I think I'm healed after six year nightmare

I’m tempted to try this prior to the 6 month JoeKool HCG protocol that I was going to start this week.

Either way I want to try both protocols if one fails. I think getting PFS was quite random and I could have quit at an earlier date without the crash. Who’s to say recovery isn’t just as random

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Im waiting for your results man. Goodluck. Hope it works. @Tyr

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Clomid, HCG and Tamoxifen (beside Provirion) can you read very often in cured or much improved cases. I will ask for them If I make a meeting with an androgen specialist, hopefully soon.

Everyone who is done with this strong everlasting proviron cycle could consider the light hcg “as per Joekool”, as it was hypothetized would work before it did with rebel in that other forum. Even if it doesn’t, so we at least have a decent sample before dismissing it for good


whers the big question , if you still come to this place “how are you now buddy” ?

Hope you being ok !

@moonman1 you have post about Hydrocortisone on another website. How did you do on hc? I am currently there and wonder if it’s worth to try HC for a long period?

I am on 14 weeks of 250ui hcg and it did nothing for me. Zero libido. Only last week I tried 3 days low dose Hydrocortisone and had great libido and super mood. But now 2 days off and back to shit mood and no libido.


HC never really helped my libido or sexual symptoms. It was however the best thing I have used to help with energy and cognitive symptoms. I used it on and off for nearly 8 years if not longer. I still will stress dose 5-10mg from time to time. It is my #1 recommended “treatment” for PFS symptoms.


Did you have a prescription for hydrocortisone?

I thought you took it for adrenal recovery. I tried it for 3 days and felt reborn. Now did not take it 4-5 days and am extremely depressive today.

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I’ve had the same experience with HC. Helped with cognition and energy, but I didn’t feel it was safe to take long term.

But why…that’s the question.

I’m not answering for them rather than put in my 2 cents. I had used topical HC for years for an irrevalent skin condition. I can attest to the positive experiences posted by others. Cortisone/Cortisol helps with energy levels, balance blood sugar, suppress inflammation, etc. This translates to wellbeing and even libido if testosterone is also balanced. Downside is developing dependence via negative feedback loop. It took me long time to wean myself off of it.


So may we have inadequate cortisol synthesis or a cortisol receptor issue?

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Can’t say for sure. You can certainly get Cortisol tested at different times of the day and check its level. I’d speculate that a subset of PFSers (including me) have increased inflammation and HC helps curbs it and restore normal functioning. It’s widely believed that inflammation leads to multitude of issues including brain fog.

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I’ve used it through prescription and ordered over online pharmacy. Hisone or Hizone although it is not as strong as prescription.