the future. This will simply take years upon years, and who knows, will never even happen, because the shit just gets pulled off the market. I feel forced into suicide.


I relate to that so much man. Who wants to take their own life? Nobody wants that. Everyone wants to be happy and live their best lives but when you have so much taken away from you you’re thrown into a hole of suffering that you just want to escape from, its like we have no choice anymore.

Its not fair I wanted to see the future so bad, I wanted to see what my life was going to be but now its unbearable to even think about existing for that long like this.

Your assumptions are faulty and you are making a mistake by being short sighted here

Either way if you experiment around, please log the activities here

Be safe and good luck

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I’d love to hear your insight rather than being so self righteous. If you think that I can get better say so? Or is it just I won’t get better and I should be happy with how I am?

Either way I will experiment but I appreciate all insight. If I get considerably worse. Maybe I will finally have the balls to end this nightmare, if I get better or find a protocol that works then woohoo all is good.

I don’t know if androgens would work. But I’ll at least try proviron masteron deca and at last trenbolone to see if I can get any androgenic effect. Because yeah lol why not.

Additionally I want to try psychedelics to try to get emotions back idk how successful this will be. Ketamine was so temporary. I’m also going to use Methamphetamine to try to rekindle sex drive, call me crazy I don’t care I’ve used it in the past it made me wildy horny so I’m willing to try it again. If it fails then at least I can enjoy me life for a few days on that shit lol

I will document all my results they’ll probably be bad haha but it’s in the username Junkie lol. Drugs got me into this they’re probably the only thing that can get me out. Let’s say meth works, I can take that every few months when I want a sex drive. Life would be bearable.

Maybe my logic is fucked up but you know what else is fucked up. Life with PFS man

But right now. I’m experimenting with low dose TRT if I have good success with this I’ll probably avoid androgens for a good good while. If not permanently. Depends how ok I am with it.

Today I had good success I woke up with an ok libido (30% maybe) which is not ideal but it’s not something to be upset about. It’s still enjoyable.

It’s been awhile since I’ve had test so I presume that has something to do with it.

Going to try 60mg Test E / 2 week and see how that feels.

you act like youre the only one who has to make sacrifices in your 20s due to PFS

your mind is made up and i dont want to waste my time here. read the mod’s stickied messages on what’s going on and what the vision is in the future. search their messages (mods) and then arrive at your own conclusion on how long it will take or not.

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It must be nice being so hopeful there’s gonna be a cure

I never took away from anyone’s problems but that doesn’t mean I’m not struggling. We are all in our own battle against PFS, unlike some members I really didn’t have much going for me in life to begin with to be honest.

My life has always been pretty shitty. So being hit with PFS it’s devastating. It’s devastating to anyone but I’ve been constantly thinking about suicide. Its still effected me a lot mentally, I feel like I’ll never be the same and I likely won’t.

I lost my old beautiful emotions. The thing that made me, me. It’s fucked up

The first year with PFS is the hardest after having this for 2 years I’m no longer suicidal like I once was

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Yeah I think it will take some adjusting. I’m glad you’re feeling better, I hope I feel the same some day

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Mine occurred in Sept 2017 when I took Procar (5 mg for prostate enlargement…unnecessarily as it turns out) until end of Nov 2017 and have been working with the side effects since then. I have had IBS for years and anxiety disorder, so leading up to it I would get bloating and was on antianxiety meds. Anyway, currently, I take a probiotic every morning and that helps a lot it seems with my gut health.

I also take a low dose of Cialis each morning but then had to increase (from 5 mg to 20 mg) as i wasn’t seeing/feeling any result. 20 mg a day, plus L-arginine for blood flow, and vitamin A (seems to give me more feeling during orgasm). Oh, and I’ve been on TRT since that following February (2018)… libido was dead without it. But also taking clomid to keep the estrogen in check (when I don’t do that, libido also falls, so more of a balance). I’m also older (will be 58 this year), but all in all, I felt just like you when it first happened and for a long time after. But it has gotten better… I mean, i depend on the regimen above, but at least it gets me closer to normal. Hope this helps and definitely don’t give up…it will get better.


Thank you for the reply. I appreciate it. What is your TRT dose?

okay give me some time and i will compile up all the reasons im relatively positive about our future in the near term.

yes its my opinion , but ill give you the reasons why.

also, i understand its really hard and tough, but you have to let go of the self pity my friend. it will be good for you in the long run.

and hang in there, take it day by day, step by step. this is a challenge and opoprtunity for growth

Ps: I too have lost my emotions. First I lost 80% of them.

Then experimenting with substances took away the remaining 20%. Don’t use 5htp or castor oil


You need to stop TRT. Finasteride kills the enzyme that converts T into DHT, 5-AR. So if you inject testosterone you will feel nothing but angrier, perhaps slightly higher energy levels, but truly no difference.

DHT is a very potent androgen, I think I read somewhere 100x the strength of testosterone? Anyways, low T isn’t the issue. I have PFS and my T came in at around 900ng/dl, but my DHT was only 45. My testosterone “seems” healthy, but truthfully it’s only high because it’s not being converted into DHT.

Think about it this way, pouring water into a sink drain. What finasteride does is it blocks the drain with a plug. So you’re pouring water (testosterone) and it’s not going down the drain, because it’s blocked. In theory, adding more water would increase the amount of water going down the drain, but because you took finasteride it doesn’t, it just piles up and the difference between the amount of water in the sink versus in the drain greatens, causing a whole other set of issues (such as further decreased libido, anger issues, ect)

(The mystery of PFS is why this blockage stays even after stopping the drug)

Basically what you need to do is figure out how to increase your DHT, and at least see what that does. At least try. You’ve already stated you can’t live like you are currently, so what hurts in trying? Steroids like Proviron, Drostanolone, and Androstanolone are unforunately the only way to directly increase DHT. Some users on here have reported positive gains. I would talk to a doctor and see if you can get some prescribed, otherwise you’re taking an expensive risk. But it’s better than suicide.


drop porn and masturbation for 100 days and see where ur at.