I have a theory about PSSD/PFS/PAS

Did I request you to believe this? Do you think that I’ll stop for your craziness?

No, I just wonder that people waste hope/time/money/maybe more health with such theories and believe weirdos like you.


Plz take time to fill the survey

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Immunosuppression or inappropriate immune responses can contribute to persistent disease. Many pathogens suppress immune responses in general.
id also say inflammation can be beneficial when it comes to rapid repair and regeneration, as long as it eventually resolves.


Yes that’s true. Have you had any infections?


Feeling extremely fatigue, anxious, depressed, and quite have the idea as well to degenerate during the last years, I can only be a little hopefull seeing people putting in these kind of efforts.

My two cents.

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Gut Bacteria and Viruses share a link. Very interesting how soo many people with pfs have dysbiosis and viral infections…