Before prophecia I drank a decent amount of coffee and never had erection issues.
So personally I can’t say this sensitivity was there before.
Alcohol I’m not sure. I drink so little and so rarely it is hard to know the effect. Coffee I used to drink twice daily.
As for me not having post finasteride syndrome, I doubt it. I’m pretty sure it was it. As i had no issues before and all my system collapsed two weeks into prophecia and I’ve been a zombie for six years with zero libido and zero motivation.
I tried many things, like testosterone replacement and hcg alone and so on and nothing worked for six years. Not to mention iodine, tribulus, many vitamins and things I read about in this forum.
Only when I did the threee months with test and muscle building plus the pct did I heal and only after!
While I was doing it I didn’t see any effect which is weird. I almost stopped the pct, and I’m glad I did not (it does make you feel like shit).
That I think is a weird thing. I though that all this is not working and gave up completely and a few days after I was done with pct I started getting strong erections and the feeling of the penis changed and it started growing.
I should mention I tried clomid alone for two weeks a year ago and I had no success with it alone.
I would guess it is a combination of changing my body composition and the three medications together.
I am not here to argue though as to what I had. I’m here to give my story and each person can decide for himself if he is in a similar situation or not.
I came back to let people know about my experience as I think it is the responsibility of someone who heals from a nightmare like this.
If I help one person coming back here was worth it.
Again, my hope is that a serious doctor sees this and can responsibly use this to help find a cure even if it only works for part of the sufferers, wouldn’t it be worth i still?
I had all the symptoms of pfs and it started just after taking prophecia. I don’t care if you say it wasn’t pfs, pfs is not a known issue, maybe there are seVeral causes, and there are people here who have the same cause I did.
i don’t understand what is the biological cause to this day. I suspect it is receptors. Because that’s what pct is supposed to fix and that is what breaks with body builders. I have no clue though.
I’m a simple guy whose life was fucked and somehow was lucky to get out of it. I know the pain of suffering so I am not here to argue with anyone, there is a big emotional component that comes with this disease.
Could it be that the muscle building before the pct is part of the answer? I gained a lot of muscle when’s I took test and I worked out and ate a lot.
could that have made me more likely to heal from pct? That’s the question for a doctor if he reads this.
Anyway I think I said all I have to say. I may connect again if you have other questions but I don’t think I have much to add to my story.