I think now I understand why urologist don't believe in PFS

IThat a small proportion of patients develop these sides is also a problem…
Most docs in 2019 still say finasteride is safe…
Plus when you look for finasteride on the net, it is only when you get hit hard by the poison that you read the interesting articles which make sense…
Another big issue are hair transplant clinic
Some of them will not operate on you if you don’t pop finasteride…
That’s how I got on it.
Then you have the reaction to the drug…
I paid attention to a lot of details I knew about fin but was not careful about some others which should have warned me…
I was almost one year in the treatment when my body sent clear signs…
I would have expected those to kick in earlier…
The bottom line is : once you get sides, they can be here to stay…
Now unfortunately the minority getting those sides pay a high price:
Life changing symptoms
Relationships shattered ( I am there and dealing with both PFS and break up is a fairly dangerous cocktail)
The guilt of having being vain
Difficult to open up to people about it and a mysterious if not rare syndrome…

Fortunately in France we have a victim association just like the US foundation which does its best ( specifically one amazing person who knows who she is if she reads that message ) to try and help the sufferers…

I’ m glad I found this forum and though Inhave never been so scared in my life and diagnosed with hypogonadism which makes me fear the worse, I hope we shall overcome !


If you are in France, there are a couple of urologists that take PFS seriously


Taking it seriously is one thing but treatment wise, anyone is as clueless as most of the medical world…
In France it is « officially » acknowledged by some docs…
Most GP’s will dismiss you for being
We need the lab to stop telling lies and be transparent as for the real statistics…
Top prof in France says it is up to 20 per cent who may suffer from side effects ( different degrees ), not the reassuring 2 percent no one assume he will be part of…


What did they give you for treatment? Tadalafil 5mg?

I have yet to see an endo…
I guess Clomid will be proposed…
Basically pouring acid on an open wound :D.
I will need some viagra I think because my first concern is full impotence for the last weeks…
I might give Cialis a try…
This first month has been hell…
I can’t see myself living like that for years as some have…
In a month my world fell apart and every day brings more shit…
Fuckin Tchernobyl pill.

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Don’t worry.
Be patient.
Never give up!

I know my friend, patience is required…
Thanx for the encouragement!

Hopefully more doctors will recogise it and pressure will mount to actually get the necessary research done.

It was the same with tobacco companies in the 50s.
5% of the people were getting lung cancer. Tobacco companies hired respected doctors to support the claim that tobacco was not to blame (and in fact it was true that most people didn’t get cancer).

It was only in the late 90s that tobacco companies were massively sued.
In our case it is more complicated, because we cannot go to the press and say “oh, I am having sexual problems due to a anti-balding pill”. Nobody dares to do that (except for a guy in 2012 who went to CNN).
So we must find other ways to put pressure in the medical community for more research and awareness.


For people who lose a career, it is important to recognize it so that people get put on disability for PFS and not just depression ( still the case here but things change)…
I am very cautious as far as research is concerned…
We are still in the Middle Ages of PFS and our condition is scarce…
So many celebrities on it so hopefully someone famous will be concerned and raise awareness or offer generous amount of money to the foundation…


Supposedly there are already celebrities who are suffering with this.

Whats crazy is that the sum of money we’d need to make a serious and significant dent in the research could be funded by a single A-lister. Though I wouldn’t wish this on anyone, with some luck someone will come forward with both a serious profile and a willingness to front some research.


If proof is spread and made clear to fin users, there is a post finasteride « market »…
There are definitely celebrities since most of them pop it like candy…
I read somewhere that Arsène Wenger was not happy that his players are on it…
Dunno if true but…
You need the genetic lottery if I might say so…

But for now the fin advocates still are pushing their theories…
It is easier to end on a pro fin video rather than immediately get a Paul Innes story, which should be shown to any potential fin users…
THAT would make a huge difference…


Who are the celebs suffering with PFS?

No idea.

It is 100%. Every single person who takes finasteride will develop penile tissue damage to various degrees, sooner or later. It is a biological inevitability.

Ashton Kutcher was on dut/fin but stopped and said something to the effect that his hormones were messed up for a year after he stopped.

Wayne Rooney is said to be on it.

Elon Musk must be on it, since he got a hair transplant, although Elon is smart so maybe he said no.

Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise both have amazing hair for their age!

Finally, the reputable Daily Mail claims Bradly Cooper is on Propecia… :slight_smile:

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You gotta put yourselves in the shoes of these urologists to think about why they don’t believe in PFS. I imagine it could go something like this:

I’m a urologist that has been prescribing proscar for BPH for 20 years. Many of the patients I have prescribed it to are older, maybe they had existing sexual dysfunction because of age or the BPH, and it was an obvious choice to give them Proscar rather than surgery which can cause permanent ED itself. Some guys may develop ED after taking Proscar but they’re old so the cause is very unclear, they don’t care as much as younger guys would, and nobody really connects the dots that Proscar patients could have PFS. I’ve never prescribed Propecia because that’s what dermatologist do.

Now I see younger guys coming in with PFS, they’re super angry, and none of my tests can find a cause. They’re even more angry that I don’t an answer for them and I’m not inclined to believe them because I’ve prescribed Proscar for 20 years and never had a problem. The fact that they’re aggressive and angry makes me think they’re kind of crazy so I determine its psychogenic.

I’ve read some of the PFS studies (or maybe not even because I am very busy and don’t read every boring medical study in my field) but I don’t know what to think. Due to my lack of information, I tend to learn on Merck for answers to fill in the gaps and wouldn’t think they would lie to me because that would be illegal (obviously a naive viewpoint).

That being said, I’ve mentioned this before and some of the more ambitious and ego driven doctors might get aggressive in response to PFS patients which drives them closer to Merck. They don’t think they’re doing the wrong thing but this is how they fall into that trap. I do believe that very few of these people realize what they’re doing is ethically bad. There are a few though that are shameless sociopaths though.


What about people who never took fin but saw palmetto :neutral_face:

I disagree. It’s very important that some of us do this. Some have already. It’s not enough. Imagine if we could band together a hundred men (and hopefully some women with sexual symptoms of PAS and PSSD) to become outspoken together? It would send a powerful message. At this point we only have around a dozen people across 3 syndromes (PFS/PAS/PSSD) and it is enough to at least make a squeak.

If anyone is interested in signing up for this brutal mission:
Are you willing to go public with your story?