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Dr. Haengwoo Lee, a renowned biochemist living near Seattle, Washington conducted a massive 15 year, multimillion dollar clinical study on these two ingredients. The first is Seanol, an extremely rare seaweed extract from Ecklonia Cava that’s proven to be 100 times more powerful than any land-based antioxidant. That’s because it stays working in your body for 12 hours, compared to land-based antioxidants that work for 30 minutes

Ecklonia Cava and Your Adrenal Glands
Let’s talk specific organs. One of the most affected organs are the adrenal glands. These glands are the ‘hormonal powerhouse’ of the body – at least that’s what we like to call it. This is the organ that helps you during crunch time, a time when your body is strained and needs to perform. Under normal conditions this gland ONLY activates when needed, but in modern times this isn’t the case. Between stress, unhealthy foods, and a very hectic world (to say the least) our modern adrenal glands are almost always hyperactive. This puts us in a state of constant stress and can result in adrenal fatigue. Nourishing and supplementing your adrenals with antioxidants like Ecklonia Cava can help alleviate this hyperactivity by reducing stress, boosting neuro-health, and helping you on your way to becoming an overall healthier person.

has anyone used this and calamari oil??

Woow, Iboga is amazing, just lying here in bed smiling, just like Livingdead. Though I don’t have a feeling in prostate and penis right now, my dick is numb, but I hope thats only because of day 1. I never had this nubmness before. It feels like my receptors have been reseted and my hormones have to start firing again.

Did you just use it?? are you high on it right now? explain please

No I used it yesterday, I meant day 1 after treatment. Im still ultra chilled, everything is so much slower. My heartbeat is calmer, my left testicle hangs as high as my right testicle.

I’m sooo glad I remembered to ask for the answers to all my problem during the trip. I wrote the answers donw, and I love them. I think I’m going to tattoo them on my body sometime.

The trip itself is not pleasant but I wasn’t scared. I managed it. Definitly have a sitter!

Penis is back online :smiley:

is it really back ??? is it normal?

Yes it has become completely normal within one day. But please keep in mind before Iboga my libido was fine, I never had this genital numbness and shrinking before.

Hi Raberduck,

What dose of Ibogaine did you take ?

I took 4 grams of Ibogaine 2 weeks ago but I have not improved much.

I actually noticed more improvemnts when I took just 1 gram, maybe thats because my body was not use to Ibogaine.

Hey I only took 2,5g because I noticed after my first testdose that I was reacting heavy on Iboga. I fasted 24hours before.

Was it TA or HCL?

It was TA.

Please report more!

I will wait 3 more weeks to see which improvements stay and then I will come back and report.

Can anyone report back?

I took 4 grams of it a month ago and I am not cured.

did you get any benefits from it?

I did from the first gram it made me sleep better but I didnt get much benefit from the 4 grams.

I might try Ibogaine again. Has anyone else had success with it ?

Apart from the psychological effect of the experience, which was very revealing and valuable, as for my problems related to my fin usage, I’m more or less at the same point I was before the treatment. Maybe I have a little bit less anxiety and feel a little bit more solid, but the benefits I had for insomnia were temporary, and when I don’t sleep, everything goes down the drain anyway.

So I think it’s not what’s going to fix our problem.

For me it’s the same as for Livingdead, Iboga gave me a great spiritual insight during the trip and it improved my sleep and mood noticeably for some weeks. But the effects wore off. It is not a permanent cure. However I would totally do it again.