I think I'm healed after six year nightmare

That’s his practice website. As a British person, It’s quite strange to see a doctor marketing themselves like that. It certainly seems like he’s not offering the kind of treatment most people here would hope for he seems to offer “counseling, therapy & addiction treatment”.

I assume, @trav, in your conversation that you spoke about what had helped him, but that he didn’t offer to prescribe the same to you? Also, can you describe the symptoms you had and how you are now? Do you have a member story that you could write that up in?

Congrats! So glad for you! I really found it interesting that you described that alcohol and coffeine still is a problem for you. I actually had this diesese for 6 years as well but way before that I had some problems with erections when I was drinking alcohol, or even sometimes when drinking alot of coffeine. I wondering if pfs-victims in general are sensitive to this before the use of propecia?

Not me, I used to drink coffee and alcohol with no issues whatsoever. As far as I know, I still don’t have any issues with them.

Coffee and alcohol help my erections

I am glad you feel better. But it doesn’t seem likely that you had PFS. PFS doesn’t respond to TRT or any variation of PCT. You most likely had HPTA dysfunction. Not taking anything away from you, because I would love to be in your shoes.


There seems to be two types of PFS, in my opinion. One responds to trt, the other seems to get worse or not respond at all for whatever reason

I believe there are numerous cases of people with PFS improving with TRT therapy. I don’t believe a lack of response to TRT has ever been said to be a defining feature of PFS.

While bloodwork can and lab tests often show numerous endocrine imbalances (often including low LH/FSH), conventional treatment and therapies to correct them meets with little success in addressing the symptoms of the Post-Finasteride Syndrome.

completely agree w you

Before prophecia I drank a decent amount of coffee and never had erection issues.
So personally I can’t say this sensitivity was there before.
Alcohol I’m not sure. I drink so little and so rarely it is hard to know the effect. Coffee I used to drink twice daily.

As for me not having post finasteride syndrome, I doubt it. I’m pretty sure it was it. As i had no issues before and all my system collapsed two weeks into prophecia and I’ve been a zombie for six years with zero libido and zero motivation.

I tried many things, like testosterone replacement and hcg alone and so on and nothing worked for six years. Not to mention iodine, tribulus, many vitamins and things I read about in this forum.

Only when I did the threee months with test and muscle building plus the pct did I heal and only after!
While I was doing it I didn’t see any effect which is weird. I almost stopped the pct, and I’m glad I did not (it does make you feel like shit).
That I think is a weird thing. I though that all this is not working and gave up completely and a few days after I was done with pct I started getting strong erections and the feeling of the penis changed and it started growing.
I should mention I tried clomid alone for two weeks a year ago and I had no success with it alone.
I would guess it is a combination of changing my body composition and the three medications together.

I am not here to argue though as to what I had. I’m here to give my story and each person can decide for himself if he is in a similar situation or not.
I came back to let people know about my experience as I think it is the responsibility of someone who heals from a nightmare like this.
If I help one person coming back here was worth it.
Again, my hope is that a serious doctor sees this and can responsibly use this to help find a cure even if it only works for part of the sufferers, wouldn’t it be worth i still?
I had all the symptoms of pfs and it started just after taking prophecia. I don’t care if you say it wasn’t pfs, pfs is not a known issue, maybe there are seVeral causes, and there are people here who have the same cause I did.
i don’t understand what is the biological cause to this day. I suspect it is receptors. Because that’s what pct is supposed to fix and that is what breaks with body builders. I have no clue though.
I’m a simple guy whose life was fucked and somehow was lucky to get out of it. I know the pain of suffering so I am not here to argue with anyone, there is a big emotional component that comes with this disease.

Could it be that the muscle building before the pct is part of the answer? I gained a lot of muscle when’s I took test and I worked out and ate a lot.
could that have made me more likely to heal from pct? That’s the question for a doctor if he reads this.

Anyway I think I said all I have to say. I may connect again if you have other questions but I don’t think I have much to add to my story.


I’ve read at least ten accounts on this forum and others where people have experienced significant benefit from undertaking TRT.

Exactly… those people most likely had some sort of hypogonadism (low testosterone) along with HPTA failure. So multiple hormones out of whack that was caused by Finasteride being the catalyst. Not to take anything away from their journey, but it appears to be slightly different than PFS which basically does not respond to androgen therapy. Those people still should come to this community and share their experiences, but just with the understanding that most of the members of this community have already spent years down that route and are basically “androgen resistant” with their “form” of PFS.


Yeah my story is posted in the members section. He gave me thoughts on what he did, what worked, what didn’t, ect but never explicitly told me this is what i should do. I’d like to have at least one more call with him as we discussed a lot but didn’t cover everything. I still have difficulty maintaining an erection if I don’t take cialis for a week-+, I have a lack of spontaneous and nocturnal erections, the structure of my dick changed as well as my scrotum, it’s narrowed, bent, and I typically have lowered sensitivity. (This tends to vary more than other symptoms.) my testicles typically look atrophied, looks like a 90 year olds nutsack, though, my gym routine seems to help this. (I focus on attempting to naturally increase androgens by doing heavy squats, deadlifts, sprints, ect.) I have an extended stomach now and seems to have difficult losing weight, despite looking like a bodybuilder since I was 18. I typically have a bloating/uncomfortable feeling in my abdomen that seems to get worse when I eat sometimes. My semen is typically more watery and for all I know I can no longer have children(haven’t confirmed this with testing yet.) my beard and scalp have become dry for some reason, it’s never been an issue before finasteride. A lot of the mental side effects have mostly gone away, and in the past 6 months I’m starting to finally feel a bit more like myself. I used to jerk off right before bed every night and even now, nearly two years later, I almost never have the urge to. Though, a lot of times I force myself because I want to feel like the old me. My orgasms, for the most part, have finally seemed to improve. I spent a long time barely able to get hard and if I did it took forever to orgasm, and when I finally did there was almost no sensation. Easily one of the most mother fucking frustrating things I’ve ever dealt with. Nothing is worse than have a hard day/week and wanting nothing else but to sit back and bust a nut. I used to have consistent pain in my dick, like an ache that went all the way down my perineum, but that has improved also. I was a guitarist before, and now my guitar mainly collects dust. I don’t get the same “in the music” feeling I did before, there is definitely something wrong in my brain. I used to be able to visualize sexual thoughts in my head with ease. Now, it’s very difficult and I find myself in the middle of jerking off and being like “what the fuck am I thinking about right now?” It feels like my brain shuts off when I start to get aroused. I tend to feel much more tired on average than I ever did before, despite eating healthy and working out hard. My sleep has improved dramatically, I used to not be able to sleep for more than a couple hours of time. Now, I can sleep through the night almost every time. I still have difficulty with recalling words, but not all the time. I used to wake up in horrible anxiety with a loud ringing in my ears but this has improved as well.

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Thanks for writing that up. It sounds like there’s a lot to be optimistic about there. I hope your condition continues to improve.

If you do speak to the doctor again, please ask him if he’d be willing to share his story here.

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@fuckednomore what TRT did you use and what dose?

What do you think helped the orgasm sensation coming back? This is my hardest symptom to try and fix

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So happy for you, and am I the only one who noticing a lot of people getting way better? That’s extremely hopeful for everyone!

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Hello friend. How are you feeling now? Are you still healed?

If you see this, could you let us know how much test you used and what sort?

Very glad I found your thread again, I remembered this writeup from a while ago. Hope everything is still fine. :slight_smile:


Interesting that this post is slipped away from my archive :joy:
I sent a PM to OP. I hope he gets back to us.


Are you going to try this man? Im gonna do it if my proviron protocol shows no results.