I’m losing hope

@LazarusRy word brother !! :pray:

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Thank you for your kind response, friend.

It’s pure survival, right now. Maybe that’s enough. I could live with this knowing it will get better, but I can’t live without hope. And there’s only so much of it to go around.

Thank you again. Your support means a lot.


Thank you so much, friend. Your support means a lot. I will do my best to truly believe in recovery.

This disease makes or breaks. I want it to make every single one of us. I pray for it to be a blessing in disguise. A dark night of the soul that leads us to profound meaning and content.

Thank you again, from a lost soul somewhere on this earth.


Hey man, I wanted to share with you the video that helped me the most when I was at my lowest. The message shared is not to discredit the things you have lost, what you have been through is terrible and I am truely sorry for everything you’ve lost, but you need to get into the right state of mind for recovery. Adopting the following mindset is what has helped me say strong and helped me to keep pushing forward. You will get better man, hang in there and never give up.

And another one of my favourites.

Last one.


Thanks, Alex! Good videos, really helped calming me down somewhat.

There have been good days, but then I get dragged down again by fear and hopelessness. I’ve always had this negative mindset before, so it really is a mental battle with myself.

If you’re looking for inspiration, I highly recommend Health Recovery’s videos. The fella was severely ill, way worse than we have it, with severe CFS / ME, Fibromyalgia, was suicidally depressed, for 8 years of his life, to the point where he didn’t leave the house in years. If he managed to pull himself out of that hole, you can do it to, his channel is essentially a documentary of everything he did to recover. It is honestly a gold mine for people in our situation. Finding his channel, listening to his videos and implementing his advice was truly the turning point in my recovery. Although you don’t have CFS / ME, the advice is still applicable and I can’t recommend his content enough. Stay strong man, keep pushing forward and never give up.

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@Alex50 Definitely going to check it out asap! Thanks for the recommendation :slight_smile:

It looks like you are only 32. I would make a 10 year plan like Jordan Peterson future authoring approach and just busy yourself with the time-consuming aspects involved in that plan for the next few years and try to make lemonade out of lemon that way. So if there is some skill set you could be expert at just devote yourself too it for now and forget about women for time being. 32 is still very young, seriously, not just as thing people always say. It really is. With this approach, you could end up better in long run than if you had never gotten PFS. Key is that you are still young.


Losing love, hair, sexuality is all ok untill u are functional and not disabled. Just be happy with whatever u have. Do u know, many people can’t even get out of their bed due to pfs? Sexuality and all that matters nothing, just look at monks, will u ever have the peace they have even if u didn’t have pfs? Just be happy with whatever u have that’s it. There’s nothing more we can do.

@FinDestroyedMe I appreciate the feedback, I really do, but I’m not here to measure our symptoms. I know some have it worse. There are always people having it worse. It does give some perspective but it doesn’t take away from the suffering.


Don’t lose hope mate. Read my last few posts in my thread:

I really hope that my regimen helps everyone else on here.

Man, I’m sorry you’re going through this shit but it does get better even if one year has passed already.

  • Did you get a hormonal profile?
  • Vitamin D tested?
  • Microbiome analysis?
  • Adopted a healhy lifestyle and diet?
  • Managed stress?
  • Started working out?
  • Stopped everything including all supplements; vitamins; minerals; etc.

Hope will always be there. Hang in there!

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Is supplements like calcium, magnesium, vit C, vit D bad for us? I’m using them

Try and stop everything for now unless it’s proven you have deficiency through tests and this includes vitamin D. I’ve learned the hardway that taking individual minerals or vitamins results in more imbalances. That said, I sometimes take low dose Vitamin C (100-200mg/d) to help with excess inflammation symptoms should they occur.

Hormones are “OK”, vitamin D lowish but OK, no microbiome, lifestyle is good, diet is good, working out where I can, not doing good on managing stress. Trying to control it, but once it hits me nothing’s changed in such a long time, I become extremely anxious to the point of being suicidal. Like I can’t breathe.

You’re right, of course. But it often remains just that, a distraction from the relentlessness of the shit we’re in. Thanks for the feedback, though. I appreciate it.

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How are you doing man?

Thanks for checking in man. Up and down, here. Trying my best to hope for recovery.

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Thank you so much for posting these videos. I recently had a PFS crashed last week from 7 days of topical use. It’s been really hard for me to cope and I thought I had lost my emotions to severe depression, but these videos actually made me cry and feel sadness, it’s really shit how much this syndrome is downplayed.


Fellas stay in the game please
For all we know someone somewhere is very close to figuring this shit out
The side effects have a strong way to demoralize our spirits and make us want to give up out of desperation

Please just think of how happy you’ll be after you’ve stuck it out a bit longer

It could be next week or next year or 2 but who cares if and when they do figure it out
They will. Someone will

“Hard work pays off,
Dreams come true,
Tough times don’t last,
But Tough Guys Do!”