Just found the facebook page for HRBR Irelands leading hair loss clinic.
If your a facebook user please post on their FB page about the dangers of Finasteride.
Just found the facebook page for HRBR Irelands leading hair loss clinic.
If your a facebook user please post on their FB page about the dangers of Finasteride.
Heres a comment on their facebook account lets see how long that comment stays up before they delete it.
“I hope people are aware that the drug finasteride which this clinic is prompting can leave men with permanent physical sexual and mental side effects. These include chronic fatigue, penile shrinkage, complete loss of libido, depression, anxiety and impotence are just some of the side effects. The drug has destroyed the lives of thousands of men around the world, see here for more info pfsfoundation.org/news/clini … affiliate/ its very likely this drug will be pulled off the market in the next few years. Anybody who takes this drug is potentially leaving them selves open to long term side effects which do not go away even after quitting the drug.”
Nice job. That is the power of digital media – no one can hide anymore. So making your presence known is easier than ever.
I would encourage all members here to follow suit and comment whenever and wherever you can on the finasteride issue.
They responded to that comment.
“Hair Restoration Blackrock (HRBR) Dear Andy, Many thanks for your comment, HRBR does not promote nor do we sell Finasteride, however we do prescribe it for patients if appropriate as it is one of only two FDA approved drugs that have been scientifically proven to slow down hair loss in men. Extensive research has been done on the drug Finasteride and you will find details in relation to this on info@hrbr.ie. For now HRBR must base its decisions on the best treatment of our patients and scientific studies which have been published in peer reviewed journals. We have over 6,000 patients currently being prescribed Finasteride at our clinic and our experience in relation to side effects is similar to those reported in the scientific studies to date. I hope this answers your question.”
Send them the new Wikipedia link and tell them that the first reference cited there – the Melcangi study – was peer-reviewed:
They know its dangerous this is just PR bullshit on their part.
HRBR have claimed to have never sold Finasteride which is outright lie. I suspect these comments may be taken off their facebook in the morning when the boss reads it.
“Hair Restoration Blackrock (HRBR) Andy, HRBR has never sold Finasteride, I believe you have mistaken us for another clinic. I would be very interested to see this receipt, please email it to info@hrbr.ie.”
“Andy Murray That is incorrect you have in the past sold a years supply of the drug for 50 euro. Once I get a copy of that receipt I will post it here for the world to see. I wonder would you be willing to sign a legal document to say that HRBR have never sold Finasteride ? If it can be proved that HRBR have in fact sold Finasteride why should we trust you when you say Finasteride is safe ? Even the hair loss industry is now coming to realise how dangerous Finasteride can be. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-Finasteride_Syndrome”
Surprise surprise the comments about fins side effects have all been deleted.
These people really are evil they know how dangerous fin is yet they want cover up the truth.
If your a facebook user please comment on their page anyone who is worried about their anonymity can set up a new facebook page.
These guys know they are in the wrong otherwise they would have not deleted the comments about fins side effects.
Lets flood their site with links and videos about the dangers of fin, if we can just stop one person from taking the drug and destroying their life it is a major victory.
Excellent work. We must hold these people’s feet to the fire – and let them know we’re watching.
Your post has been removed Mark.
The comment section seems to have been disabled. We have them on the run.
I’ve just posted a comment myself using an anonymous facebook account and posed a question to him to try and catch him out.
OK, just one more sappy sentiment:
It makes me happy to see that (1) we now have more resources at our disposal to validate the dangers of Propecia, and (2) the members here are working more and more as a team to get the word out – which is a much better use of time than sitting around moping.
The clinic replied to my query about finasteride’s safety with the following link: hrbr.ie/finasteride-hair-loss-treatment/
It is this kind of posting which persuades and reassures men into taking the drug. At least if guys wish to sue this clinic they have their manipulation of the facts and lack of duty of care in keeping up with scientific studies in black and white. I feel that this clinic and others need further coverage and persuasion.
Its just more PR bullshit they are trying to dance around the issue.
“Hair Restoration Blackrock (HRBR) Hi Nessie, you will find information on Finasteride on www.hrbr.ie and one of our team will contact you directly.”
Another thing I find suspect is the claim that they currently have 6,000 patients on Finasteride.
The clinic only has 3 doctors that can give out the drug. In order to get a prescription from them a patient must attend the clinic atleast once a year for a 40 minute consultation.
So can someone do that maths and work out how many 40 minute consultations 3 doctors would need to do in a year in order to see 6,000 patients ? I may be wrong but I dont think its possible.
The real problem here will be as follows:
In the coming 12 to 18 months, as more clinical research on the dangers of finasteride is published, there will be more media coverage of the issue.
That, in turn, will prompt many men who are currently on the drug to go off it. And though those men may have been fairly healthy while on the drug, a certain percent will develop PFS after stopping.
Then we’ll have what’s known as a full-blown epidemic.
Another comment has appeared, we need to log all these comments before they get deleted.
“Darrin Stephens
Finasteride blocks crucial neurosteroids, leading to suicidal depression: onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1 … 9/abstract”
I believe their PR guy Michael Collins at travelmedia.ie/
A PR guy will do nothing but lie to protect the image of his clients.
His full contact details are here
travelmedia.ie/contact-us/ for anyone who wants to contact him.
Heres my comment
ps trying to edit the mistakes out of it.
“Mark Gallagher
It appears that HRBR want to censor the truth when it comes to Finasteride’s possible side effects. I would llike to remind HRBR that its is their legal interests to be open and honest when to comes to possible life changing side effects that Finasteride is responsable for. youtube.com/watch?v=2nXWVTStnHs”
Comments have been deleted again. These HRBR scumbags make my blood boil they are destroying peoples lives with their pro finasteride propaganda.