I need help. Stress and anxiety ruins my Proviron protocol

Have you ever tried a water fast? it really helps me.

Today I increase to 50mg/day Proviron because 25mg effects fades away. I do feel high bloodpressure from it. How do you plan your Proviron cycle?

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It sounds to me like you developed kind of ocd. Seems like this stressful event with your ex is sort of a trauma for you, and ocd is kind of coping mechanism.

I’d suggest low-carb diet, exercise and therapy. And most importantly, time.


I know how you feel. I got screwed the EXACTLY the same way when I was a teen and it set off a pattern of anxiety that affects me until this day. Although anxiety meds like benzos can help they are just a quick bandaid, so I’d try to get to the root of the problem with a good therapist - like I should have done 20 years ago.

In the meantime, exercise like light cardio is extremely helpful. Also, L-theanine (200mg) works very well for a natural supplement. I’m always packing some of that. But definitely get the therapist, man. Don’t let ur pride or preconceptions about shrinks get in the way like it did for me. Vets get treatment for PTSD, and IMO a “fucked over” kind of breakup can have the same effect.


I felt the high blood pressure thing too in the beginning. However, my body somehow got used to it over time and it went away…I was fine even at 200mg.

With that said, if you’re having a major elevation while calm/at-rest, then it’s not worth that kind of risk.

Thank you all guys🙌
Luckily, today i feel a lot better, stress is nearly all gone. I guess Proviron is somehow regulated my mood in a good way. Will report back.

@backfromhell im taking 25mg before bad now, i will increase my dosage to 50mg in a few days until my stack runs out.


Remember PAL also felt bad on proviron. After the cycle he recovered from pfs.

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Look into GABA herbs, adaptogens, and your 24 hour cortisol levels

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Just read this bro.
A lot of people have given medical advice so I ll refrain from that end.

One thing you need to know is that time will make you better, atleast in these regards. That is a 100 percent sure. IT WILL GET BETTER.

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I feel HORRIBLE anxiety/dread/doom on the proviron also. Only half way through my cycle but I feel you.

Your old pal Jin says “it’s just the proviron talking.”

Up to you if you want to carry on of course but for anyone reading, this stuff is NO joke AT ALL.


“This stuff is NO joke at all”
Is this in a positive or negative way?

Have had some VERY negative times on it. Also some strangely positive ones, some odd points I’ve coped well and felt ok. In no respects improved sexually though, definitely worse, but feel more like me in terms of being a person in a real world. Sometimes.

Don’t know if that’s any use, nor if I have language enough sufficient to express this. But no it’s not generally positive at all.


How much are you taking per day?

200mg Bayer proviron every day, exactly as @pal did, today marks week 4 of 7 as it happens.


Are you planning to quit cold turkey like Pal or tapering off?

Planning on doing pal’s exact cycle.


This is guesstimate on my part, but proviron is an androgen that competes with estrogen at receptors level. If your estrogen level is low(ish) to begin with, then this may expalain your anxiety issues. Get an assay for estrogen (E2) if you can and see where it stands.

Not sure if ppl have seen this, he also reccomends proviron

The bit I dont get is…if you start using it, do you have to use it for rest of your life or is the idea that your baseline improves after a cycle?

@jinstewart @Cooper

thanks for help

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Yeah i already did tests. All my levels were somehwat normal. Idk what is the issue with me. It is probably AR related. I will run Proviron again for 2 months and if not works i will try pal’s exact protocol and if not, i will try RSO and if not i will try arimidex etc and if not…

No you need to do a cycle of it. Could be from 4 weeks to 2/3 months.

TRT (testosterone replacement therapy) is for life. Proviron is not.

Plz say NO to arimidex or any other enzyme inhibitors.

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