Hello, first of all, I have been struggling with PFS for a long time and I have not made much progress.
Classic side effects, I can’t find a solution anyway, so I won’t write about it.
-I have been very cold especially for three years.
My feet are the parts that get cold the most. I get cold even in the summer and my feet almost freeze in the winter.I had my blood sugar measured and my vascular and heart values are normal. It happened after pfs was caught Do you have any advice on what I should use? I can at least solve my cold problem. Other problems are not getting better anyway.Please don’t say go to a doctor, I have seen about 100 doctors and professors, no one can solve it, maybe living people can find a solution.
No advice but I have this too, feet and fingers. And it feels like the cold is coming from inside so if I put socks on it seems like it’s keeping the cold in, not out.
I took thyroid medication (armour thyroid and synthroid) and it helped greatly with body temperature. However, it also made my libido worse.
Ever since getting PFS I have cold hands and feet as well.
While before PFS I always had warm feet and hands. I mentioned in the free form on the research questionnaire. I was surprised it wasn’t one of the set questions (even though there were many already).
I used thyroid medicine, high dose, but my feet are still very cold. Before PFS, I used to wear a t-shirt in winter, now I use thick socks and heaters.
I would be happy if someone could write about this by using medication and finding a solution.
Does this have something to do with all of us having low body temperature? I’ve been dressing warm for years to compensate
I don’t think the low body temp makes us cold, I could be wrong. Kind of like when we have a fever and get chills. When I first crashed I felt way overheated and my temp was 95ish.
I tried 7keto dhea but my hands and feet are still very cold and I can’t find a solution. Does anyone have any advice?
There’s multiple reasons, could be cortisol, thyroid estrogen, insulin sensitivity, autonomic disfunction and more. You’ll probably notice u aren’t cold 1st thing jn the morning. As mstone states it feels like it’s coming from within. It’s not external factors. Regardless like most symptoms it is recoverable.
The more I move, the more I go out, the colder I get. My body is always cold, but my hands and feet are freezing. What medicines do you recommend?
It’s the same for me, and for others, when I talk of recovery I’m referring to when we have a treatment for pfs. Those that get better naturally see an improvement in most areas. I would not recommend a single medication for any of our symptoms. The best thing u can do is eat the right stuff, minimise stress, go for walks etc and be the best u can be with this until we hit a breakthrough with research.
I am aware that our libido will not improve, our muscles will not be as strong as before, but I think maybe our coldness will improve, is everyone the same?
It’s variable , don’t rule out anything I’ve had strength return during mini recoveries, Dramatic changes over days. Coldness left too. Years ago with pfs I was the opposite I was warm in the snow. Well before Id made the connection.
What is your situation now? Are you cold all the time? I am cold all the time. I feel like I am freezing when I go out of the house.
Mostly yes but as I’ve said this is not a permanent state it’s a sick one.
If it was permanent no one would experience rebounds.
I have been dealing with pfs for 9 years. I have been extremely cold for the last 4 years and the problems are getting worse all the time, nothing is getting better, new problems are always emerging, but being cold seems so ridiculous.
As said many possibilities/reasons I’m in the same boat as are many others. All we can do is try to hold back the tide by keeping the fires as low as possible with diet and TLC.
I think in my case autonomic disfunction is the cause, my bp, sweating, heart rate, tears, sebum, and more landed or got worse at the same time as i started feeling cold like an old sedentary person .
Try to put it to the back of your mind (extremely difficult);carastrophic and defeated thoughts are symptom feeders.
You’ll make it over the line a few more years and we’ll be looking at blue sky instead of clouds.
Personally I don’t know why the communities don’t join forces. All of these fucking conditions arose because if anti androgens, 5aris… I’m not alone in this view. Funds, collaboration etc would accelerate everything.
While many PFS patients say they are sweating, why do we feel cold? This may not have much to do with PFS, I think maybe I can find a solution. It is very difficult to find solutions to libido or other major problems at this stage, but I think there can be a solution to coldness.
It could be insulin resistance or lack of serotonin.
I’ve had cold hands/feet myself for years, no matter the temperature outside.
Now I exercise daily and I take mirtazapine for serotonin, I don’t have the problem anymore.
Hope this helps