I'm always cold, help me, advice

You are right, it may be insulin resistance caused by PFS, but my blood sugar levels are always ideal. Medicines containing mirtazapine cause excessive sleepiness and dizziness. I already live with sleepy brain fog due to PFS. I don’t want to use it. Do you have any other suggestions? Please help me, I am having a hard time like this. It is very difficult to live by feeling cold all the time.

It’s a hypothyroidis symptom, test your TSH

Same here. Low serum iron but normal ferritin levels. Anaemia by inflammation. COVID doesn’t help and make things worse.

TSH 1.13 mU/L 0.27 - 4.2
t3 and t4 are generally within the limits, but they always seem to be close to the upper limit, tsh is always close to the lower limit My ferritin and iron binding levels are high, I do not have anemia, HGB is above the normal limitWhat is your advice, please give your opinion, we can find a solution to this, at least I don’t want to be cold anymore.

It seems the cold is not caused by hypothyroidism in your case so I don’t have any other opinions/ideas.

My hands and feet are still freezing and I can’t find a solution. Is there anyone who can help me at least solve the problem?