I Need Advice

I was on Propecia for seven years. Was diagnosed with hypothyroidism a year and a half ago. My TSH was 13, and we’ve brought that down to 3ish, taking my Total T from 209 to 383. I’ve had the dose increased, and we’ll see my new levels. I didn’t know that weed can suppress T, though the literature suggests that chronic abuse doesn’t affect it all that much, as homeostasis comes into play. I’ve since quit permanently, and will never touch it again. I eat very clean, steel cut oats in the morning, grilled chicken, no red meat, no alcohol ever, etc.

My doctors don’t know much about anything. After being on .50 of thyroxine, taking it my T from 209 to 383, my doctor said it should increase from there. I don’t know if that means 10 points or 100, but I’m glad it’s increased at all. I can’t get hard, but I have had morning wood a few days. No spontaneous erections, need Viagra, the whole nine.

I’m going to the urologist soon. The endo didn’t know much, and they didn’t want to give me what I need in term of tests. I’m going to tell the urologist that estrogen dominance probably caused my issues, as my stomach is so fat, while I’m generally so skinny.

Chinese bitters – do they help or hurt. I see that they can act as an 5-AR inhibitor or anti-androgen, but they also seem to clear out estrogen. I’ve seen so many posts on the subject that lead to conflicting information. I’ve read basically every “estrogen” and “hypothyroidism” post on the board over the past month.

At this point, I don’t know what to do. I don’t think I need to go on T therapy, since my hypothyroidism is raising levels. Since I’m 40, mean/median T seems to be about 600, and I’ve seen people jump 150 to 200% from what I’ve read online. Since my T started out at 209, 150% would take me to about 500, which I would be thrilled with.

The main question is, aside from whether or not I should take Chinese bitters, is this:

Should I ask to take Tamoxifen? Nolvadex? Assuming my estrogen is high, which it is because I have gyno and can’t get hard, I don’t think restoring my natural T levels via thyroxine reduces estrogen, does it? I assume I’m stuck with the elevated estrogen. I’ve probably had it elevated for years, as I’m 40, and started at 26. I’m scared about all the damage its done, since my stomach has been big the whole time. I couldn’t go to the doctor because my dad is a doctor, and, well, it’s complicated. He’s dying of dementia now, and I’m glad I’ve been seeing someone for the past 18 months or so, but I’m so scared.

I just don’t know what to do, between whether I should risk anti-androgen sides with the Bitters, whether I should ask for Tamox/Novla, as I don’t want my estrogen lowered TOO much, as that’s not good either. DIM has some issues, too, even if it’s mild, and I don’t know if the reduction would be permanent.

I’m trying to start a family soon, my wife is going to Harvard Business School, and she doesn’t need this stress. I’m hoping some of you kind folks can help. Thanks so much.

Hey man,

This forum is kind of dying. Come join us at solvepfs.com it’s more active over there. Keep posting here though as well.

I took Propecia for 1 year, then Avodart from 2005 to 2011.

I have persistent sides, but I’m going to the doctor next week. The GP will hopefully send me to a good specialist. I thought that maybe low T was the cause of my weak erections and belly fat, but this is terrifying:


“5α-reductase type 1 modulates insulin sensitivity in men.”

Our objective was to test the hypothesis that inhibition of 5αR1 causes metabolic dysfunction in humans.

Dual inhibition of 5αRs, but not inhibition of 5αR2 alone, modulates insulin sensitivity in human peripheral tissues rather than liver. This may have important implications for patients prescribed dutasteride for prostatic disease.

I don’t know what to do. It leads to fatty liver, forget about an oversized belly.

But then there’s this:


“Testosterone with dutasteride, but not anastrazole, improves insulin sensitivity in young obese men: a randomized controlled trial.”

Testosterone (T) administration to men increases T, estradiol (E2), dihydrotestosterone (DHT), and fat-free mass (FFM), and decreases fat mass (FM) but does not consistently improve insulin sensitivity (IS).

The aim of this study was to examine the effects of T administration in obese, nondiabetic men on body composition and IS, and to determine if inhibition (i) of metabolism of T to E2 with anastrazole or to DHT with dutasteride alters these effects.

The combination of T plus dutasteride improved body composition and IS while T alone improved body composition but not IS, suggesting that when T is administered to men, reduction to DHT attenuates the beneficial effects of aromatization to E2 on IS but not body composition.

Does anyone have any insight into what I should do? Tell my doctor, sure, but they often don’t grasp everything. I’m certainly not going to take Dutasteride and some random T, but I’m terrified about what I should do going forward. Thanks for any help you can provide.