I wanna die, this kind of life is not a life anymore

I wanna die. Im not seeing any reason and point in this kind of “life” to keep going. Why we cant get assisted dying??? If we are animals. We shooted down already so long time ago. This kind of suffering is untolerable and just a constant torture. What ever i do i dont feel Im alive. So this is totally pointless. Without feelings and sexuality we are not humans anymore. I dont wanna keep going… This damage destroyed all humanity of me… Everything what and who I was is already dead. Im really just an empty damaged body now. Its a torture to my loved ones too seeing me this kind of state. Everybody just suffering around me too


Don’t give up brother, we’re all in this together and we know more than ever before. Also read some recovery stories if you feel down, many recovered, you can too.

Also what are the things you tried to get better?

Thanks. Im not getting better. Im just worser. Its not a life. Game over


The sad thing is when I was coming here to research a mild side I had, if I saw this title in the list I’d have thought ‘oh another dude with long-term ED, yeah that would suck’. The real scope of PFS simply doesn’t stand out until it’s too late. Even news stories that talk about suicide run a direct line from ingesting finasteride to suicide, no steps in between. Propecia can cause ED and thoughts of suicide. What the ever loving fuck.

Everytime I feel a little better this kind of posts is smashing everything down.

Yes. Because this is the reality. Hard to see the eyes of the reality. Sorry but i always said. Fake hope not help.


I know u are being rational, if u had posted this 10 years ago, i wouldn’t have stopped u, but at this point right now we have come really far away, there’s definitely hope if u are able to have a little more patience since the upcoming researches would be shedding some light into our problems, try to cope man, just one day at a day, one hour at a time !! It’s just a waste of a precious life if u harm yourself, especially now where we are in need of being alive and united than ever before.


This is going to lead us nowhere. A lot of people got better over time or at least can live with the condition. It’s far from ‚fake hope‘ like you say. Start at least to donate to get further information before giving up.


There are some extremely severe cases on here for those that are less effected it’s quite easy for them to push out the " be strong messages" I can relate because I was there two decades ago when I can tell u it was a piece of piss in comparison to what I’m dealing with now. even though to me at the time it felt like game over . I’ve turned to Go’d as my last sanctuary I wish ide went to him 1st jnstead of trying all the supplement bull shit There are some extremely tough guys on here true warriors in crash status as a permanent baseline.like one or two on here I’ don’t know how I’m still alive I’m not 3 months, 6 months or 24 months in I’ve seen my life decimated over years but I’m still here how the fuck I don’t know putting the mask on to protect others when I’m tortured around the clock whilst seeing my physicality and cognitive function go down the pan by the day. Be mindful guys with your words even though they’re with good intentions. It comes to something when the healthy lifestyle which was my everything to me now actually destroys me and others so I have to eat shit to curb the crashes. Another moment of weakness I’m sorry as I try to portray strength in all of this. As an example I went to the beach with my sister today, I fell over because my heart fluttered uncontrollably. She became tearful so I pulled it together even though I was overtaken with suicidal thoughts I re assured her then put the best act on I could hardly walk I then cracked jokes and socially interacted and pretended to enjoy myself but all I wanted to do was end my life. How much longer can I do this Then people tell me I look in canny nick and am a fun guy I expect many can relate if you speak about your pain they nod, then run for the hills so you have to refrain, there is nowhere to go with this for some other than to hope God will step in and save us. I temporarily left my sister and went for a walk, riddled with pain, seeing people frolicking and laughing I was looking for somewhere to end my suffering, rocks etc when infact I should be enjoying myself. So I returned to endure as always. GOD is my bastion of hope and even if this kills me I know I’ll go to a better place where I can see my loved ones grow from a better realm whilst also knowing despite everything I tried to be a decent person in all of this …I’ve resorted to eating steak drinking white wine and smoking cigarettes only occasionally to boost dopamine all of which I found distasteful because healthy food kills me what kind of disease is this when you have to resort to such shit. I’m really out of ideas and coping strategies


Very nice words @LazarusRy… As alwasy. I was a decent person before this. And why??? For this?? To a doctor kill me. Take away everything for me and turn my family against me. And broke to pieces my wife??? Thats why i was decent… I lost everything. I will never accept this disase. Its not a life anymore what ever you or anybody else say. My humanity and my body is destroyed


soryr men. if you had the magic power to remove 1 symptom, what would the main one be?

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There are so many Stories of members without ED, Fatuige and muscle atrophy who find a new girlfriend, who still work in their jobs, who go to the gym and have only some mild rest symptoms.
So this is the other side of that what the pharma war machine has castrated and lobotomized. Me2.

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Thanks mate for wading in but there are so many now ! Once upon a time it was the extreme social anxiety and lack of connection, they were the worst by far but the physical destruction is now on par feeling like I’m 100 year old with no strength, wracked with pain etc my frame has wasted so much but to those that don’t know me I look reasonably OK but u can press a finger into my my tissue and there’s no structure/density left and my bones ans muscle tissue are disintegrating and so painful even to the touch I avoid contact for even more reasons even if I get a hug it hurts me pain wise all I can feel is bone when I touch body parts, clavicle, hips etc and my skull, knee caps have become perforated. It’s insane such a myriad of awful symptoms I still say that the anxiety and anhedonia are the biggest hitters. Without those u can still enjoy things despite severe pain.


Talking about wishes. I often think, if I had one wish that’s not including myself, I would wish to heal Laz. I have my ups and downs too but reading your stories and knowing that you are praying for us helps me really. I appreciate the helping hand you are offering to everybody. You are a good soul.

Now that’s enough sentimental stuff for the day.


There is always a solution in nature friend.
People have recovered.

OK. So, what are you prepared to do to get it back?


same. I got pssd at 17 because of some stupid pills I didn’t wanted and now I have no emotions no pleasure no energy no cognition no passion no sexuality no love. I don’t understand how I’m supposed to live like this. On top of that doctors don’t believe me and just gaslight me, my family has turned against me. They think I’m just delusional for thinking pills damaged me. I understand the frustration. This illness is so shitty. I have no dopamine left I can’t function at all.


Hola , yo tengo 20 años y estoy con este síndrome , y ya no me está gustando nada , pienso lo mismo que este tipo :frowning:

What did you try to recover?

I am sorry to hear that you are in a hard situation like most of us.

I want to ask to you, have you tried anything to get better? That can be everything; heavy lifting, cardio, some antidepressants, herbs or anything… Becuase if you haven’t, i suggest you to at least try. Maybe you can find something what makes your life more livable? And maybe so many people can benefit from your experience. I just want to say if you already gave up (which i do not recommend at any state) i think you should try every possible option under caution instead of just “waiting”.

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